
Sharjah, Finland open doors for investments in education and socioeconomic fields

SHARJAH, 22nd January, 2019 (WAM) -- In a bid to explore new areas of collaboration in education and socioeconomic fields, and boost bilateral investment prospects between Sharjah and Finland, the Sharjah Department of Government Relations, DGR, has hosted a high-level delegation from the city of Oulu, Finland, who conducted a series of visits to key government organisations, departments and entities across the emirate.

The Finnish delegation, comprising 21 state officials and key Finnish company representatives, visited six entities from Sharjah, namely; Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park; American University of Sharjah; Sharjah Entrepreneurship Centre – Sheraa; Sharjah Arts Foundation; and the Sharjah Museums – Sharjah Islamic Museum and Sharjah Calligraphy Museum, who showcased their key developments in economic, touristic and educational projects.

Shedding light on the importance of fuelling bilateral interactions between Sharjah and Finland, Sheikh Fahim bin Sultan Al Qasimi, DGR Executive Chairman, said, "This compressive visit was organised to boost to the recent breakthrough in Emirati–Finnish bilateral relations, which have been strengthened through a number of visits from both sides, including a DGR delegation visit to Oulu in September 2017."

Sheikh Fahim noted that this visit cements Sharjah’s strategy to create a dynamic network of cross-governmental relations between the emirate and Finland, and exemplifies DGR’s role in boosting Sharjah’s global socioeconomic rank that has been receiving an upward push, a result of growing interest from large-scale businesses, tourists and foreign students from Northern Europe.

He also underscored that DGR attaches considerable importance to harnessing successful global expertise to nurture Sharjah’s endeavours. "We seek to learn from the positive results of policies of openness and experience-sharing among countries worldwide. In order for any national experience to succeed, it has to take into consideration the international dimension in its policies, objectives and results."

The delegation was also hosted by the Sharjah Chamber of Commerce where a roundtable was held. Officials from both sides shed light on the two-way business prospects, in addition to showcasing commercial and investment partnership opportunities between Sharjah and Finland.

The need to diversify and build a knowledge-based economy is at the heart of both Emirati and Finnish systems of educational and entrepreneurial development. A Sharjah Education Seminar was organised during the visit; an education meeting that allowed the two parties to exchange expertise and lessons in the field relevant to one another’s education systems. The SBFO shared Sharjah’s 40-year efforts in making the emirate the first city in the world to be awarded the titles of ‘Baby-Friendly’ and ‘Child-Friendly’ city by the UNICEF.

In return, Sharjah heard from Finnish educational experts about the outstanding Finnish approach to early childhood education, which includes daily care programmes for infants, toddlers and children, in addition to pre-school programmes, as well as vocational and lifelong training they provide to their citizens.

Source: emirates news agency


Direct investments in Abu Dhabi’s Kizad hit $19bln

Khalifa Industrial Zone has attracted more than 200 national and foreign investors

The volume of direct investments in Khalifa Industrial Zone (Kizad) has reached Dh70 billion ($19 billion), Captain Mohamed Juma Al Shamisi, CEO of Abu Dhabi Ports was quoted as saying in a media report.

It has attracted more than 200 national and foreign investors, and contributed to building a diversified, sustainable and knowledge-based economy, reported state news agency Wam.

In a press statement on the sidelines of groundbreaking ceremony of the Chinese Roadbot Tyre Project Kizad (Roadbot) - which is the first tyre manufacturing plant in the UAE, Al Shamisi said that there are 45 companies and factories operating in the industrial zone.

He affirmed that Abu Dhabi Ports maintained steady growth, with its contribution in 2017 to Dh19.6 billion or 3.6 per cent of non-oil GDP in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. He pointed out that the company aims to achieve balanced growth in the coming years to contribute 15 per cent of Abu Dhabi's non-oil GDP by 2030.

Abu Dhabi Ports CEO said that Roadbot has become the first Chinese firm to set up there since JOCIC and Abu Dhabi Ports signed a 50-year agreement in 2017.

He pointed out that the factory will meet the global tyre industry's highest standards of design and construction, and, when completed, be an intelligent, fully automated, and eco-friendly plant.

Al Shamisi went on to say, that the factory is at the centre of the Belt and Road initiative, and is the result of excellent partnership between the UAE and China. It also reflects the deep relations between the two countries. He added that the products manufactured in the plant will be sold in the Middle East, Africa, the United States, and Europe.



