
News (67)

نجحت شركة كيورا السعودية الرائدة في مجال لاستشارات الطبية عن بعد في جمع مبلغ 4 مليون دولار (حوالي 15 مليون ريال سعودي) في جولتها التمويلية من لسلسلة أ. جاءت الجولة التمويلية الأولى بقيادة كل من واعد (ذراع شركة أرامكو السعودية لريادة الأعمال) وشركة ELM. سنتعرف في السطور الآتية على رحلة صعود شركة كيورا السعودية والخدمات التي تقدمها.

ولادة فكرة كيورا

ولدت فكرة تأسيس شركة كيورا على إثر موقف تعرض له أحد مؤسسيها "وائل كابلي" وهو مهندس سابق في مايكرسوفت، حينما لاحظ على ابنته في إحدى الليالي علامات تعب وإعياء، وحاول الاتصال بطبيب لكن الأخير أخبره أن أفضل ما يمكن فعله هو أخذ موعد لمعاينة ابنته في صباح اليوم التالي، وهو فعله، وكانت النتيجة أن الطبيب أعطى وائل وزوجته خطوات بسيطة لرعاية ابنتهما من المنزل، عندها فكر وائل أنه من غير المعقول عدم وجود طريقة للحصول على استشارة طبية في الحالات الحرجة التي يتعذر فيها الوصول إلى طبيب، ومن هنا جاءت فكرة تأسيس شركة "يكورا" على يد كل من "وائل كابلي" وصديقه مهندس البرمجيات "محمد ذكر الله" وذلك في عام 2016.

خدمات كيورا

تعمل كيورا من خلال تطبيق على الهواتف الذكية يحمل اسمها. يمكن التطبيق طالب الاستشارة الطبية من التواصل مع طبيب/ة عبر المراسلة لإلكترونية أو عبر الفيديو بشكلٍ مباشر (في الوقت الفعلي) كذلك يمكن لطالب الخدمة الحصول على الوصفات الطبية عبر الإنترنت، فضلاً عن برنامج "العافية" لتقديم المشورة بشأن الاكتئاب والتوتر والأمراض المزمنة والتغذية وغيرها من القضايا المتعلقة بنمط الحياة.

يعمل في كيورا حالياً أكثر من 4500 طبيب، قدموا خدماتهم الطبية لنحو 350 ألف مستخدم منذ إطلاق تطبيق كيورا، تعتمد كيورا على تقديم خدماتها للسوق السعودية إذ تصل نسبة مستخدمي التطبيق من السعوديين إلى نحو 95%.

خطط للوصول للعالمية

تخطط الشركة الناشئة لاستخدام التمويل في تحسين تجربة المستخدم، وتقديم المزيد من الخدمات لكل من المستخدمين الأفراد والعملاء الشركاء، مثل جمع عينات الدم من منازل المرضى، وتقديم مزايا صحية للموظفين قابلة للتكامل مع شركات التأمين. كما تضع في أجنداتها توسيع نطاق عمل المنصة لتصبح أكثر عالمية خلال السنوات الخمس القادمة.



Saudi Arabia topped the list of leading countries in the digital economy, SPA reported, citing Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Abdullah Alswaha, during his speech to the G20 digital economy ministers’ meeting.

Bridging the digital gap globally is the way to achieve inclusiveness and prosperity of societies, Alswaha said.

Regulations in the field of innovation should be flexible enough to stimulate creativity and keep pace with the rapid pace of change that is driven by digital transformation, he said.

The Green Saudi Arabia and Green Middle East initiatives, launched by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, are an addition to investment in new environment-friendly industries and markets.

NEOM City, the largest global platform for innovators, is an ideal example of harmonizing regulation and innovation, to achieve well-being and preserve the environment through the adaptation of technology and innovation, Alswaha said.

Saudi Arabia took part in a G20 digital economy event on Aug. 5, where ministers discussed key issues related to digital transformation ahead of a final communique that will be endorsed by heads of states and governments at the Rome Summit.

The Kingdom has already realized qualitative achievements in this regard, mainly the unanimous approval of countries on a roadmap to measure and define the digital economy, in addition to adopting artificial intelligence principles.

source: Arab News

Saudi Arabia’s cabinet has approved a digital economy policy, state news agency SPA reported.
The Minister of Communications and Information Technology Abdullah Al-Swaha said the policy will be a road map for the Kingdom’s directions for government authorities, the private sector and the international community in fields related to digital economy, the report added.
The digitalization of the economy will encourage investments, increase local technical leadership and attract international partnerships in fields of innovation and digital transformation, SPA said.


