
Call for Applications: The Ye! Youth Ecopreneurs Programme (YECO) 2024 for young Green Entrepreneurs ($10,000 prize & All-Expenses-Paid Trip to International Conference).

Application Deadline: March 22nd 2024, midnight CET

Applications are now open for the Ye! Youth Ecopreneur Programme. The Ye! Youth Ecopreneurs Programme (YECO) 2024, a transformative journey hosted by the International Trade Centre and the G20 Global Land Initiative in Geneva. YECO 2024 is designed for visionary young entrepreneurs who are committed to pioneering sustainable solutions for our planet.


The YECO 2024 program is designed for young ecopreneurs looking to elevate their initiatives to new heights. Ideal candidates are innovators with a clear understanding of the environmental challenges they address, offering scalable solutions ready for acceleration. This program serves as a launchpad for those ready to make a substantial impact in environmental innovation.

YECO seek candidates that meet the following profile:


  • Must be under the age of 35 (by 22 March 2024)
  • Must be a member of the Ye! Community (Register here)
  • Must be Founder, Co-Founder or CEO

The Business

  • Must be majority run by a young person
  • Must be legally registered
  • The bootcamp is open globally, the accelerator is reserved for eligible countries – see the list (in the table hereafter)
  • Must promote land restoration, sustainability, circularity, and/or the green economy

Programme Details: Specific program components include:

  1. Global Bootcamp*
  • Training and masterclasses on investment readiness among other crucial topics, facilitated by business development, legal, and IP experts
  • A unified platform for global exchange and networking within the young entrepreneur cohort, complemented by mentoring from the Ye! Community
  1. Accelerator
  • A bespoke 360 degrees Business Assessment, followed by tailored trainings and coaching for your business
  • Seed Funding and access to investment networks for Land Restoration category
  • Preferential access to Pro-Bono Legal Services from Sidley Austin**
  • Preferential access to the Google StartUp for Sustainable Development Programme
  1. Awards
  • All-Expenses-Paid Trip to International Conference
  • In-person capacity building
  • Personalized pitch training and coaching
  • Visibility with stakeholders and investors
  • Special prizes from partners
  • Win Youth Ecopreneur Award and get $10,000 USD prize money

*Ecopreneurs from Developed Countries can only participate in the Bootcamp

**Subject to due diligence requirements

Application Procedure:

  • The YECO 2024 welcomes young entrepreneurs to submit their green business initiatives.
  • Applicants have until March 22nd to present their proposals that reflect innovation, sustainability, and potential for impact.

For More Information: Apply Now!


List of eligible countries




American Samoa



Antigua and Barbuda















Bosnia and Herzegovina 

Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba


Bouvet Island

Brunei Darussalam

Burkina Faso




Cap Verde

Cayman Islands

Central African Republic







Cook Islands Costa Rica




People's Republic of Korea

Democratic Republic of the Congo



Dominican Republic



El Salvador

Equatorial Guinea


East Timor



















Ivory Coast






Korea D.P.R



Lao People's Democratic Republic










Marshall Islands









Mozambique Myanmar








North Macedonia






Papua New Guinea






Saint Kitts and Nevis

Saint Lucia

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


Sao Tome and Principe

Saudi Arabia 




Sierra Leone

Sint Maarten (Dutch part)


Solomon Islands


South Africa

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

South Sudan

Sri Lanka



Syrian Arab Republic








Trinidad and Tobago





United Arab Emirates




Vanuatu Venezuela

Viet Nam




















Tortoise Intelligence recently released the Artificial Intelligence Index Report for the year 2023, which is one of the global rankings of artificial intelligence that includes more than 60 countries. In this article, we will review the main topics that this report focuses on and the ranking of Arab countries according to its findings.

