
أُقيم في 12 ايلول/سبتمبر لقاء تحت عنوان "صُنعَ لتجارة مباشرة" في غرفة التجارة والصناعة والخدمات بجنيف (CCIG) الذي تم تنظيمه بالتعاون بين مجلس الأعمال السويسري في الإمارات (Swiss Business Council UAE) وغرفة التجارة والصناعة والخدمات بجنيف (CCIG) وشركة مجموعة سويسرا (Swiss Group)، حيث تم التأكبد على العلافات القوية التي تربط بين هاتين القوتين الاقتصاديتين، كما أنه قدم رؤى مهمة حول عالم الأعمال والتجارة. في هذا المقال، سنستكشف أبرز ما ورد في هذا اللقاء، الذي شهد مشاركة متحدثين بارزين ومناقشات قيمة، بالإضافة إلى استعراض الفرص المستقبلية للتعاون عبر الحدود.

بدأ اللقاء بكلمة افتتاحية من مايكل لين (Michael Lane)، رئيس مجلس الأعمال السويسري في الإمارات. أكد لين على القوانين والمبادئ الثمانية التي وضعها الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم حاكم دبي، والتي كانت حاسمة في ازدهار دبي وتحويلها إلى مدينة حديثة. هذه المبادئ تشمل أهمية الوحدة وسيادة القانون ورعاية المواهب، وقد نمت دبي بفضلها لتصبح مركزًا عالميًا للأعمال.

كلمات الترحيب:

ألقى أحمد بن سليم، الرئيس التنفيذي لمركز دبي للسلع المتعددة (DMCC)، كلمة ترحيب سلّط من خلالها الضوء على مزايا إجراء الأعمال في الإمارات. أشار سليم إلى الدور المحوري لـمركز دبي كوجهة للشركات الأجنبية، وشدد على سهولة الإجراءات الإدارية في المركز. كما أكد التزام المركز بتيسير نمو الأعمال، من خلال استخدام وسائل حديثة كنظام أوراكل المحوسب الذي يهدف إلى تبسيط المهام الإدارية.

وفيما يتعلق بالعلاقة المتبادلة بين سويسرا والإمارات، أشار سليم إلى دور سويسرا كمركز للمنظمات الدولية مثل منظمة الأمم المتحدة للملكية الفكرية (WIPO) ومنظمة التجارة العالمية (WTO). كما تناول الفرص الكبيرة المتاحة وأورد مثالا لذلك المنتجات المتوافقة مع الشريعة داخل المركز، مما يفتح الباب أمام سوق أوسع عالميا.

من جهة أخرى، أكد جاسم العبدولي، القنصل العام لدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، على علاقات التجارة الراسخة بين سويسرا والإمارات. أشار العبدولي إلى النمو الكبير في العلاقات الثنائية على مدى السنوات الـ15 الماضية، مع وصول دولة الإمارات لمرتبة أهم شريك تجاري لسويسرا في الشرق الأوسط. وأشار أيضًا إلى الاتفاقيات الرئيسية، بما في ذلك اتفاقية حماية الاستثمار المتبادل، والوصول المتبادل لحاملي جواز السفر الدبلوماسي بدون تأشيرة، واتفاقيات الازدواج الضريبي، واتفاقية التجارة الحرة بين جمعية التجارة الحرة الأوروبية (EFTA) ومجلس التعاون الخليجي. وألقى العبدولي الضوء على القطاعات الرئيسية للتعاون، بما في ذلك الابتكار والتكنولوجيا الحيوية والطاقة المتجددة والتكنولوجيا النظيفة.

مركز دبي للسلع المتعددة كمنطقة حرة عالمية لهذا العام:

قدم باسل بيتار، الممثل الإقليمي للمركز لمنطقة آسيا وشرق أوروبا، نظرة شاملة على العروض المتوفرة في المركز والتي ادت الى فوزه بلقب "منطقة حرة عالمية للعام" لثماني مرات على التوالي وفقا للتصنيف الهاص بمجلة الاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر لصحيفة فاينانشيال تايمز، وهو يعتبر المركز العالمي الرئيسي لتجارة السلع. حيث يقع المركز في قلب دبي، ويقدم مجتمعًا نابضًا بالحياة وخدمات عالية المستوى وعقارات ممتازة مع توافر بنى تحتية ممتازة للاتصالات والمواصلات.