Buy Dubai house, get free trade licence

You can now buy a home in Dubai and get a trade licence free with it.Emaar in partnership with the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre has launched 184 units in an under-construction building in Dubai Hills Estate. Those who pay 20 per cent of the apartment price at Executive Residences will receive a free three-year renewable business licence (estimated to be worth Dh130,000), a free three-year renewable family residency visa and 100 per cent business ownership. The owner can also apply for an employee visa with every trade licence.

This is a product targeted at entrepreneurs and SMEs and is touted to be a game-changer in the UAE real estate industry. Entrepreneurs can now do away with the need to rent office premises.

"It will give buyers the freedom to work flexible hours and perhaps set up a business they can run from home. The offer is exceedingly attractive to families with young children as it will give parents the option to spend more time at home and be flexible with child care," said Lewis Allsopp, CEO of Allsopp & Allsopp.

A one-bedroom apartment is priced below Dh1 million while two-beds range from Dh1.3 million to Dh1.6 million. The building is slated to be ready by 2021.

"It helps you to achieve cost savings. The product is targeted at SMEs, who contribute 80 per cent of the economy," said Kunal Puri, founder and managing director of La Capitale Real Estate.

Earlier, business owners had to show their office tenancy contract as proof to get a trade licence. In this project, they can do so with their house Ejari certificate.
"People are already waiting in queue to buy with credit card authorisation. This kind of freedom has never existed in the market before. It is a master stroke by the developer," added Puri.

With the Executive Residences, entrepreneurs and startup owners have a chance to run a home-based business legally.

Source:khaleej times

4 Ecommerce Trends to Watch Carefully for in 2019

As the online retail space grows ever more competitive, entrepreneurs will need to adapt.

Ecommerce enjoyed a record-breaking year in 2018, with global sales revenues estimated to have reached $2.8 trillion, according to Statista. This year, this figure is expected to rise to $3.5 trillion. To put this in perspective, if the ecommerce industry were a country, it would slot into the fifth spot, ahead of the United Kingdom, whose GDP as of April 2018 was $2.61 trillion.

With such eye-opening figures, it’s little wonder there’s so much excitement surrounding the future of online retail. Amid all the hype about ecommerce, it’s easy to forget that this segment accounts for just 11.9 percent of the total retail sales around the world. Therefore, the market holds an extraordinary capacity for growth over the next decade. 

Below, I identify the four trends that ecommerce entrepreneurs should pay the closest attention to: 

1. Smaller businesses using big data 

Yes, we’ve heard quite a lot about big data over the past two years, but it’s not going away. As more people come to grips with this new resource, this effort will increasingly separate the successful from the less successful ecommerce businesses. And this division will not be limited to behemoth ecommerce businesses either, because mid-range competitors too are now using their data reserves to mine unique insights. 

Big data, in fact, helps entrepreneurs analyze shopping behavior, trends and what products it is that are selling. It's been proven to help ecommerce businesses make improvements in customer service, security and mobile commerce. It also powers the AI which is revolutionizing the industry (more on this below).  

In short, big data is likely to power future developments in your ecommerce business. If you are planning on staying in the industry long term, you would be wise to study the latest developments.  

2. Excellent customer service 

Shoppers are growing used to the convenience of ecommerce, and entrepreneurs need to ensure that the customer experience meets those people's growing expectations. The purchasing journey needs to be smooth, reassuring and secure. Stores also need to be quick to respond to queries and resolve issues. 

One American Express study has found that more than half of Americans surveyed had canceled a purchase due to bad service. But take heart; you needn't be the entrepreneur on the other end of that type of transaction. Instead, there are a number of ways you can deliver outstanding customer service: 

Ensure a smooth checkout: Too many ecommerce stores still have unnecessarily drawn-out checkouts. Consider whether you need any more than two stages, i.e., you can fill in the details on one page; then confirm those details and items on the next.  

Be responsive: Whether it’s on social media or your website or via email or phone, your business should respond to any queries in a timely and professional manner. An increasing number of stores offer live chat on their sites, and the response of customers has been overwhelmingly positive. 

Deliver a personalized experience: Use your customer’s browsing and purchase history to deliver a personalized shopping experience. This is something Amazon has turned into an art form in recent years, directing its customers to the products that are most relevant to them and that they are more likely to buy.  

Listen to your customers: Be proactive in looking for feedback and asking your customers about their experience. By asking for feedback, you’ll shape a more holistic view of your business and how it is perceived. Don’t be afraid to address criticism, either, even if it’s in public. In this way, you'll identify your weaknesses and prove to customers that you take complaints seriously. 