The Artificial Intelligence Index (AI)

AI index relies on 111 indicators collected from 28 different sources of public and private data, covering 62 countries. These indicators are categorized within seven core pillars, which are as follows:

1. Government Strategy: This indicator measures the depth of governmental commitment to national artificial intelligence strategies and the extent of their commitment in terms of expenditure and implementation.
2. Research: This measure encompasses specialized research output in artificial intelligence, including the number of publications and citations in reputable academic journals.
3. Development: This pillar focuses on the level of development of foundational platforms and algorithms relied upon by innovative artificial intelligence projects.
4. Competence (Talent): This measure emphasizes the availability of talents and skills among practitioners engaged in artificial intelligence solutions.
5. Infrastructure: This pillar evaluates the availability of infrastructure related to artificial intelligence activities, including electricity, internet access, automation, and more.
6. Operational Environment: This measure focuses on the regulatory context and public perception of artificial intelligence.
7. Trade: This measure concentrates on business activities, including the activities of startups, investments, and artificial intelligence-based commercial initiatives.

These pillars provide a comprehensive framework for assessing the position of countries in the field of artificial intelligence.

Ranking of Arab countries on the Artificial Intelligence Index

The United States of America ranked first on the Artificial Intelligence Index, followed by China in second place, and then Singapore, the United Kingdom, and Canada. As for the Arab countries, the table below illustrates their ranking on both the global and Arab levels.


As can be seen, with the exception of the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, which secured average global rankings, other Arab countries rank lower on the global scale. It is worth noting from the table that there is a common weakness among all Arab countries included in the index, which is the talent pool working in artificial intelligence activities. If we consider the average ranking of Arab countries in this index, their combined position is approximately 48, indicating an educational and professional gap in the Arab world in this field. Additionally, significant lag can be observed for Arab countries in terms of operational environment, development and trade indicators.

On the other hand, there is significant variation among Arab countries in terms of operational environment, government strategy, and research indicators. In terms of government strategy, Saudi Arabia not only outperforms on the Arab level but also takes the global lead. This is attributed to the presence of a dedicated and approved national strategy for artificial intelligence, a government entity specifically focused on developing implementation plans for artificial intelligence in the country, providing funding and a dedicated budget, and monitoring the achievement of set goals. Since 2018, the Kingdom has shown interest in the field of artificial intelligence by establishing the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority "SDAIA" as the national reference for the development, regulation, and utilization of artificial intelligence.

Likewise, the United Arab Emirates holds a relatively advanced position (rank 20) in terms of having a national strategy for artificial intelligence and its commitment to implementation. However, the most notable strength of the UAE in this field lies in its infrastructure, where it ranks fourth globally. Qatar also stands out in terms of research indicators, securing a relatively advanced position (rank 17), with a 17-place difference from the UAE on the same index.

For more information about the Artificial Intelligence Index Report, please visit the Tortoise Intelligence website by clicking here.

تشير التقارير والصحف والمجلات الاقتصادية الدولية الى أن الاقتصادات الكبرى في العالم سوف تشهد تباطؤا في النمو. فوفقا لتقرير صدر عن مؤتمر الأمم المتحدة للتجارة والتنمية (أونكتاد)[1] فان العالم يتجه نحو ركود طويل الأمد ما لم تتغير السياسات المالية والنقدية التي تسيطر على بعض الاقتصادات المتقدمة بسرعة. كما حذر البنك الدولي من أن الاقتصاد العالمي للعام 2023 في حالة محفوفة بالمخاطر، وسط ارتفاع معدلات التضخم وأسعار الفائدة، وانخفاض الاستثمار، والحرب المستمرة في أوكرانيا. حيث يتوقع صندوق النقد الدولي تراجع النمو الاقتصادي الى 2.7٪ في العام 2023 مقارنة بـ 3.2٪ في العام 2022. وهو تباطؤ عالمي من شأنه أن يؤدي الى انخفاض الناتج المحلي الإجمالي الى أقل مما كان عليه قبل جائحة كورونا ويكلف العالم أكثر من 17 تريليون دولار في الإنتاجية المفقودة. ويقول الصندوق ان توقعات النمو في العام 2023 ستكون الأدنى منذ العام 2001. كما حذر كبير الاقتصاديين في الصندوق بيير اوليفييه في تصريحات له لصحيفة فايننشال تايمز البريطانية من أن هناك احتمالا لتهاوي النمو العالمي لأقل من 1٪ في العام 2023.