On Friday, King Salman of Saudi Arabia issued a royal decree to establish a National Centre for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in KSA to drive innovation and the digital transformation of the country, as declared by Abdullah Al-Sawaha from the Saudi Minister of Communications and Information Technology.

In addition to the AI centre, Abdullah Al-Sawaha also declared that the decree would establish a National Data Management Office in the country, which will be closely linked with the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority.

Artificial intelligence is on the agenda for many countries around the world as it has the potential to improve security as well as business processes across sectors. As KSA aims to move away from its dependency on oil, it is taking a number of steps to ensure a more sustainable economic future. AI is part of that strategy and Vision 2030.


Al-Sawaha also revealed that the KSA Vision 2030 lays out objectives to improve and develop performance efficiency with the help of AI and big data. This move is in line with those objectives and indicates the country's determination to strengthen its digital capabilities through welcoming AI.

In addition to boosting productivity and better decision-making processes across sectors, Al-Sawaha also said that citizens would benefit from better AI-enabled services as well as drive entrepreneurship in the sector amongst the country's young population.

Furthermore, King Salman also issued other decrees to drive growth of the Kingdom, including the creation of a new Ministry for Industrly and Mineral Resources.

 source: sme10x

Saudi Arabia-based food subscription startup, Dailymealz, has raised $2 million in a pre-Series A round led by Seedra Ventures and joined by some angel investors.

The startup aims to utilise the funds to broaden its services for partner corporates in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, as well as expand into the UAE and Egypt.

Founded in 2017 by Mohamed Elzalabany, Abdulrahman Ahmed, Abdallah Said, and Motaz AbuOnq, Dailymealz partners with restaurants and cloud kitchens to offer corporate employees customised weekly, biweekly and monthly lunch subscription plans offering a range of dietary options including keto, diet, and fast food choices. 

Managing its network of freelance drivers who handle multiple orders per trip, Dailymealz also offers its app users full day subscription options beyond its work day lunch-focused plans.

The foodtech startup has also launched a new service that allows partner employers the ability to provide their employees with meals at subsidised rates as well as place orders for corporate meetings and events. 

source: wamda

Saudi-Arabia based software company Fastcoo, and Tracking, a GPS tracking system, have merged in a deal valued at SAR 2.7 million ($720,000). The deal will provide technical solutions to the logistics sector, aiming at localising the internet of things (IoT) industry in the country. 

Fastcoo, a SaaS (software as a service) company specialised in logistics for both delivery and fulfilment, offers software for businesses in the logistics and supply chain field that need to optimise, automate, utilise and prioritise their processes for their warehouse, fleet management, fulfilment centres, and/or delivery companies. It currently provides its services to more than nine countries across the Middle East and North Africa (Mena).

Tracking delivers the real-time location of any vehicle to track any object, even children and pets. 

“The provision of technical transformation for delivery and freight by localising technology and tracking systems will achieve an important impact on the Kingdom's Vision 2030,” said Hassan Jabarti, co-founder of Fastcoo. 

The merger will provide an integrated technology solution that will link transportation companies, the Transport General Authority, and refrigerated vehicles specialised in transporting medicines and food with the Saudi Food and Drug Authority. 

“We are looking forward to attracting international expertise and technologies to the Saudi market, and exporting local technology through the production of the first vehicle tracking devices in Saudi Arabia,” said, Ali Al-Rajhi, co-founder and chairman of Tracking.

source: Wamad

Peer-to-peer vehicle-sharing platform, Ejaro, has raised $850,000 in seed funding. The investment came from angel investors and BIM Ventures.

Mohammed Khashoggi founded Ejaro in 2019. The Saudi platform connects is local vehicle owners with individuals looking to rent cars and other vehicles. According to Khashoggi, the startup aims to tap into the regional car rental market, valued at over $4 billion, adding that the market is set to experience a large potential growth in the post-Covid19 economy.

The car owners make extra money from a car that they may not be using full-time, while renters enjoy the vehicles on the platform which are up to 40 percent cheaper than traditional car rental companies. Renters can search for vehicles by area to find the ones nearby.

All cars on Ejaro have been insured.To further incite owners and renters, the starup has introduced its own peer-to-peer vehicle insurance policy in partnership with Kingdom Brokerage and MedGulf; that is available for both hosts and renters.

Khashoggi said in a statement: “With millions out of jobs and rental companies struggling, our platform empowers owners to earn an additional income from their depreciating assets and share them with the masses. I truly believe that Ejaro will accelerate in the coming weeks.”

Mohamed Amine Merah, Ejaro’s Finance & Strategy Partner and Managing Partner of BIM Ventures, said, “During the downtime [due to Covid-19], we were able to develop and launch a new and improved app, build strategic partnerships, and solidified our internal processes.”