Above all, understand that providing excellent customer service is no longer a bonus for an ecommerce business. It’s now the norm. 

3. Enhanced AI 

Without good, well-ordered data, you will not be able to embrace the latest technologies that can drive revenue to your ecommerce store. AI is already evident in many ecommerce stores. Those automated live chatbots, advanced data analytics and inventory management tools? They are all powered by AI.  

However, there are examples of stores taking it to the next level to deliver a highly personalized experience. Outdoor wear brand, The North Face, has recently unveiled a digitalized personal shopper which can guide customers to products. There are also voice search and mobile shopping, which enable people to shop on the move. 

4. Improved personalization 

One of the factors behind Amazon’s success is its advanced product recommendations algorithm, which drives up to 35 percent of the company’s total sales. Using the buyer’s shopping habits, interests and even browsing history, the ecommerce giant is able to promote the products the buyer is most likely to purchase. 

Looking beyond Amazon, product recommendation engines have proven effective at delivering a personalized shopping experience and driving up revenue for stores. The key is to place those recommendations at optimum points in the purchasing process.

First, ensure you have recommended products visible to your shoppers on the home page or after the point that they sign in. Then, once they have added items to their basket, ensure you have suggested complementary items. You can also suggest items at checkout.  

Final thoughts

Entrepreneurs who take the proactive approach, embrace the latest advances in tech and make use of data will reap the rewards in ecommerce. As AI becomes more mainstream, it is essential that ecommerce business owners take personalization to the next level. Simply having a product recommendation plugin is no longer enough; you need to be proactive and utilize tools in the right way, with well-curated data, to maximize their potential.

Source: entrepreneur




The Dubai Land Department (DLD) recently organised the "Dubai Real Estate Sector Profile" forum to announce the performance report of the real estate sector over the past years, and the role of data in enhancing the transparency of the sector.

The forum included the launch of the "Deraya" report and the annual performance report of the real estate sector 2018.

The "Deraya" report was initiated by the Department of Real Estates Studies and Research of the Real Estate Promotion and Investment Management Sector at the DLD, in collaboration with Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated (JLL) and Cavendish Maxwell, and the annual report of the real estate sector performance 2018.

These reports contribute to enhancing Dubai's real estate market, positioning it as the world's leading real estate market.

According to the JLL Global Real Estate Transparency Index 2018, Dubai was among the top three global cities regarding real estate market transparency.

DLD director-general Sultan Butti bin Mejren said these reports provided a key database for media, investors and international classification agencies to access insights on the performance of Dubai’s real estate market with complete transparency.

"We seek to achieve some key objectives through these reports and highlight the role of the real estate sector and its close ties with other economic sectors. The reports underline the importance of the real estate sector as a productive element that supports all other economic sectors, reflecting positively on the real estate sector’s growing contributions to Dubai’s GDP," stated Bin Mejren.

"The current real estate sector enjoys several positive indicators that predict growth across many of its segments, supported by the annual report of the real estate sector and the 2018 Deraya report, which represents integrated strategic cooperation between the public and private sectors," he added.

The reports are also a testament to Dubai’s status as one of the world’s top attractive investment destinations that ensures investors future high yields, said the top official.

"The reports offer a deeper insight into the performance of Dubai’s real estate sector in 2017, furthering the transparency level across the sector. They are aimed at increasing professionalism across Dubai’s real estate environment, consolidating the real estate information sources, and elevating DLD to become the leading real estate reference," remarked Bin Mejren.

"The reports also work towards bolstering the attractiveness of Dubai’s real estate market, identifying market trends and needs, and providing real estate studies companies and real estate experts access to relevant data," he noted.

Majida Ali Rashid, CEO of the Real Estate Promotion and Investment Management Sector at the DLD, said: "We are proud to have cooperated with two of the world's leading companies, in line with our commitment to engage our partners and customers."

"The launch of Deraya, our joint research initiative, is part of our collaborations with real estate consultancy companies and experts in the field of real estate studies," she added.


Source: Trade ArabiaArabia

Dubai engineering solutions giant ARJ Holding Ltd is investing €100 million in the Tallinn-Helsinki tunnel project, tunnel designer Peter Vesterbacka announced at a press conference on Monday.