وتشهد الاقتصادات الكبرى لكل من الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا والصين توقعات النمو منخفضة. ووفقا للبنك الدولي فان الولايات المتحدة ستواجه معدل نمو بنسبة لا تزيد عن 1 في المائة في عام 2023، بينما من المتوقع أن يقترب النمو في أوروبا من الصفر، ومن المتوقع ألا يزيد نمو الصين عن 4.3٪ (الشكل 1)، كما أن من المتوقع أن يبلغ معدل البطالة في أمريكا حوالي 3٪، مع استمرار الزيادة في العجز في الميزان الجاري لتصل الى اكثر من 800 مليار دولار في العام 2023.

وبالرغم من أن الحديث يدور عن أن جميع المناطق ستتأثر بهذا الركود الا أن أجراس الإنذار تدق بشكل أكبر بالنسبة للبلدان النامية، خاصة مع تفاقم مشكلة الديون. كما يورد التقرير سببا اخر للقلق الاقتصادي وذلك مع اشتداد التأثيرات المناخية، حيث تزداد الخسائر والأضرار داخل الاقتصادات الضعيفة التي تفتقر إلى الموارد المالية للتعامل مع الكوارث.

ويحذر الأونكتاد من أن التضييق النقدي المفرط وعدم كفاية الدعم المالي يمكن أن يعرضا اقتصادات العالم النامي لمزيد من الأزمات المتتالية. ومن المفترض أن تعاني البلدان ذات الدخل المتوسط في أمريكا اللاتينية والبلدان منخفضة الدخل في أفريقيا من اثار التباطؤ هذا العام، مع احتمالية أن تطفو مشكلة التخلف عن سداد الديون الى السطح.

كما حذّرت مديرة صندوق النقد الدولي كريستالينا جورجيفا، في تصريحات لها من أن الاقتصاد العالمي سيشهد أوضاعاً صعبة في عام 2023، إذ سيكون الركود الاقتصادي واستمرار ارتفاع مستويات التضخم سمته الأبرز، هذا في وقت تشهد محركاته، أي الاقتصاد الأمريكي والصيني والأوروبي، تباطؤاً كبيراً منذ الربع الأخير للسنة الماضية.

وتلتقي هذه التحذيرات مع توقعات أخرى قاتمة، أطلقتها عدد من المؤسسات المالية الدولية الأخرى، والبنوك المركزية الأوروبية، ترى هي أيضاً أن شبح الركود الاقتصادي سيلازم الاقتصاد العالمي، وسيرافقه من 2022 إلى 2023.

يقول الملياردير الأمريكي ستانلي ميلر (Stanley Miller)، المستثمر الذي نال شهرة في عام 1992 بعدما ضارب على انهيار الجنيه الإسترليني وحقق مكاسب وصلت الى عشرة مليارات دولار "اذا لم نشهد ركود اقتصاديا في العام 2023 فسيكون ذلك اشبه بالمعجزة" لان السناريو المتوقع للنمو في العام المقبل سيكون 2.4٪ في احسن الأحوال وقد يتباطأ الى 1.2٪ وهو نفس المستوى التي كان عليه النمو ابان الازمة المالية العالمية في العام 2008.


الحرب في اوكرانيا

تلقي الحرب الدائرة بين روسيا وأوكرانيا بثقلها على الاقتصاد العالمي، خاصة ما يتعلق بالإمدادات من الحبوب.

وقد أدى اندلاع الحرب الى ارتفاع أسعار المواد الغذائية والاسمدة مما أضر بالمستوردين ودفع العديد من البلدان الى فرض قيود على الصادرات. فاصبح هناك حوالي 345 مليون شخص تتعرض حياتهم الى خطر فوري من انعدام الأمن الغذائي الحاد. ووفقا لبرنامج الغذاء العالمي ينام اكثر من 828 مليون شخص حول العالم جائعا كل ليلة. اكثر الدول معاناة هي الدول التي تعتمد على الواردات الغذائية من أوكرانيا وروسيا ويبلغ عددها 48 دولة معظمها من البلدان ذات الدخل المنخفض[2].


المصدر: بيانات صندوق النقد الدولي.