أبرز بيتار الدور الحيوي للمركز في تسهيل التجارة في منتجات مثل القهوة والماس. يقدم المركز ميزات فريدة كالإعفاء من الضرائب لمدة 50 عامًا، مما يجعله وجهة جذابة للشركات. كما شدد على التنوع الثقافي الذي يسود الحياة داخل المركز الذي يضم أكثر من 100,000 نسمة من مختلف أنحاء العالم.

القيام بالأعمال في الإمارات من منظور سويسري

استعرض روبرتو ديلورينزي (Roberto Delorenzi)، الشريك المدير لشركة الاستشارات السويسرية (Swiss Group Advisory)، تجربة اداء الأعمال في الإمارات من منظور سويسري. وقد أكد على نمو العلاقات السويسرية الإماراتية، مشيرًا إلى أن سويسرا احتلت المرتبة الرابعة من حيث استثمارات الأجنبية المباشرة في دبي في عام 2022. ديلورينزي سلط الضوء على مزايا إنشاء كيان للشركة في الإمارات، بما في ذلك النظام القانوني الملائم، والبنية التحتية المتقدمة، والموقع الجغرافي القريب، والاقتصاد القوي.

تطرق أيضًا إلى أنواع مختلفة من الشركات المتاحة في الإمارات، مثل الشركات المحلية (البر الرئيسي) وشركات المناطق الحرة البرية وشركات المناطق الحرة البحرية. شدد على أهمية سياسات التوظيف المحلية وقوانين الضرائب الشركاتية القادمة. أكد وجود اتفاقية معدلة لتجنب الازدواج الضريبي بين سويسرا والإمارات، مما يوفر إطارًا واضحًا للضرائب.

وقصص نجاح:

ضم اللقاء شهادات ملهمة من قادة الأعمال الذين ازدهرت اعمالهم في الإمارات. شارك رينيه جوتز (Rene Goetz)، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Areas SA، رحلته من مدرب تنس إلى خبير تأمين شركات، مما يبرز الفرص المتنوعة المتاحة لأصحاب الأعمال في الإمارات.

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تم عرض مقابلة فيديو مع مايكل لاهياني (Michael Lahyani)، مؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة "اعثر على عقارك" (Propertyfinder)، حيث تم فيها تناول قصة نجاح رائد أعمال في قطاع العقارات في دبي. أثنى لاهياني على البنية التحتية في دبي، وتنوع مواردها البشرية، وجودة الحياة، والشعور العام بالأمان الذي ساهم في نمو شركته بشكل ملحوظ.

اختتم الاجتماع بجلسة نقاش استضافت متحدثين مختلفين من مجتمع الأعمال السويسري الحاضر في الإمارات، مما فتح المجال لنقاش مفتوح حول مزايا وتحديات الشركات التي تعمل في المنطقة. قدم خلال الجلسة بيتر إم. هارادين (Peter M. Harradine)، الرئيس الفخري لمجلس الأعمال السويسري في الإمارات، شهادة متميزة مبنيةً على تجاربه الشخصية من العيش في دولة عربية وإسلامية. حيث أكد على التسامح الملحوظ للإسلام تجاه الديانات الأخرى، مسلطًا الضوء على جانب من المجتمع الإسلامي غالبًا ما يتجاهله الإعلام.

رؤية للتعاون المستقبلي

كان اللقاء "صُنِعَ لتجارة مباشرة" عبارة عن شهادة على الشراكة المستدامة بين سويسرا ودولة الإمارات. تم خلاله اماطة اللثام عن الفرص الواسعة التي تنتظر الشركات في دولة الإمارات، وخاصة لدى مركز دبي للسلع المتعددة، كمنطقة حرة عالمية ناجحة. لقد أكد اللقاء على أهمية التعاون الاستراتيجي وممارسات الأعمال الجيدة، والقيم المشتركة للابتكار والاستدامة التي تربط بين البلدين الذين يتمتعان بحركة مستمرة في بيئة الأعمال. ومع استمرار تطور عالم الأعمال، يعتبر هذا الحدث تذكيرًا بأن دولة الإمارات وسويسرا ملتزمتين بتعزيز النمو الاقتصادي والتعاون المشترك عبر الحدود.

