
Startups experienced a strong comeback in May, in terms of the funding they received. The total amount acquired by startups in the Middle East and North Africa exceeded $445 million, marking a year-on-year increase of approximately 153%. In comparison to the previous month, the increase was significant, reaching over 6257%. It is worth noting that April was one of the worst months in terms of startup funding in years, with the total amount obtained by startups not exceeding $7 million.

Regarding the number of deals, there were 39 deals in May, compared to 11 deals on a monthly basis, representing a 7% decrease on an annual basis.

Distribution of startup funding by country:

Startups in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) secured the largest share of startup funding in May, with a total amount of around $422 million distributed among 14 deals, accounting for 90% of the total funding. This was largely driven by the success of the startup "Tabby" (Buy Now, Pay Later), which alone secured funding of $350 million. Qatari startups ranked second for the first time, with a total amount of approximately $12 million obtained through one deal, which was the funding for the comprehensive delivery and online shopping application "Snoonu."

Saudi Arabian startups secured funding of around $6 million, ranking second in terms of total funding. However, in terms of the number of deals, Saudi startups ranked first with 15 companies receiving deals. This was due to the graduation of seven Saudi startups from the Flat6labs business accelerator program in Riyadh. It is expected that Saudi startups will dominate the list of companies receiving funding deals in June, following the graduation of 20 Saudi startups from the Saudi Arabian "Misk Accelerator" program. Egyptian startups witnessed a decline in both funding and the number of deals, with the total funding not exceeding $1 million and only four deals. Egyptian startups ranked third, behind the UAE with 14 deals.

Distribution of funding by sectors:

Thanks to the aforementioned "Tabby" deal, the financial technology sector received the majority of startup funding, with a total of over $388 million obtained in May, accounting for around 87% of the total startup funding.

The e-commerce sector ranked second, with a total funding of $30 million, largely driven by a funding round for the startup "Sqwatt Wolf" which secured $30 million. The comprehensive application sector followed with $12 million, while the online job market sector ranked fourth with approximately $5 million. The healthcare technology sector secured funding of $3.5 million, ranking fifth.

In terms of the number of deals, the financial technology sector also took the lead with 10 deals, followed by the healthcare technology sector with six deals. The online job market sector came next with five deals. The remaining deals were distributed among other sectors, with one or two deals in each sector, including the comprehensive application sector, which had only one deal, namely the Qatari application "Snoonu."

It is worth mentioning that excluding the debt funding obtained by "Tabby" ($350 million), the total startup funding in the Middle East and North Africa amounted to $95 million. The UAE startups accounted for approximately $71 million of this amount.

The figures for startup funding and the number of deals in May indicate a recovery for startups from the exceptional recession they experienced in June. However, the fact that debt funding accounted for 78% of the total funding suggests a partial recovery, especially considering the modest size of funding for Egyptian and Saudi startups.



تاريخ شركة "الرمز 41" "Code41"

"الرمز 41" "Code41" هي علامة تجاريةناشئة في صناعة الساعات السويسرية. ما الذي يميزها؟ جانبها المجتمعي، لأن هدفها هو جمع المتحمسين للأفكار الجديدة لجعلها حقيقة. يصبح كل مؤيد للعلامة التجارية مساهم في المشروع.

مؤسسها، كلوديو داموري "Claudio D’Amore"، عمل مع أكبر العلامات التجارية للساعات، مثل تاغ هويير Tag Heuer أو الجبل الابيض "Montblanc". أنشأ في عام 2016 شركة الرمز 41 "Code41" استنادًا إلى سياسة الشفافية الكاملة حول أصل وتكاليف وتطوير الساعات. تمكنت الشركة اليوم من تشكيل مجتمع مؤيدين يضم أكثر من 300000 عضو. وقد شاركت رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين في يوم مفتوح لاكتشاف أحدث ساعة من طراز DAY41.

رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين: "الرمز 41" "Code41" شركة سويسرية ناشئة في صناعة الساعات السويسرية على خطى نيكولاس هايك في الثمانينيات؟

كلوديو داموري: "الرمز 41" "Code41" علامة تجارية سويسرية تم إطلاقها قبل 3 سنوات فقط، هي واحدة من العلامات التجارية الشابة التي حظيت بتغطية اعلامية كبيرة خلال السنوات الأخيرة.

رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين: لماذا هذا الاسم CODE41؟

كلوديو داموري: "41+" هو رمز بدالة الهاتف لسويسرا، وفي علوم الكمبيوتر، يعبر الرمز 41 عن خطأ في النظام. ونحب التشابه مع مشروعنا الذي يمثل شذوذًا في نظام الساعات السويسري.

رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين
: هل يمكنك إخبارنا عن رحلتك المهنية وريادة الأعمال؟

كلوديو داموري: درست التصميم. حيث عملت في صناعة الإكسسوارات ولوازم الساعات، وصناعة الساعات دائمًا ما فتنتني فركزت جهودي في هذا القطاع. لقد أنشأت ورشة تصميم خاصة بي حيث كان لدي 3 موظفين وعملت مع حوالي أربعين علامة تجارية للساعات. ولكن ما يهمني هو إنشاء علامة تجارية من الألف إلى الياء.

رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين
: كيف ولدت فكرة إنشاء "الرمز 41" "Code41

كلوديو داموري: في الأساس، أنا مصمم ساعات ولكن الرغبة في إطلاق علامتي التجارية الخاصة بالساعات قد اخذت زخما من عام لآخر، لم يتوفر لي الوقت المناسب (اما بسبب الوضع الاقتصادي، السوق المشبع،...). شعرت في أوائل عام 2016، في سياق الازمات التي عانتها صناعة الساعات في ظل النهج الصارم للغاية والمحافظ جدًا، قلت لنفسي أن الوقت قد حان لتغيير القواعد المعمول بها قليلاً لمواكبة الثورة التي بدأتها الإنترنت وهكذا ولد المشروع.

رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين: النجاح في إطلاق ساعة ناجحة ومواجهة شركات صناعة الساعات الراسخة في المشهد الاقتصادي السويسري في غضون ثلاث سنوات، هل هو بالأمر السهل؟ ما هي أدواتك / أسرار النجاح؟

كلوديو داموري: آمن بأفكارك، ولديك رؤية، ولا تنظر للخلف، كما أن أبحاث السوق لا تسمح لك بالابتكار، فعليك أن تبدع، وتفكر بشكل مختلف.

رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين: نموذج عملك واستراتيجية التسويق الخاصة بك؟

كلوديو داموري: نقوم بمشاركة جميع مراحل تطوير الساعة مع مجتمع من المتحمسين مع مراعة الشفافية الكاملة. نتواصل مع المستهلكين مباشرة ونقوم ببيع الساعات قبل إنتاجها.

رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين: يرتبط نجاحك بحقيقة أن لديك صدى إعلامي، أو أن المعجبين هم الذين يدعمونك على الشبكات الاجتماعية ...إلخ؟

كلوديو داموري: بالطبع لدينا قبل كل شيء مجتمع مؤيدين ونعتمد كثيرًا على الدعاية الشفهية. الصحافة مهمة أيضًا، لكنها ستتحدث فقط عنك إذا كان لديك أشياء مثيرة للاهتمام لتقولها. لهذا السبب علينا أن نبتكر.

رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين: لاختراق جدار الصمت والترويج لمشروعك، شرعت في التنديد بشكل جريء بالعلامة "سويسري الصنع" " Swiss Made". هل يمكنك أن تخبرنا عن هذه العلامة من فضلك، ماذا تعني ذلك؟

كلوديو داموري: هذه الرغبة في الشفافية هي أولاً شعور شخصي. كمستهلك، أحب أن أفهم ما أشتريه، ومن يقف وراءه وكيف يتم صنعه. في اليوم الذي اكتشفت فيه أن ساعة "سويسري الصنع" يمكن أن تحتوي على جميع مكوناتها تقريبًا من آسيا، شعرت بالخيانة حيث لا أريد أن اتسبب بهذا النوع من الشعور لشخص يثق بنا.

لقد وصف البعض نهجنا للشفافية بالثوري. لكن في الواقع، نحن ببساطة نحترم قاعدة ما يجب أن تكون عليه العلاقة بين العميل والعلامة التجارية: شرح واضح، دون خداع. أعتقد أنه على المدى المتوسط ​​والطويل سوف يؤتي هذا النهج ثماره لأن العميل ليس مغفلا، فهو يتعلم ويقارن ويقييم قبل أن يشتري.

رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين: أليس من المحتمل أن تتعرض لهجمات مضادة؟

كلوديو داموري: نحن لدينا شفافية كاملة، ليس لدينا ما نخفيه. لسنا خائفين من الهجمات لأن الآخرين يفضلون عدم إحداث ضجة بشأن علامة "سويسري الصنع".

رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين: لقد اعتمدت كثيرا على دعم مجتمع المؤيدين في تطوير مشروعك، وتمكنت من جذب المعجبين والمنتقدين بسرعة كبيرة. يقدر هذا المجتمع حاليًا بـ 300000 عضو يشاركون قيم شركتك، هل يمكنك إخبارنا عن معجبيك؟ من هم عملاؤك؟

كلوديو داموري: هم في الغالب رجال تتراوح أعمارهم بين 35 و 50 عامًا، وهم بالفعل من محبي صناعة الساعات ولديهم في الغالب أكثر من 3 ساعات. ما يحبونه في مشروعنا هو امكانية الذهاب بعيدا لتحقيق شغفهم، يمكنهم أن يصبحوا مساهمين لإبداء أرائهم والمشاركة، وارتداء ساعة هم شاركوا في تصميمها في نهاية المطاف.

رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين: أنت تقدم سعرًا أرخص بثلاث أو أربع مرات من العلامات التجارية الكبرى، كيف يمكنك هذا؟

كلوديو داموري: قمنا ببساطة بإزالة بعض الوسطاء عن طريق البيع مباشرة إلى العميل النهائي. بالإضافة إلى أننا لا نمارس سياسة تحديد موقعنا السوقي، حيث إننا نطبق مضاعفًا ثابتًا لتكلفة الإنتاج.

ساعات-سويسرية-راقية-كود41-code41-Anomaly01-Carbon  ساعات-سويسرية-جلدية-راقية-كود41-code41-Anomaly02-Black-Dial-Leather


رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين: تتحدث عن التكاليف الخفية في الصناعة التقليدية. هل يمكنك إخبارنا بالمزيد؟

كلوديو داموري: يتم تحديد سعر الساعة بشكل عام من خلال تقدير قيمتها التقديرية لدى الزبون، بعبارة أخرى كم يمكن بيعها. في الكماليات، غالبًا ما يتم رفع السعر لأنه علامة على الجودة. من جانبنا، نقوم بتوضيح تكاليف كل مكون وتطبيق مضاعف يسمح لنا بجعل المشروع مربحًا.

رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين: هل يمكنك أن تخبرنا عن أنواع الساعات المختلفة التي تقدمها للزبائن؟

كلوديو داموري: لدينا نظام الحركة الميكانيكية فقط، لأن هذا هو ما نعتقد أنه الأكثر سحرا. لدينا إما نظام الحركة المعيارية، يتم إنتاجها بكميات كبيرة وتتمتع بميزة كونها غير مكلفة، أو نظام الحركة الخاصة بنا مثل X41 والتي هي ضمن فئة الساعات الممتازة وتصنع بكميات صغيرة، ويتم تجميعها باليد ولها ميزات خاصة مثل استخدام نظام الشحن القائم على حركة اليد.

رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين: هل لديكم عروض للعملاء من النساء والشباب؟

كلوديو داموري: بناءً على طلب مجتمع المؤيدين، أطلقنا مشروعًا نسائيًا، DAY41، حيث كان يحق للنساء فقط التصويت. في النهاية، تظهر النتيجة أن النساء معجبات حقًا بالساعات الميكانيكية.

رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين: ما هي أكبر التحديات لمشروعك؟

كلوديو داموري: علينا أن نحقق مكانة لنا في السوق على المدى الطويل. لأنه في صناعة الساعات يعتمد الكثير من الناس فقط على العلامات التجارية الكبرى العريقة. كعلامة تجارية شابة، يجب أن نثبت أنه يمكننا تقديم صناعة ساعات جميلة دون أن يكون لدينا تاريخ عمره قرن من الزمان.

رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين: هل يمكنك أن تخبرنا عن المنافسة الصينية؟

كلوديو داموري: نحن لسنا عرضة للمنافسة الصينية.

رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين: هل تستخدم البيع المباشر عبر الإنترنت؟ هل هذا هو سلاحك السري للنجاح، هل يمكنك أن تخبرنا المزيد؟

كلوديو داموري: إن الاتصال المباشر مع الزبون هو في الواقع سلاح قوي، ولكن أقوى سلاح لدينا هو إنشاء واقتراح أفكار جديدة. سنعمل قريبا مع تجار التجزئة.

رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين: ما النصيحة التي تقدمها لاختيار ساعة؟ كيف يمكننا شراء ساعاتك؟

كلوديو داموري: في الساعات هناك أشياء كثيرة، ولكن بالنسبة لي فإن الساعة الحقيقية يجبأن تكون مجهزة بحركات ميكانيكية وليست إلكترونية. تعتبر ساعة X41 التي أطلقناها قبل بضعة أشهر أكثر ما يعجبني في صناعة الساعات، وهي تتمتع بحركة حصرية صنعت بنسبة 100٪ في سويسرا لحسابنا ومع ميزات خاصة (الشحن بالحركة من خلال كتلة محورية) حيث يتقن هذا النوع من الساعات عدد قليل فقط من العلامات التجارية. ساعاتنا متاحة للبيع على موقعنا الالكتروني.

رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين
: هل أنت مستعد لسماع أفكار عملائك المحتملين؟ مثل صنع ساعة راقية مع الأشهر الهجرية - التقويم العربي؟ أو إن لم يكن تصميمًا مستوحى من الثقافة العربية؟

كلوديو داموري: يعتمد مشروعنا فقط على الاستماع لعملائنا. يتم التصويت على جميع المشاريع التي نطلقها من قبل مجتمع المؤيدين. نقترح مشاريع مختلفة ونطور المشروع الذي يفوز بأكبر عدد من الأصوات.





L’histoire de CODE41

CODE41 est une jeune marque de l’industrie horlogère suisse. Ce qui la différencie ? Son aspect communautaire, car son objectif est de rassembler des passionnés avec des idées pour qu’elles se réalisent. Chaque supporteur de la marque devient Créateur du projet.

Son fondateur, Claudio D’Amore, a travaillé chez les plus grandes marques d’horlogerie, telles que Tag Heuer ou Montblanc. En 2016, il crée CODE41 fondée sur une politique de transparence totale sur l’origine, les coûts et le développement des montres. Aujourd’hui l’entreprise a réussi à rassembler une communauté de plus de 300 000 membres.

Swiss Arab Entrepreneurs a participé à une journée pour découvrir la dernière montre de CODE41, la DAY41.

Swiss Arab Entrepreneurs (SAE): CODE41, une start-up suisse dans l’industrie horlogère, « un Swiss watch » sur les traces de Nicolas Hayek des années 80 ?

Claudio D’Amore: CODE41, marque suisse lancée il y a à peine 3 ans, est une des jeunes marques qui a le plus fait parler d'elle ces dernières années.

SAE: Pourquoi ce nom, CODE41 ?

Claudio D’Amore: Le 41 est le CODE pays de la Suisse et, en informatique, CODE 41 est une erreur système. Nous aimons bien l’analogie avec notre projet qui représente une anomalie dans le système horloger suisse.

SAE: Est-ce que vous pouvez nous parler de votre parcours professionnel et entrepreneurial ?

Claudio D’Amore: J’ai fait des études de design. J’ai créé des accessoires et du mobilier, mais l’horlogerie m’a toujours passionné et je me suis concentré dans ce secteur. J’ai créé mon propre atelier de design où j’avais 3 employés et je travaillais pour une quarantaine de marques horlogères. Mais ce qui m’intéressait c’est de vivre la création d’une marque de A à Z.

SAE: Comment vous avez eu l’idée de créer CODE41 ?

Claudio D’Amore: A la base, je suis designer horloger mais l’envie de lancer ma propre marque de montre c’est intensifiée d’années en années, seulement ça ne semblait jamais le bon moment (conjoncture, marché saturé,…). Début 2016, dans un contexte d’horlogerie en crise qui souffrait d’une approche trop rigide et trop conservatrice, je me suis dit qu’il était temps de bousculer quelques peu les règles établies tout en étant en phase avec la révolution amorcée par internet. C’est comme ça qu’est né le projet CODE41.

SAE: Réussir en trois années à lancer une montre à succès et conquérir des entreprises horlogères bien ancrées dans le paysage économique suisse, n’est pas une mission facile ? Quels ont sont vos outils / secrets de succès ?

Claudio D’Amore: Croire en ses idées, avoir une vision, ne pas regarder en arrière, les études de marché ne nous permettent pas d’innover, il faut créer, penser différemment.

SAE: Votre business model et votre stratégie de marketing?

Claudio D’Amore: Partager toute les étapes du développement d’une montre avec une communauté de passionnés en étant complètement transparents. Contacter en direct avec les consommateurs et vendre les montres avant de les avoir produites.

SAE: Votre succès est lié au fait que vous avez eu un écho médiatique, ou bien ce sont les fans qui vous soutiennent sur les réseaux sociaux…etc?

Claudio D’Amore: C’est avant tout notre communauté, nous comptons beaucoup sur le bouche-à-oreille. La presse est importante aussi, mais elle ne parlera de vous que si vous avez des choses suffisamment intéressantes à dire. C’est pourquoi il faut innover.

SAE: Pour franchir le mur du silence, et faire connaitre votre projet, vous vous êtes lancé dans une communication osée qui dénonçait le label "Swiss made". Est-ce que vous pouvez nous parler de ce label s’il vous plait, qu’est-ce qu’il signifie ?