He also said that the startup is planning to expand regionally, starting with UAE in 2021.

The new funds will be used to accelerate the development of additional features on the platform, in order to increase the hosted cars and renters’ bases and to expand the team.

source: wayamedia

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of NEOM, announced the launch of "THE LINE" in the city of NEOM, a new model for the future of urban societies aimed at ensuring balance with nature.

THE LINE is a new 170-kilometer (km) belt of hyper-connected communities, designed without cars or roads and in concert with nature. The communities will be powered by artificial intelligence technology designed to learn and improve the lives of residents and businesses.

The project is part of NEOM and the Kingdom's Vision 2030 plan, an ambitious program designed to diversify Saudi Arabia's economy. THE LINE will generate around 380,000 job opportunities and contribute 180 billion riyals ($48 billion) to the country's gross domestic product (GDP) by 2030, according to a statement.

“Throughout history, cities were built to protect their citizens. After the Industrial Revolution, cities prioritized machines, cars and factories over people. In cities that are viewed as the world’s most advanced, people spend years of their lives commuting. By 2050, commute durations will double. By 2050, one billion people will have to relocate due to rising CO2 emissions and sea levels. 90 percent of people breathe polluted air," the Crown Prince said in the statement.

“Why should we sacrifice nature for the sake of development? Why should seven million people die every year because of pollution? Why should we lose one million people every year due to traffic accidents? And why should we accept wasting years of our lives commuting?” the Crown Prince added.

"Therefore, we need to transform the concept of a conventional city into that of a futuristic one … Today, as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of NEOM, I present to you THE LINE. A city of a million residents with a length of 170 km that preserves 95 percent of nature within NEOM, with zero cars, zero streets and zero carbon emissions."

One of the largest airports in the world

Nadhmi al-Nasr, CEO of NEOM, later told Al Arabiya that THE LINE would also involve construction of a new airport, and that it would be one of the largest in the world.

“Three years ago, the Saudi Crown Prince launched the initial vision of NEOM, a dream back in 2017. The world has been asking what we have been doing over the course of the last three years. We worked for more than two years to change this dream and vision into a set of strategical plans. The team worked with experts from all around in the world to ensure that this vision is turned into strategies,” al-Nasr added.

THE LINE has also been designed to redefine the concept of urban development, putting people at the center, instead of road infrastructure – a first for such a project in 150 years.

Rather than normal city commutes, ultra-high-speed transit and autonomous mobility solutions have been designed to reduce travel time, and make it easier for residents to focus on their health. The longest journey in the development is expected to take no longer than 20 minutes, according to the statement.

With sustainability at the heart of the NEOM project, THE LINE will be 100 percent powered by clean energy, for a pollution-free, cleaner, and more sustainable environment.

Construction is set to get underway in the first quarter of this year as part of ongoing development work at the NEOM site.


Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman announced the launch of NEOM project in 2017. The city is positioned to become a high-tech, next generation city, and global center for innovation, trade and creativity in the Kingdom.

The first three characters of the projects name, NEO, are derived from the Latin word for “new,” while the last character, M, is an abbreviation of the Arabic word “Mostaqbal,” meaning “future”.

NEOM is one of Saudi Arabia’s mega-projects, other examples include the Red Sea Development Project and Qiddiya, all aimed at boosting the Kingdom’s tourism sector – a central tenant of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 plan that aims to transform the country’s economy for a post-hydrocarbon age.

The city’s 26,500 square km (10,230 square mile) development is located in the northwestern Tabuk Province and will span from Saudi Arabia’s Egyptian and Jordanian borders, rendering NEOM the first private zone to span to three countries. More than $500 billion has been pledged to complete the project by the Kingdom’s Public Investment Fund, on of the largest sovereign wealth funds in the world.

source: alarabiya

اختتمت اليوم أعمال مؤتمر قمة العشرين (G20) في دورته الخامسة عشر التي عقدت يومي 21 و22 من شهر نوفمبر الجاري بحضور قادة مجموعة العشرين برئاسة المملكة العربية السعودية، بالإضافة إلى كل من الأردن واسبانيا وسويسرا وعدد من المنظمات الدولية كضيوف، وجرت اعمال المؤتمر عبر الفيديو.


صورة جماعية "افتراضية" تجمع قادة مجموعة العشرين برئاسة المملكة العربية السعودية 

ولقد صدر عن المؤتمر في ختام اعماله يوم الاحد 22 نوفمبر بيان ختامياً ركزاً على عدد من التحديات والقضايا الراهنة، والتي كان من أهمها:

مواجهة التحديات والالتزام بقيادة عالمية لحقبة ما بعد كورونا

أكد قادة مجموعة العشرين على ضرورة تنسيق الإجراءات العالمية والتضامن متعدد الأطراف في الوقت الحالي لمواجهة التحديات الراهنة واغتنام فرص القرن الحادي والعشرين للجميع، والالتزام بقيادة العالم نحو تشكيل حقبة ما بعد جائحة فيروس كورونا قوية ومستدامة متوازنة وشاملة.