On September 12, the 'Made for Trade Live' event took place at Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Services (CCIG). The event, a collaborative effort between the Swiss Business Council UAE, Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services (CCIG) and the Swiss Group, showcased the profound synergies between these two economic powerhouses and provided invaluable insights into the world of business and trade. In this article, we delve into the highlights of this event, featuring distinguished speakers, invaluable discussions, and the promising future of cross-border collaboration.

The event commenced with an insightful opening speech by Michael Lane, President of the Swiss Business Council UAE. Lane emphasized the visionary 8 Principles of Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum's Governance, which have been instrumental in Dubai's transformation into a modern and prosperous city. These principles, including the importance of union, the rule of law, and nurturing talent, have underpinned Dubai's journey to becoming a global business hub.

Welcome Remarks:

Ahmed Bin Sulayem, Executive Chairman and CEO of the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC), followed with welcoming remarks that shed light on the advantages of conducting business in the UAE. Sulayem highlighted DMCC's pivotal role as a center for foreign companies, emphasizing its ease of administrative procedures. He underscored DMCC's commitment to facilitating business growth, and its innovative Oracle system tailored to streamline administrative tasks.

Furthermore, Sulayem emphasized the symbiotic relationship between Switzerland and the UAE, citing Switzerland's role as a hub for international organizations like WIPO and WTO. He also discussed the significant opportunity presented by Sharia-compliant products within DMCC, opening doors to a broader market.

Jasim Alabdouli, General Consul of the United Arab Emirates, underscored the robust trade ties between Switzerland and the UAE. Alabdouli highlighted the substantial growth in bilateral relations over the last 15 years, with the UAE emerging as Switzerland's most vital trading partner in the Middle East. He also mentioned key agreements, including those on mutual protection of investments, reciprocal visa-free access for holders of a diplomatic passport, double taxation and the free trade agreement between EFTA and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Alabdouli shed light on the key sectors of cooperation, which encompass innovation, biotechnology, renewable energy and clean technology.

DMCC, Global Free Zone of the Year:

Bassel Bitar, Regional Representative – Asia and Eastern Europe, DMCC, provided a comprehensive overview of DMCC's offerings. DMCC, crowned 'Global Free Zone of the Year' eight times by the Financial Times FDI Magazine, stands as the world's premier free zone and a global commodities trading hub. Situated at the heart of Dubai, DMCC offers a vibrant community, world-class services, and prime properties with excellent connectivity.

Bitar highlighted DMCC's pivotal role in facilitating trade for products like coffee and diamonds. DMCC offers a unique advantage with a 50-year tax exemption, making it an attractive destination for businesses. He emphasized the thriving multicultural community within DMCC, comprising 100,000 residents from across the globe.

Doing Business in the UAE from a Swiss Perspective:

Roberto Delorenzi, Managing Partner of Swiss Group Advisory DMCC, explored the Swiss perspective of doing business in the UAE/Dubai. He emphasized the burgeoning Swiss-Emirati relations, noting that Switzerland ranked fourth in terms of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into Dubai in 2022. Delorenzi outlined the advantages of establishing a presence in the UAE, including a favorable legal system, advanced infrastructure, geographic proximity, and a robust economy.

Delorenzi also delved into the various types of company setups available in the UAE, such as local (mainland) companies, onshore free zone companies, and offshore free zone companies. He highlighted the importance of Emiratisation policies and upcoming corporate tax laws. Delorenzi stressed the existence of a Double Taxation Agreement between Switzerland and the UAE, offering businesses a clear framework for taxation.


The event featured inspiring testimonials from business leaders who have thrived in the UAE. Rene Goetz, CEO of Areas SA, shared his journey from a tennis coach to a corporate insurance expert, showcasing the diverse opportunities available in the UAE's business landscape.

Additionally, a video interview with Michael Lahyani, Founder & CEO of Propertyfinder, provided valuable insights into the success story of a visionary entrepreneur in Dubai's real estate sector. Lahyani praised Dubai's infrastructure, diverse talent pool, quality of life, and the overall sense of security that has contributed to his company's remarkable growth.

The meeting concluded with a panel discussion featuring various speakers from Switzerland's business community engaged with the UAE, facilitating an open debate on the advantages and challenges facing companies operating in the region. Notably, Peter M. Harradine, Honorary President of the Swiss Business Council UAE, delivered a particularly conciliatory testimony based on his firsthand experiences of living in an Arab and Muslim country. He emphasized the remarkable tolerance of Islam towards other religions, shedding light on an aspect of Islamic society that is often overlooked in media discourse.