Claudio D’Amore: Cette volonté de transparence est d’abord partie d’un sentiment personnel. En tant que consommateur, j’aime comprendre ce que j’achète, qui est derrière et comment c’est fabriqué. Le jour où j’ai découvert qu’une montre Swiss Made pouvait avoir la quasi-totalité de ses composants provenant d’Asie je me suis senti trahi et ce n’est pas le genre de sentiment que je veux provoquer chez une personne qui nous a fait confiance.

Certains ont qualifié notre approche sur la transparence de révolutionnaire. Mais en réalité, nous allons simplement à la base de ce que devrait être une relation client-marque : une explication claire, sans déformation de ce qui est fait. Je pense qu’à moyen et long terme c’est payant car le client n’est pas dupe, il s’informe, compare et commente avant d’acheter.

SAE: Est-ce que vous ne risquez pas d’avoir des contre-attaques ?

Claudio D’Amore: Nous sommes dans la transparence totale, nous n’avons rien à cacher. Nous ne craignons pas les attaques car les autres préfèrent ne pas faire de bruit autour du Swiss Made.

SAE: Vous misez beaucoup sur l’esprit communautaire pour développer votre projet, et vous avez réussi à attirer des fans et des détracteurs très vite. Cette communauté est composée aujourd’hui de 300 000 membres qui partagent les valeurs de CODE41. Est-ce que vous pouvez nous parler de vos fans ? Qui sont vos clients ?

Claudio D’Amore: Ce sont principalement des hommes entre 35 et 50 ans, qui sont déjà amateurs d’horlogerie et possèdent souvent plus de 3 montres. Ces derniers trouvent dans notre projet un moyen d’aller encore plus loin dans leur passion, ils peuvent devenir acteur, donner leur avis, participer et au final porter une montre qu’ils ont co-créée.

SAE: Vous proposez un prix qui est trois ou quatre fois moins cher que les grandes marques, comment est-ce que vous arrivez à cela ?

Claudio D’Amore: Nous avons simplement supprimé certains intermédiaires en vendant directement au client final. De plus nous ne pratiquons pas de positionnement marketing, nous appliquons un multiplicateur fixe au prix de production.

code41-Anomaly-01-Carbon-Perforated-Black  Code41-Anomaly-02-Steel-Black-Dial-Black-calf-leathe


SAE: Vous parlez des coûts cachés dans l’industrie traditionnelle. Est-ce que vous pouvez nous en dire un peu plus ?

Claudio D’Amore: Le prix d’une montre est généralement établi en estimant qu’elle est sa valeur perçue, autrement dit à combien elle peut se vendre. Dans le luxe, le prix est souvent poussé à la hausse car c’est un signe de qualité. De notre côté nous expliquons les coûts de chaque composants et appliquons un multiplicateur qui nous permet de rentabiliser le projet.

SAE: Pouvez-vous nous parler des différents types de montres que vous proposez à vos clients s’il vous plaît ?

Claudio D’Amore: Nous n’avons que des mouvements mécaniques, car c’est, selon nous, ce qui est le plus magique. Nous avons soit des mouvements standards, fabriqués en grande série et qui ont l’avantage d’être peu couteux, soit des mouvements manufactures qui nous sont propres comme le X41 et qui sont dans l’excellence horlogère avec des petites séries, assemblées à la main et avec des particularités comme la masse périphérique.

SAE: Vous avez des offres pour la clientèle féminine et la jeunesse, lesquelles ?

Claudio D’Amore: A la demande de notre communauté nous avons lancé un projet femme, la DAY41, où seules les femmes avaient le droit de vote. Au final le résultat montre que les femmes apprécient beaucoup les montres mécaniques.

SAE: Quels sont les plus grands défis pour votre projet ?

Claudio D’Amore: Il faut faire notre place sur le long terme. Car dans l’horlogerie beaucoup de personnes ne misent que sur les grandes marques établies. En tant que jeune marque nous devons prouver que nous pouvons apporter de la belle horlogerie sans avoir une histoire centenaire derrière nous.

SAE: Pouvez-vous nous parler de la concurrence chinoise?

Claudio D’Amore: Nous ne sommes pas touchés par la concurrence chinoise.

SAE: Vous utilisez la distribution en ligne directe? Est-ce que c’est votre arme secrète de réussite, pouvez-vous nous en parler plus ?

Claudio D’Amore: Le fait d’être en direct avec le client est effectivement une arme puissante, mais notre arme la plus forte est la création et la proposition de nouvelles idées. Nous allons d’ailleurs prochainement travailler avec des détaillants.

SAE: Quel conseil donnez-vous pour le choix d’une montre ? Comment est-ce que nous pouvons achetez vos montres ?

Claudio D’Amore: Dans les montres il y a beaucoup de choses, mais pour moi la vraie horlogerie est équipée de mouvements mécaniques et non pas électroniques. La montre X41 que nous avons lancée il y a quelques mois représente ce que j’aime le plus en horlogerie, un mouvement exclusif, réalisé 100% en suisse uniquement pour nous et avec des particularités (comme la masse périphérique) maitrisées seulement par une poignée de marques. Nos montres sont disponibles à la vente uniquement sur notre site.

SAE: Est-ce que vous êtes prêt à entendre les idées de vos clients potentiels ? comme par exemple faire une montre haut de gamme avec les mois Hijri – calendrier Arabe ? Ou sinon une conception inspirée de la culture Arabe ?

Claudio D’Amore: Notre projet est basé uniquement sur le fait d’écouter nos clients. Tous les projets que nous lançons sont votés par la communauté. Nous proposons divers projets et nous développons celui qui remporte le plus de vote.





History of CODE41

CODE41 is a new brand in the Swiss watch industry. What sets it apart? Its community aspect. Its objective is to bring together enthusiasts with brilliant ideas and to take those imaginative designs from concept to fruition. Each supporter of the brand becomes a valuable member of the project.

Its founder, Claudio D’Amore, has worked for the biggest watch brands, such as Tag Heuer and Montblanc. In 2016, he founded CODE41 based on a policy of total transparency relating to the origin, costs and development of watches. Today, the company has managed to amass a community of over 300,000 members.

Swiss Arab Entrepreneurs participated in one of these community events to discover the latest CODE41 watch, the DAY41.

