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Middle East Business Magazine

Many corporations, both public and private, fail to achieve their targets while executing strategic plans. Lack of senior executive leadership capacity development is considered one of the main causes for this phenomenon, among several other factors. In this article, Ayman Adhair explores why this is happening and how best to prepare leaders in the Middle East to be better equipped to drive and enable implementation. He argues that implementing integrated succession and talent management, as well as creating a culture of leadership that engages and inspires employees at all levels, is the best way to foster leadership capacity in Middle East and consequently enhance successful implementation of strategic plans.

مجلة الشرق الاوسط للأعمال (ميدل ايست بزنس)

ريتشارد بورتس

كشف ريتشارد بورتس أستاذ الاقتصاد في كلية لندن لإدارة الأعمال أنه من المرجح أن تشهد معدلات الاستثمار وأسعار الصرف انخفاضاً حال تفعيل المادة 50 من معاهدة لشبونة في شهر مارس 2017.


ايمن ابو الخير

هل نحن في مرحلة اجتياز الاقتصادي المهيمن القائم على أساس المصانع الكبيرة والشركات متعددة الجنسيات إلى عالم يقوم على حرية الاختيار، الذي سيتمكن فيه الكيانات الصغيرة من المنافسة مع الشركات الكبيرة،وبالتالي ستساهم في تشكيل اقتصاد المستقبل؟ هل نحن فعلا بصدد عبور الاقتصاد "التناظري" الحقيقي الى الاقتصاد الافتراضي، ام ان الانتقال سيكون من الاقتصاد الافتراضي الى الاقتصاد الحقيقي؟

By Ayman Abualkhair


Are we in a stage of passing the dominant economic age, based on large factories and multinational companies, to a world predicated on freedom of choice, in which small entities would have the potential to compete with large companies, and hence shape the future economy? Are we crossing the age of a real economy to a virtual one, or is it moreover transitioning from a virtual economy to a real economy?

Middle East Business Magazine


Education is not a mere concept it is considered a life journey that is worthy for all of us, of our time and trust. It is not deniable that education is facing challenges and demands structural reforms.


Middle East Business Magazine


Printing is an industry that changed the world many centuries ago and it continues to evolve with the latest application – 3D printing.

Many of us have wished, at one stage or another, to have a magic machine that prints out our internal ideas by simply connecting a wire to our brains. It seems we’re not very far from this dream thanks to the 3D printer.


Middle East Business Magazine

Convenience products and social media to double sector demand in five years

Dubai, UAE: The Middle East’s packaging industry is undergoing rapid transformation with increasing demand for sophisticated automated solutions, according to exhibitors at Gulfood Manufacturing - the Middle East’s biggest food manufacturing, processing and packaging, logistics and materials handling exhibition - which runs at Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC) from 7-9 November, 2016.

UAE-based Al Thika Packaging - one of the leading domestic exhibitors participating in ProPack Middle East, the dedicated processing and packaging zone within Gulfood Manufacturing - predicts regional sector demand could double within five years as the food processing sector strives to become more competitive in response to increasing consumer demand for convenience products.
“Automated solutions are being sought as companies try to reduce overhead labour costs and keep up with global supply trends,” said Tim Ansell, Al Thika’s Sales Director. “International trends in food products are coming to market much quicker in the UAE as people see through social media what is being offered elsewhere – it’s prompted this market to react faster to global trends.
“Food manufacturers are moving into ready meals, pre-packed ingredients and fruits and vegetables - we are following Western trends. The growth over the past six to seven years has not let up and, put simply, there is a desire to implement new technology; the regional industry is more open to innovation.”

Ansell says demand for high-end automation is coming largely from Saudi Arabia and the UAE, though there has been some recent pick-up from manufacturers and processers in Oman and Kuwait. High-end automation now represents 20 per cent of Al Thika’s sales with Ansell predicting that number will double within five years.

“Such is the demand from the food, drink and pharmaceuticals business that we have had to take on a Project Engineer to analyse customer requirements and produce integrated solutions and equipment,” he said.

We’ve moved from offering just a tray sealer or x-ray for example, to providing turn-key production lines with process equipment, conveyors, packaging machines and automated carton erector loaders. Customers want a one stop service, hassle free installation and local service, so this is playing to our strengths” he said.