A Vision for Future Collaboration

Made For Trade Live Event was a testament to the enduring partnership between Switzerland and the UAE. It brought to the forefront the vast opportunities awaiting businesses in the UAE, particularly within DMCC, a thriving global free zone. The event underscored the importance of strategic collaboration, sound business practices, and the shared values of innovation and sustainability that bind these two dynamic regions.

As the business world continues to evolve, this event serves as a reminder that the UAE and Switzerland are committed to fostering economic growth and cross-border cooperation.

"The Art of War" is a classic military strategy book written by Chinese general Sun Tzu in the 5th century BC. The book is composed of 13 chapters, each focusing on different aspects of warfare, such as planning, tactics, and leadership.

Sun Tzu emphasizes the importance of preparation and understanding one's own strengths and weaknesses as well as those of the enemy. He also stresses the importance of using deception and flexibility in order to gain advantages on the battlefield.

One of the most famous concepts from the book is the idea of "winning without fighting," where victory is achieved through strategic planning and maneuvers rather than direct conflict.

Overall, "The Art of War" provides valuable insights into the nature of warfare and has been studied by military strategists, business leaders, and politicians for centuries.

The main ideas of "The Art of War":

  1. Preparation: Sun Tzu stresses the importance of preparation and planning before going to battle. He believes that success in warfare is determined before the battle even begins, through factors such as terrain analysis, weather, and the deployment of troops.
  2. Understanding strengths and weaknesses: Sun Tzu emphasizes the importance of understanding one's own strengths and weaknesses as well as those of the enemy. He suggests that a general who knows himself and his enemy will win battles, while a general who only knows himself or his enemy will only win half the time.
  3. Flexibility: Sun Tzu encourages flexibility in battle, suggesting that a general should be able to adapt to changing circumstances and adjust their strategies accordingly. He stresses the importance of not being overly attached to any one plan, and being able to change tactics in response to new information.
  4. Deception: Sun Tzu discusses the importance of using deception and misdirection in warfare. He suggests that a general should be able to deceive the enemy through tactics such as feints, false retreats, and creating false appearances of strength or weakness.
  5. Winning without fighting: Sun Tzu's most famous concept is the idea of "winning without fighting." He suggests that the ultimate goal of warfare is not to destroy the enemy, but to achieve victory with minimal loss of life and resources. He advocates for using tactics such as diplomacy, psychological warfare, and strategic positioning to weaken the enemy and achieve victory without engaging in direct conflict.

Overall, "The Art of War" provides a comprehensive guide to military strategy that has been influential for centuries. Its teachings have been applied not only in warfare, but also in business, politics, and many other fields.

With the opening of the world's greatest event a few hours away, businesses will no doubt have a keen eye on events planned at the 4.38 sq.km. site

As world exhibitions go, the timing of Expo 2020 Dubai could not be any better.

Organised under the theme “Connecting Minds, Creating the Future”, Expo 2020 – making history as the largest event ever held in the Arab World – is not only a six-month extravaganza and cultural spectacle for visitors; it is more importantly an environment for countless business opportunities.

With the opening of the mega event hours away, businesses will no doubt have a keen eye on events planned at the 4.38 sq.km. site as global economies emerge from 18 months of disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

With many businesses keen to re-calibrate the way they work to cope with fresh demands of a changed world, a series of events, workshops, and presentations in the first weeks of the Expo will offer insight into how firms can prepare.

Zawya rounds up 10 top networking opportunities happening earlier on in the event.

  1. Debate sustainability with Brazil’s Vice President

A key theme of the entire exhibition is sustainability. On Day Two of Expo 2020, October 2, visitors can join a debate with the vice president of Brazil, Hamilton Mourão to discuss the South American country’s contribution to sustainable development enterprises and initiatives.

Mourão leads the Council of the Amazon that is responsible for preserving, protecting, and developing the Amazon region by working with businesses and communities.

Starting at 3 p.m., the two-hour talk – which will focus on entrepreneurship, innovation, and technology around sustainability – is included in a day pass ticket.