Swiss Arab Entrepreneurs (SAE): CODE41, a Swiss start-up in the watch industry, "a Swiss watch" in the footsteps of Nicolas Hayek of the 80s?

Claudio D’Amore: CODE41 is a Swiss watch brand that was launched just 3 years ago. It’s one of the up and coming brands, and it has been generating a lot of buzz in recent years.


SAE: Why this name, CODE41?

Claudio D’Amore: +41 is the country code for Switzerland and, in computer science, CODE 41 is a system error. We liked that analogy, since our project represents an anomaly in the Swiss watch system, so we ran with it.


SAE: Can you tell us about your professional and entrepreneurial journey?

Claudio D’Amore: I initially studied design and I have created many furniture and accessory pieces over the course of my career. But watchmaking has always fascinated me, and I’ve now decided to concentrate on this sector. In the first instance, I created my own design workshop where I had 3 employees working alongside me. Here, we carried out work for around forty different watch brands. But I was always interested in going through the experience of creating and establishing my own brand, from the first steps to the last.


SAE: How did you get the idea to create CODE41?

Claudio D’Amore: Basically, I am a watch designer, but the desire to launch my own watch brand steadily began to intensify, year upon year. Yet it never seemed the right time to go it alone with my own brand (economic situation, saturated market, etc.). However, at the beginning of 2016, in a contextual watchmaking crisis, where every watch suffered from an overly rigid and conservative approach, I told myself that it was time to shake up the established rules while taking advantage of the revolution started by the internet. And so, the CODE41 project was born.


SAE: In three years, succeeding in launching a successful watch and conquering watchmaking companies that are well established in the Swiss economic landscape, is not it an easy mission? What are your tools / secrets for success?

Claudio D’Amore: Believe in your ideas, have a vision, do not look back, market research does not allow you to innovate, you have to create unique products by thinking outside the box.


SAE: Your business model and your marketing strategy?

Claudio D’Amore: We share all stages of watch development with a community of enthusiasts by being completely transparent. We contact our consumers directly and sell the watches upfront before turning our attention to producing them.


SAE: Your success is linked to the fact that you had a media echo, or the support you get from your fans on social networks ... etc?

Claudio D’Amore: IIt’s all about our community, we rely a lot on word of mouth. The press is important too, but they will only cover your story if you have interesting things to say. That’s why we have to continually innovate.


SAE: To cross the wall of silence and publicize your project, you have embarked on a daring communication which denounced the label "Swiss made". Can you tell us about this label please, what does it mean?

Claudio D’Amore: This desire for transparency stems from my own personal feelings. As a consumer, I like to understand what I buy, who is behind it, and how it is made. The day I discovered that a so-called “Swiss Made” watch could have almost all of its components from Asia, I felt betrayed and it’s not the kind of feeling that I want any of my customers to experience.

Some have called our approach to transparency revolutionary. But in reality, we are simply reconstituting what a customer-brand relationship should be: a clear explanation of our process, without distortion or hyperbole. I think that this approach pays off in the medium and long term because the customer is never fooled. With our company, they have the opportunity to learn, compare, and pass comment before buying.

SAE: Aren't you likely to have counter attacks?

Claudio D’Amore: We are totally transparent. We have nothing to hide. We are not afraid of attacks just because competitors prefer not to make noise around the true meaning of a Swiss Made designation.


SAE: You put a lot of community spirit into developing your project, and you managed to attract fans and detractors very quickly. This community is currently made up of 300,000 members who share the values of CODE41. Can you tell us about your fans? Who are your clients?

Claudio D’Amore: These are mainly men between 35 and 50 years old, who are already fans of watchmaking and often have more than 3 watches. They find, through our project, a way to advance their passion even further. They become an agitator, giving their opinion, participating in the design process, and ultimately wearing a watch that they proudly co-created.


SAE: You offer a price that is three or four times cheaper than the big brands, how do you get there?
Claudio D’Amore: We simply removed some intermediaries by selling directly to the end customer. Additionally, we do not utilize marketing positioning, we just apply a fixed multiplier to the production price, and that’s it.




SAE: You talk about the hidden costs in traditional industry. Can you tell us a little bit more?
Claudio D’Amore: The price of a watch is generally established by estimating its perceived value, in other words, how much someone is willing to pay for it. For luxury items, the price is often pushed up because it is deemed to be a sign of quality. For our part, we explain the costs of each component and apply a multiplier that allows us to make the project profitable.


SAE: Can you please tell us about the different types of watches that you offer to your customers?
Claudio D’Amore:
We only have mechanical movements, because that is what we think is the most magical. We have either standard movement, mass-produced (which has the advantage of being inexpensive), or manufactured movements such as our very own X41. These specific movements are a result of watchmaking excellence. They are produced in small batches, assembled by hand, and have special features like the peripheral mass.


SAE: Do you have offers for female customers and young people?

Claudio D’Amore: At the request of our community, we launched our women's project, DAY41, whereby women had the sole right to vote. The result demonstrates that women really appreciate mechanical watches just as much as their male counterparts.


SAE: What are the biggest challenges for your project?

Claudio D’Amore: We have to strengthen our market share over the course of the next decade since, for watchmaking in particular, most people rely only on the big established brands. As a relatively new brand we must prove that we can deliver beautiful watchmaking without having a century-old history behind us.


SAE: Can you tell us about the Chinese competition?

Claudio D’Amore: We are not affected by Chinese competition.

SAE: Do you use direct online distribution? Is this your secret weapon of success, can you tell us more about it?

Claudio D’Amore: Being in direct contact with the client is indeed a powerful weapon, but our most effective tool is the creation and proposal of new ideas. We will soon be working with retailers in order to expand our reach.


SAE: What advice do you give for choosing a watch? How can we buy your watches?

Claudio D’Amore: In watches there are many aspects to consider. But for me, real watchmaking is defined by mechanical movements as opposed to electronic. The X41 watch that we launched a few months ago represents what I like most in watchmaking. It has a unique movement, made 100% in Switzerland exclusively for us along with special features (such as the peripheral mass) which is controlled only by a few brands. Our watches are available for sale only on our web site.