According to a recent Euromonitor report forecasts, the Middle East and Africa packaging industry will register the highest growth of any region up to 2019, recording a 5.5 per cent compound annual growth rate (CAGR).

The forecasts, says Ishida, a leader in the design, manufacture and installation of complete weighing and packing line solutions for the food industry, could further be impacted by the emergence of export-oriented ‘power’ players within the Middle East, particularly from snack, dates and poultry producers.

Ishida is planning to capture a growing market share with packaging system demonstrations at ProPack Middle East featuring weighers and X-ray inspection systems.

“Apart from rising automation to reduce packaging and waste costs at the manufacturing, retail and end-consumer stages, to increase speed and efficiencies there will also be increasing demand for check-weighers, metal detectors, X-ray inspection systems and seal testers to secure quality control for exports outside the region,” said Torsten Giese, Marketing Manager.
Giese foresees huge changes within the food production sector, all of which will impact the packaging sector. “There will be polarisation. Politically stable countries will experience growth in convenience and ready-to-eat sectors and ‘luxury’ goods while politically unstable regions will fall back to a more agro/self-sufficient positions.

“Some large players will expand to produce and distribute their food products more efficiently and into more regions, thus becoming regional ‘power players’ while others will look to expand down or up in the food logistic chain. For example, growers will move into manufacturing and distribution; so potato growers currently producing potato chips and snacks will diversify to include frozen chips and other potato products.”

ProPack Middle East will be a weathervane to the food manufacturing industry’s transformation, according to Trixie LohMirmand, Senior Vice President, Exhibitions & Events Management, DWTC, the Gufood Manufacturing organiser.

“Through the state-of-the-art exhibits, visitors will be able to track the evolution of this vibrant regional industry which is at an undisputed high point in its development,” said LohMirmand.


“With Saudi Arabian and UAE producers looking to satisfy increasingly sophisticated domestic demand and also eyeing lucrative export markets, innovative packaging and weighing solutions which meet regional and international standards will be high on buyers’ shopping lists.”
The ProPack Middle East segment will feature 905 exhibitors from 30 national and industry pavilions, comprising approximately 50 per cent of the total companies at Gulfood Manufacturing 2016, which is 20 per cent bigger than last year. The show will fill 13 halls at DWTC and feature 1,600 food manufacturers, suppliers and industry service providers – up 60 per cent on last year.

Gulfood Manufacturing also features segmented areas including Ingredients Middle East, featuring fine and functional ingredients and the latest bulk and commodity ingredients, innovations, tastes and flavours; and Logistics Solutions Middle East, a showcase for firms involved in material handling, transport and commercial vehicles, IT and technology solutions, warehousing operators, facilitators and service providers.

Source: http://middleeast-business.com/


Published annually, the ISLAMICA 500 is a business guide providing hard-to-find biographical details for 500 of the world’s most prominent and influential personalities in the Islamic world and economy.

مجلة الشرق الاوسط للأعمال - ميدل ايست بزنس

هي ليست مجرد شجرة، يُستفاد من كل اجزاءها، تُغني زارعها، تشفي آكلها، وتحمي الأرض من تحتها وترفع اعمدة الحضارات فوقها... انها شجرة النخيل وثمارها من الرطب والتمر. جاء في القرآن الكريم: 

﴿وَهُوَ الَّذِي أَنشَأَ جَنَّاتٍ مَّعْرُوشَاتٍ وَغَيْرَ مَعْرُوشَاتٍ وَالنَّخْلَ وَالزَّرْعَ مُخْتَلِفًا أُكُلُهُ وَالزَّيْتُونَ وَالرُّمَّانَ مُتَشَابِهًا وَغَيْرَ مُتَشَابِهٍ كُلُوا مِن ثَمَرِهِ إِذَا أَثْمَرَ وَآتُوا حَقَّهُ يَوْمَ حَصَادِهِ وَلَا تُسْرِفُوا إِنَّهُ لَا يُحِبُّ الْمُسْرِفِينَ﴾(الأنعام141).

Following a bleak, over a decade-long period of international sanctions and economic isolation, Iran is emerging as an unlikely investment haven for savvy businessmen from around the world.

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