  1. Discuss investment in developing nations

Country pavilions will unite to listen to a panel of top leaders from the private sector on 14 October to explore new ways to maximise the role of the European Union (EU) by investing in developing nations.

The debate will focus on how to ramp up private investment in developing countries and emerging economies, particularly in Africa. Talks will run from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m., and visitors can dip in and out while they enjoy other attractions around the site.

  1. Discover initiatives from the heart of Russia

Exclusive business and media conferences will bring together key Russian industry leaders and media influencers, allowing them to showcase the very best examples of projects initiated and developed in Moscow.

The event will be popular with those visitors with a keen interest in learning more about Moscow and how to invest in or take a trip to the cosmopolitan capital.

It will showcase opportunities in business entrepreneurship, as well as what arts and culture Moscow has to offer - all within the Russia pavilion inside the site’s mobility district.

  1. Learn about the Expo key themes with Mexican experts

During October, three Mexican guests will give 45-minute talks focusing on topics related to the theme weeks of Expo.

Admission to the talks is included in the entry ticket, with locations to be confirmed on daily entry programmes. Experts will spark up a range of different conversations, starting with space exploration throughout October.

Other topics lined up include climate and biodiversity, urban and rural development, travel and connectivity, health, wellness, and agriculture.

Mexico’s pavilion in the Mobility District will showcase national treasures in the form of art, music and food taking visitors on a journey of migration and exchange through the cycle of life.

  1. Learn how businesses can battle climate change

A special event at the Blue Carbon Majlis on 19 October will offer an insight into how coastal and marine ecosystems store carbon, and how businesses can get involved to improve their impact on climate change.

The two-day programme will focus on policy and financing of this vital science that has the potential to play a critical role in protecting the natural world. Talks and demonstrations will be led by the IORA Blue Carbon Hub, a natural disaster risk reduction think tank from the University of Western Australia and co-curated with IORA Members and Observer states.

The two-hour talks take place at 2 p.m., 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.

  1. Explore how to branch out in the green-tech space

At the Malaysia pavilion, an unmissable event is lined-up on October 20 for companies looking to branch out into emerging green technologies should snap up the opportunity to visit a mini-seminar on the topic.

Perfect for those with an interest in future renewable, sustainable technologies that care for the environment, this particular forum focuses on investment opportunities in green technology in Malaysia. The talk will last for an hour and a half from 8.30 a.m., 10 a.m. and 12 p.m.

Afterwards, visit Al Wasl Plaza – home to the world’s largest 360-degree projection surface. The Plaza’s dome comes alive after dark and awakens as an illuminated canvas against the night sky, capturing the imagination of visitors as it tells stories “from the Arab region, our natural world, the cosmos, and humanity’s endless quest for a better future.”

  1. Unearth emerging technologies

The Nigeria Tech Conference on 21 October will give visitors an inside look at the latest emerging technology in Africa and what investment opportunities are on offer for businesses.

Speakers will reveal how the continent is connecting and harnessing the transformative power of technology with displays showcasing to the world Nigeria’s enormous strides and successes in its technological progress.

The 12-hour forum begins at 10a.m.

  1. Mingle at the EU Business Forum

The EU is set to host a business forum with representatives from the Gulf Cooperation Council GCC nations and a gala to mark a custom Expo "EU Honour Day" on October 23.

  1. Learn about investment opportunities in Switzerland

The Swiss pavilion is preparing to showcase some unseen gems of what the nation has to offer businesses and tourists planning to visit the beautiful country of mountains and lakes.

Swiss universities and tech companies will be on hand to demonstrate their latest ideas on how to build smart cities of the future.

A digital “twin” of Albert Einstein, who attended university in Zurich, will greet those visiting the pavilion.

Meanwhile, healthcare-focused individuals can learn more about the progression of value-based healthcare in the region via Roche’s special 125-year anniversary exhibition in November.

  1. Converge with fintech specialists at BlockExpo

As Expo 2020 puts it, “few technological innovations in recent times have attracted as much interest – and confusion – as blockchain.” Organisers promise that “the veil on its revolutionary promise will be lifted” in November when more than 300 fintech firms and thousands of experts and enthusiasts meet at BlockExpo and World Blockchain Summit 2021.

Taking place at the Dubai Exhibition Centre, right on the “doorstep” of the Expo 2020 site, the event is aimed at “technologists, futurlists, and savvy investors”.

source: zawya

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