SAE: Are you ready to hear the ideas of your potential customers? like for example making a high-end watch with the Hijri months - Arabic calendar? Or if not a design inspired by Arab culture?

Claudio D’Amore: Our project is based solely on listening to our customers. All the projects we launch are voted for by the community. We propose various different projects and develop the one that secures the most votes.


Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global)

In an exclusive interview with the founder and Chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), H.E.Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh talks about the first Arab laptop and tablet


As part of the interviews conducted by the Swiss-Arab Entrepreneurs Platform with influential Arab and foreign economic figures, we interviewed Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and Chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global).

In this interview, Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh highlights the new computer that his group has produced completely. It reviews the origins of the dispute between America and China and the desire to find a new world order and reduce Chinese influence.

He then introduces a general principle of intellectual rights principles that allows any individual or country to inspire new ideas through existing products and develop them to register a new invention. Hence, he talked about China's economic renaissance and how China has used this principle to develop its own technology and excel the American Technology.

Regarding the Arab world, he considered there is no unified Arab economy or even a common Arab market because of the differences between the Arab countries and the weakness of the inter-exchanges among them, expressing regret of the lack of the economic integration among Arab countries and the lack of an effective role for Arabs at the international level.

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh also briefed us on the current important trends of economic growth, given the current industrial revolution based on cognitive technology. Knowledge is the real wealth. The human being is its pillar and its basic material.

Regarding the economic sectors that need investments, he said there is no need to waste time in the search for foreign investments, stressing the necessity of self-reliance, expressing his full support for entrepreneurship and creativity. He concluded by saying there is no limit to the creation of the human mind. A creative idea imagined by the mind can form the nucleus of a successful invention and tremendous wealth.


See the video



Talal Abu-Ghazaleh is the founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), a global group of companies providing professional services in accounting, management consulting, technology transfer, training, education, intellectual property, legal services, information technology, recruitment, translation, publishing and distribution. Besides being awarded the title of Arab Accounting Leader, he was recognized for promoting the importance of intellectual property in the Arab region.

He is also the author of several books. He recently published The Brave Knowledge World. It talks about the world of knowledge under the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the role of knowledge in economic development.

Talal Abu-Ghazaleh was born in Jaffa, Palestine on April 22, 1938. After 1948, he moved to the Lebanese village of Ghaziyeh, a quarter of an hour from the coastal city of Sidon in Lebanon. He received his primary and secondary education in Sidon and continued his university education at the American University of Beirut, where he received a full scholarship. When Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh was still a university student, he worked as a teacher and translator. He got his first job after graduation in an audit firm. In 1969, upon hearing a speech on intellectual property at the Time-Warner Conference in San Francisco, Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh decided to work on intellectual property rights and accounting.

In 1972, he established two companies, Talal Abu-Ghazaleh (TAGCO) and Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property (AGIP). The first specialized in accounting. The second specialized in the field of intellectual property. Abu-Ghazaleh has 140 professional services companies specialized in diverse fields such as management, consulting, legal services, information technology and many others.

Over the years, Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh has established close partnerships with international organizations such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization and has been appointed to many international positions. 


We had this interview with HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh

Founder, Mr. Ayman Abualkhair with HE.Dr. Talal Abu Ghazaleh in his headquarter in Amman - Jordan


SAE: Talal Abu-Ghazaleh is one of the most prominent economic figures in the Arab world and a pioneer of intellectual property in the world, if you would kindly give us a summary of your most important achievements.

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: From about twenty years we have moved from the major institution in the Arab world to become global. For example, you have mentioned intellectual property, we are the largest intellectual property institution in the world, so our name is Tag Global, and we have over 110 offices around the world. We practice all activities; professional audit, consulting, training, capacity building, in all professional areas and this month we started a new activity, we started the production of technical tools, whether Tablets or laptops.


SAE: Actually, we read about this in the media if you can give us an explanation about the different products you produce?

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: We feel that our region needs to be involved in the computer industry because there is no reason why the Arab world should not enter this industry; the Arab world deserves to have a computer industry as other countries.

We have made studies and experiments during a period of several years, until we produced a Tablet and the goal of producing it, in addition to that it is a multitask device, is to be a smart school bag. For the state, the cost of schools is very high (facilities, professors, students, books and the necessary equipment) while using this technology can save a lot through intelligent cognitive study.

In addition to this device, we have completed two laptops of our design and our own manufacturing, and we are not producing through another manufacturing institution. We produce and market, and we have our own brand, and we do not have a partner, our brand is TAG Tech (Talal Abu-Ghazaleh For Technology (TAGTech)) and is produced entirely by us. At first, we wanted something that reduces the cost, as our mission is to spread knowledge in the Arab world, and in the world in general. We wanted to offer a computer with a lower cost than any other company in the world, but at the same time, we wanted to honor our name as Talal Abu Ghazaleh Global, so we could maintain low cost but we maintained high quality to be competitive at the international level.

We have two devices with specifications higher than what exists in the market. I am talking about the major producers in the world. We have technologies with higher specifications than what exist in the world or in terms of price. The fact that the objective of this project is to serve the society, Talal Abu Ghazaleh Foundation, which is the arm of Talal Abu Ghazaleh Global, funded this project with the aim that its price becomes competitive and at the same time high quality, so do not believe me but believe the truth and look at the device and compare it. Our slogan is (compare and then decide). Compare our device with the best devices in the market, if you do not find it as the best then do not buy: And compare its price, if it’s not the cheapest one do not buy it. We have achieved the device with the highest specifications and almost half the price. This device will be in use soon. We will start from a certain area. It is the Arab region, but our goal is not only this region. Abu Ghazaleh Intellectual Property and many other activities are leading the world, I see no complexity or shame to say we want to become an international producer of information technology.


SAE: Thank you for this initiative, because the question really why the Arab world does not enter technical manufacturing in the field of computers, phones or tablets?

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: All the Western and Eastern countries produce these technologies, is it forbidden for the Arabs alone to produce? Is there a decision to ban the production of equipment in the Arab world, and I say this, because this is the first Arab production from the private sector.


SAE: Regarding the competition, I heard your comparison between price and quality, we hope to see a presentation about the advantages of the device.