وصول لقاحات فيروس كورونا إلى الجميع

وتعهد قادة القمة عبر البيان ببذل كل الجهود لضمان وصول لقاحات فيروس كورونا للجميع بطريقة عادلة وبتكلفة ميسورة، وبتلبية الاحتياجات التمويلية المتبقية لهذه اللقاحات. كما وشدد البيان على الحاجة إلى تعزيز فعالية منظمة الصحة العالمية في التنسيق ودعم الاستجابة العالمية لجائحة كورونا.


النشاط الاقتصاد العالمي عاود الارتفاع جزئياً

وجاء في البيان بان النشاط الاقتصاد العالمي قد عاود ارتفاعه جزئياً على خلفية معاودة فتح اقتصاد الدول تدريجياً والسياسات المهمة التي أخذت تؤتي ثمارها، على الرغم من انكماش الاقتصاد العالمي في عام 2020 نتيجة اثار جائحة كورونا. إلا ان التعافي يكتفنه عدم اليقين بسبب المخاطر المرتفعة، منها مخاطر عودة تفشي الفيروس في بعض الاقتصاديات.


مبادرة تعليق مدفوعات الدين حتى يونيو/حزيران 2021

واقرا قادة مجموعة العشرين في البيان التزامهم بتطبيق مبادرة تعليق مدفوعات خدمة الدين حتى يونيو/حزيران 2021 والتي ساعدة على تحسين الإنفاق على الجوانب المتعلقة بمكافحة جائحة فيروس كورونا والتي يستفيد منها أكثر من مليار انسان في الدول المدينة.


اصلاح منظمة التجارة العالمية

أكد البيان على دعم الجهود السياسية المستمرة الضرورية للإصلاح لمنظمة التجارة العالمية، والالتزام المتكرر بضمان شبكة أمان مالية عالمية أقوى من خلال صندوق النقد الدولي، فضلاً عن دعم الدول النامية والأقل نمواً.


دعم الاقتصاد الرقمي

ثمن البيان دور الاتصالات والتقنيات الرقمية في تعزيز استجابة الدول لجائحة كورونا وتسهيل استمرار النشاط الاقتصادي، واكد دعمه إيجاد بيئة مفتوحة وعادلة وغير تمييزية..مع الإدراك لأهمية مواجهة التحديات المتعلقة بالخصوصية وحماية البيانات وحقوق الملكية الفكرية والأمن.

وفي ختام اعمال القمة سلم العاهل السعودي الملك سلمان بن عبد العزيز آل سعود رئاسة القمة لرئيس الوزراء الإيطالي جوزيبي كونتي الذي ابدا استعداد بلاده لتنظيم القمة بدءاً من الشهر المقبل، مؤكداً أنهم حددوا ركائز الدورة الـ16 التي ستتمحور حول "حماية البشر والحفاظ على البيئة وتحقيق الازدهار".

المصدر: وكالات

لتحميل البيان كاملاً: https://bit.ly/3fA7F4J

Amanat will act as their principal strategic partner for the MENA region to help drive growth and business development opportunities

Amanat Holdings has invested AED 18.4 million in BEGiN, a US-based leading education technology company, as part of their Series C financing round.

As part of the investment, Amanat becomes BEGiN’s principal strategic partner in the MENA region, leveraging Amanat’s deep industry expertise and unparalleled network to help drive growth in the region.

The acquisition is Amanat’s first ever venture capital investment and is in line with Amanat’s strategic goals to invest in rapidly-growing education and healthcare technology players with strong regional growth aspirations, demonstrating commitment to playing a key role in the ongoing digitization of the education and healthcare sectors in the region.

BEGiN is focused on early childhood education through its platform aimed at children between two and eight years of age.

The company will be partnering with some of its investors for both content and distribution. Amanat will act as their principal strategic partner for the MENA region to help drive growth and business development opportunities.

Amanat joins other strategic and financial investors including LEGO Ventures, Sesame Workshop, Gymboree Play & Music, 3One4 Capital, Trustbridge Partners and Interlock Partners. “

Earlier this month, BEGiN launched the industry’s first comprehensive early learning program, HOMER Learn & Grow, expanding the brand’s reading program to additional subjects including math, creativity, socio-emotional learning and critical thinking skills delivered across digital, physical and in-person learning experiences.

source: sme10x

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