Mr Vesterbacka, chief of FinEst Bay Area, the group behind the tunnel project, pointed out the total cost of the tunnel stands at €15 billion, with an investment period of 30 years; the tunnel itself has a projected life span of 120 years, he said.

Finest Bay Area Leader Vesterbacka said the total cost of the project is estimated at €15 billion. The investment period is 30 years and the tunnel should last 120 years.


Project already over two years old

The project has been underway for two and a half years already, Mr Vesterbacka said, and Finest Bay Area has invested between two and three million of its own and investors funds.

Of the remainder, a loan is earmarked for 70% of funding, plus equal volumes of investments of European and Asian origin.

Mr Vesterback also swatted back media claims that there were two different tunnel projects in existence. He said in fact that the project comprises two tunnels, one passenger and one freight.

Tickets already one sale

FinEst Bay Area and Mr Westerbacka envisage the tunnel project being completed in 2024. Confidence in the project is such that travel tickets are already available. A return ticket costs €100 at present (half of that for one-way travel), and an annual ticket, with guaranteed unlimited travel through the tunnel for a year, costs €1,000.

Travel time through the tunnel between the two capitals is estimated at 20 minutes.

By comparison, return tickets via the three main car ferry operators, Tallink, Viking Line and Eckerö, cost between €20 and €50 at short notice and without offers. The journey takes between two and three hours in normal conditions.

Now-defunct fast catamaran service Lindaline, when it ran, was closer to this price for a one-way ticket on a journey of around 45 minutes. It is not clear yet whether the company, which had gone into receivership earlier this year, will reopen in 2019 with new vessels, or what ticket prices are likely to be.

Former helicopter service Copterline, which had planned to reopen services between the two cities in recent years, having discontinued them after a fatal accident involving one of its aircraft in 2005, has yet to do so. Ticket prices when it did operate were considerably higher even than those quoted for the proposed tunnel, though the journey time was approximately the same.

Peter Vesterbacka is the former CEO of Finnish game developer Rovio. According his plan, the tunnel's route and its feeder tracks would have four stops, one of which in Tallinn, the second some 15 km from Helsinki, the third near the Aalto University campus in Otaniemi, and the fourth at Helsinki Airport.

Last Friday, Mr Vesterbacka filed a request for initiating the procedure for a national designated spatial plan for the tunnel with the finance ministry.

Helsinki and Tallinn lie approximately 86 km apart at their nearest points, and are separated by the Gulf of Finland, part of the Baltic Sea. The gulf has an average depth of a little over 40 m and is over 100 m deep at its deepest points (not necessarily along the route between the two cities). The underlying bedrock is principally limestone.

Darwin Airlines was founded in 2003, after Swiss International Airlines dropped its Lugano route

The public prosecutor of the southern Swiss canton of Ticino has opened criminal proceedings over irregularities concerning the bankruptcy of regional carrier Darwin Airlines. 

Middle East Business

Amal Daragmeh: UN Under Secretary General discusses Urban Sustainability with UPC.

Abu Dhabi, 23rd May, 2017: A senior representative from the United Nations (UN) met with Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council (UPC) this week to discuss the global issue of rapid urbanisation and its impact on communities, cities, economies, climate change and policies.


ميدل ايست بزنس

أبوظبي، 23 مايو2017: استقبل سعادة فلاح محمد الأحبابي مدير عام مجلس أبوظبي للتخطيط العمرانيي صباح اليوم الدكتور جون كلوس مساعد الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة المدير التنفيذي لبرنامج الأمم المتحدة للمستوطنات البشرية لتعزيز التعاون بين المجلس وبرنامج الأمم المتحدة في مجال التخطيط والتوسع العمراني وأثره على المجتمعات والمدن والاقتصاد والتغير المناخي والسياسات.


قال رئيس مجلس إدارة غرفة تجارة وصناعة دبي، ماجد سيف الغرير، إن «ضريبة القيمة المضافة المتوقع تطبيقها مطلع العام المقبل، لها آثار إيجابية عدة في اقتصاد الإمارات»، مؤكداً أنها «ستسهم للمرة الأولى في بناء منظومة جديدة من البيانات والمعلومات الدقيقة والسريعة عن القطاعات الاقتصادية المختلفة». وأكد الغرير خلال لقاء صحافي عقد على هامش زيارة نظمتها غرفة تجارة وصناعة دبي، أخيراً، إلى ثلاث دول في قارة أميركا الجنوبية، «أهمية الدور الذي تلعبه البيانات في رسم سياسة أي اقتصاد».

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