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: we have the best device with the best quality and the most competitive price. Because our international name and reputation are all integrated. We are keen to produce high-quality devices to reflect our reputation as one of the largest accounting companies in the world and auditing, consulting and translation, we are the largest translation company in the world. We are the largest company in the provision of training programs, qualification and capacity building in the world. We are the largest company in the field of intellectual property, so we cannot produce a product that is not the highest level, our reputation is a very important issue. All our activities are under the name TAG so we can only be producers of the best device. Supported by Tag Foundation, we have been able to minimize the cost of production.


SAE: Thank you very much for this introduction about this invention, this Arab production in the field of computers and tablets for the first time. Abu-Ghazaleh is said to be the largest company in the world. Is it the largest company in intellectual property or accounting?

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: It is the largest intellectual property company ever. In accounting, there is the Forum of Firms, under the umbrella of the International Federation of Certified Public Accountants (IFAC) in New York, it founded the Forum of Accounting Firms abbreviated to (FOF). It contains twenty companies, it is known under the G20, in which our company is a member, and we are the only one from the region. This Forum of Forms includes international companies that are committed to applying international accounting standards and principles, whether as standards or principles of transparency. The focus is on adherence to principles and transparency. Who applies these conditions joins this forum. We are a member since its establishment until now.


SAE: Regarding your personal career, what are the most difficult moments you have faced?

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: For me, the most difficult moments are the sweetest moments. I believe that problems make success and that suffering is a blessing. When my colleagues come to me saying: we have a problem, I thank God for that. They say, director, we have a problem, I say I hear you completely. The problem means there is a solution, which means that there is success when you have a problem and you can find solutions and solve them. This is an opportunity, the problem is an opportunity and not only a problem.

I also talk about the global economy now and I have released a full report about the next global crisis, it explains this crisis and how it will end. I expect it will happen next year, i.e., 2020, it will end with the so-called (stagflation) or recession and high prices at the same time. This is a deadly and very bad recipe to have a recession with high prices. So, I pretend I am not inventing this thing or dreaming. I study and analyze phenomena and centers of studies in the world, especially in America talk about that. I say this crisis will force America to enter a war. This war is not with Iran. The importance of Iran comes from it being a supplier of China with oil. The problem is in my personal discretion, in preventing Iran from exporting oil, it’s not because of nuclear weapons. There are many countries in the world that have nuclear weapons, the problem is not the problem of a nuclear bomb. The problem is that America wants to put an end to the rise of China technically and economically and this is its right. If I am America, I cannot allow a country to outdo me. This is not my opinion, but I summarize what the research centers say.

America wants to sit down with China, but China is not willing to sit down to create a new world order, the United States of America, and this is its diligence and it may do so. It says that the current system developed after World War II in 1948 and the resulting Bretton Woods and all the other consequences is no longer valid. It wants to sit down with China to forge a new world order. China says it has no ambitions to control the world, politically, militarily, or administratively. Chinese adhere to the existing standards because it suits them. America and I repeat it has the right to do whatever it deems appropriate, says that we need a new order. Therefore, we see that all American decisions and I do not say Trump, Trump represents this important institution “America”, the issue is not a personal battle with Trump. There are centers for decision-making. The way decisions are presented varies from president to president, but decision-making is not the choice of the president. So, there is an American approach that we want a new world by all standards, for example, we do not accept attempts to depart from the dollar's control over global transactions, this is a very important and sensitive issue and there is no room for maneuver. And when Macron calls for new international currency, I think the anger on Macron is based on his declarations when he said it is time for a new world currency, this talk is not a music which suits the USA, never.


SAE: For the dollar, you mentioned a very important issue, which is linked to the Bretton Woods system, many economists talk about the petrodollars?

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: There is no such thing as the petrodollar. This means that oil is sold in dollars. There is no dollar on which it is written “oil”. As the American proverb says, the US dollar is green and has no other colors.

Also, I laugh when it is said that oil prices are determined by supply and demand. For example, we note in a certain month that oil prices are falling by 50% and this happened really, and the price dropped to 20 dollars. Does the consumption of the world fall by 50% in one day or one month, and then rise once, these days oil prices rise on a daily basis. Is there a measure of supply and demand for oil?! Of course not. These are political decisions.


SAE: Is there a possibility for a particular entity to compete with the dollar?

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: I do not disclose secrets. Today some countries started to deal bilaterally with their own currencies; this is not acceptable for the USA. In Bretton Woods, the dollar became the only currency to deal with, as a measurement currency and as a reserve currency. This is now under discussion. China and all the BRICS said, "The time has come". The World Bank is looking at other currency formats. There are a lot of transactions going on between countries. We went back to Barter's theory. This is a departure from the dollar's control of the world, and we must consider certain circumstances.

In my view, the issue is not only the uniqueness of America in the decision-making, America feels that the world we live in now no longer fits what was formulated 70 or 80 years ago. We know that wars end with meetings, negotiations and agreements. There is no local, regional or international war unless it ends with meetings to negotiate and take new decisions. That is what is required: a war to force America, Britain, China and Russia to sit at the negotiating table to find new solutions for the world.


SAE: Regarding IP, economists say that IP is being used as a weapon to undermine small businesses and prevent new competitors from entering.

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: There are no big and small companies. I served on the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) system, which is responsible for intellectual property, and on the World Trade Organization (WTO) Council of Experts, to discuss intellectual property. Intellectual property systems and agreements are clear, there is no small or large.

There are laws that determine how to register your invention, how to protect your invention, how to file claims and procedures for those who infringe your invention. There is a new look at this subject led by America. America thinks this system is flawed, when I invented a mobile phone, for example, and you invent a better mobile,

As we are now making an IT device laptop or tablet better than the existing ones, this is an exploitation of the existing product, and is not a new invention. The WTO agreements in the TRIPS Council and the World Intellectual Property Organization, and intellectual property agreements in the whole world, say that any update on something that exists is a new invention, this is the current system.

Now there is an American point of view that says: when it put Apple products in China to delocalize the production, China took the technology of Apple and made a new invention. This invention is an infringement on the USA, though China has to pay compensation for that, this is a view I don't want to look into, because this is a conflict between big countries, and by the way, no one is talking about it. The dispute between China and the USA is, in my opinion, not about product taxes, customs or economic sanctions, but about this invention.

Because if you want to talk about the theft or aggression of American technologies by China you are talking, and I use these words from an American point of view, you are talking about not only billions, but trillions of dollars. We are talking about all fields and not just IT tools, for example, the Internet, is an American invention and in return there is a Chinese Internet. America considers this infringement of its rights from its point of view. From the Chinese point of view, intellectual property agreements say that any different invention or so-called innovation, with modernization, is a new invention and this is the biggest problem.


SAE: By the way, I read an economic book in which the Chinese economy is mentioned as a new paradigm, it has changed the Western economic model based on creativity, by relying on imitation and led to a new economic revolution.

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: I feel this is the main problem, the rest is only details. Because in this world, in my opinion, power, domination and control over the world are the product of technology, and it is no longer the same as before, i.e., as a result of the economic, political and military power, this was before. The most important criterion now is not military power, but two things: technical power and economic power, and technical power is the one that leads to economic power. It can be summed up that technical superiority is the leadership of the world.


SAE: Regarding the Arab economy, what is your assessment of the Arab economy? There are strong factors of natural resources and population. How do you evaluate the Arab economies in general and what are the obstacles to the renaissance and economic development?

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: The problem I say with pain, there is not a single Arab economy and there is no Arab economic integration. The Arab League, although having an important role, does not achieve economic integration, however it is a house for Arabs and represents a symbol of our Arab unity, but there is no such thing as the Arab economy. The Arab countries deal with foreign countries far more than they do with each other. Second, there is no similarity between the economy in any Gulf state, with Morocco, or with a country in the middle of the Arab world. The problem now is, according to a recent study, you will see in my report on the world economy that in 2030, the Chinese economy will become twice the size of the US economy, 2030 means tomorrow.


SAE: Actually the Chinese economy surpassed the US economy.

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: But it will be twice the US economy and what will become the second economy? then India, then Indonesia. We are facing a changing world because the criteria for growth is not traditional standards that were in the past, now it depends on: first, the size of the population, and I wish we can say that the size of our population is such, because there is no relationship between the size of the population in any country with any other Arab country, while when we talk about Indonesia the size of its population or India the size of its population. In the world productive knowledge is per capita and therefore the size of the population is very important. And secondly that you can act by turning your country into a state technical knowledge that can compete with technology and this is a very important subject, because we still think that’s the power to attract investment. We invoke our time in calling for investment and bringing in foreign investments, while one invention, for example, Google is a computer application that does not require raw materials, investment, foreign capital, government capital or anything like that. We do not even know where it is located, it is worth about one trillion dollars, the size of the Arab economy.


SAE: Actually we cannot talk about a unified Arab economy, but because of language factors, you can talk about one Arab market, for example, your invention could target the Arab world as a single market?

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: It is not possible to think of the Arab region as a single market, because every country has its own systems, borders, requirements, standard of living, own capabilities, there is no one country, we are not India. And even the Common Market Agreement, of course, a dream has not been achieved, let us start again, if we want to become one market and one force, we must start again and stop dreaming and say what we must do to become so.


SAE: Concerning the entrepreneurship, what is your point of view of the entrepreneurship in the Arab world? It is generally said that the future is not for jobs but for independent careers or entrepreneurship, what is do you think of this and what sectors can be worked on and developed?

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: Entrepreneurs are part of the country's economy. For example, when Bill Gates succeeds, the entire US economy benefits, so I strongly support entrepreneurs, I was yesterday in a ceremony to honor the first students of the Tawjihi (High school) in Jordan. And I honored the outstanding students and I gave them honorary shields and discussed with them because they are the ones who can make the future.


SAE: Are there specific sectors you recommend to invest in?

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: Never, any invention in the world, who can imagine that an invention such as a telephone will change the world?! I was, of course, involved in the development of information technology strategies when I was elected at the United Nations in 2001 as the head of United Nations’ IT team that developed the IT strategy of mobile phones, laptops, etc. Any innovation is an invention. If you invent a system to protect cyber security, it's an invention. And if you invent something in genetics, it is an invention, an innovation in robots is an invention. There are no limits for innovations. Entrepreneurs have infinite initiatives. They have a sea of ​​inventions to do. I have referred to this during my meeting with the students yesterday. I said you cannot imagine how many areas you have to invent, if you are an engineer you have areas for inventions in engineering by applying artificial intelligence, there are countless possibilities to invent. In this field there are more than 1000 projects and ways to develop the engineering system. I said a sentence and I want to conclude by it. All what the human mind can imagine as a dream or imagination is a reality waiting for the realization. Almighty when he created man, he makes his mind as the leadership of creativity. I mean, if you think that there is something to happen and it will happen, when we were thinking about making a plane that could fly, it was a joke, how could an iron object fly in the air? Science fiction in the past was for entertainment, but today it has become a fact. So, all that the human mind can imagine is a fact waiting for the realization.


61 percent of high-profile digital companies worldwide are investing in blockchain, according to a report by identity management firm Okta shared with Cointelegraph on April 2.

San Francisco-based enterprise identity provider Okta has released a survey on new trends in technological developments and business opportunities of the world’s largest companies.

In its first “Digital Enterprise Report,” Okta surveyed 1,050 IT, security and engineering decision makers from global companies with at least $1 billion in revenue. Okta explained that decision makers were defined as someone at the company who is “responsible for making technology purchasing decisions.”

The company collected survey responses in January and February 2019 in order to find out how businesses are applying emerging technologies.

According to the report, most decision makers have preferred to invest in the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, as 72 percent of survey respondents said they invested in IoT, and 68 percent claimed that they invested in AI.

With that, 61 percent of respondents revealed that they invested in blockchain, while 58 percent said they invested in augmented reality technology.

Percentage of investment in various emerging technologies by large companies. Source: Okta Digital Enterprise Report

Out of total 1,050 decision makers, 90 percent claimed that their companies are working on formal digital transformation and investing in at least one of the aforementioned technologies.

Recently, United States-based market research firm International Data Corporation predicted that global blockchain spending will account for almost $2.9 billion in 2019, which is an 88.7 percent increase from 2018.

Source: cointelegraph

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