معدلات التضخم ومشكلة الديون

يعتبر التضخم ظاهرة عالمية فاقمتها الحرب الروسية في أوكرانيا وتعطل سلاسل التوريد العالمية بعد إغلاقات "كوفيد-19" في الصين. ويتوقع صندوق النقد الدولي أن ترتفع أسعار المستهلكين الى مستويات قياسية في الاقتصادات الصاعدة والنامية لتصل الى 10٪ في العام 2022 قبل أن تهبط بشكل طفيف الى نحو 8.1٪ في العام 2023. ورغم أن الناتج الإجمالي تخطى مستوى 100 تريليون دولار لأول مرة خلال العام 2022 فان النمو مهدد بالتوقف وفقا لمركز بحوث الاقتصاد والأعمال (CEBR) في بريطانيا. كما أن رفع سعر الفائدة سوف يزيد من عبء القروض الجديدة والقائمة، ويؤدي الى تراجع الطلب الكلي وتراجع وتيرة الاستثمار وتأثر القطاعات الإنتاجية وسوق العمل. ومن المتوقع أن تواجه الأسر والشركات في مختلف انحاء العالم صعوبات اقتصادية قوية، بسبب ارتفاع أسعار السلع وخاصة الغذاء والطاقة - واستمرار البنوك المركزية في رفع أسعار الفائدة للحد من التضخم فضلا عن أزمة سلاسل التوريد وارتفاع أسعار الطاقة والمواد الغذائية نتيجة الحرب في أوكرانيا، وفي هذا السياق، تظهر إحصاءات صندوق النقد الدولي بأن البلدان العربية في الشرق الأوسط واسيا وافريقيا جنوب الصحراء وامريكا اللاتينية تعاني معدلات تضخم اعلى من البلدان الأخرى.

وفي ظل هذه الظروف تظهر مشكلة الديون مجددا، حيث يحذر الصندوق من تفاقم الديون العالمية بعد أن تجاوزت 303 تريليون دولار، أي ما يعادل 350٪ من أجمالي الناتج العالمي، لتكون المحصلة المزيد من حالات التخلف عن السداد في البلدان الفقيرة، وتمثل كل من سريلانكا ولبنان مثالا على هذا العجز.

وبحسب بيانات البنك الدولي فقد تجاوزت الديون الخارجية للدول النامية منخفضة ومتوسطة الدخل 9.2 تريليون دولار في نهاية عام 2021 وهو ما يعادل أكثر من ضعف قيمتها منذ عشر سنوات.


التجارة العالمية والنفط

ان انخفاض النمو الاقتصادي العالمي يعني أن التجارة العالمية سوف تميل نحو الانخفاض، مما سيؤثر على الاستثمارات الأجنبية وبالتالي على الاقتصادات الناشئة، هذا ناهيك عن احتمالية ظهور حروب تجارية بين الدول الصناعية وانعكاساتها على الاقتصادات الناشئة. وبخصوص تأثير الركود على اقتصادات الدول، فان ذلك يرتبط بدرجة انفتاح هذه الاقتصادات على الاقتصاد العالمي، فكلما كانت الاقتصادات اكثر انفتاحا كانت أكثر عرضة لتبعات الأزمة الاقتصادية. كما أن الدول التي تعتمد في اقتصاداتها على تصدير النفط تعتبر اكثر عرضة للتأثر بتبعات الأزمة الاقتصادية، وخاصة ما يتعلق بأسعار النفط.

وبعد أن شهدت أسعار النفط ارتفاعا ملحوظا بسبب الحرب الجارية في أوكرانيا لتصل الى أعلى معدل لها في العام 2022، أي الى حوالي مئة دولار للبرميل، فانه من المتوقع أن تنخفض خلال العام 2023 الى ما دون المئة ومن المتوقع أن تنخفض اكثر اذا ما استمر الركود الاقتصادي، لتصل الى ما دون السبعين دولارا خلال العام 2025. وبشكل عام فان الدول المنتجة للنفط تبقى أفضل حالا من بقية الدول خلال فترة الركود نتيجة للعوائد النفطية التي تمكنها من تنفيذ برامج لدعم القطاعات لمختلفة لمواجهة اثار الركود.


اقتصادات الدول العربية

في الوقت الذي تشهد الاقتصادات الكبرى في العالم تباطؤا في النمو، وهي اقتصادات الصين والاتحاد الأوروبي والولايات المتحدة فان دولا عربية غير متوقعة تحقق خرقا في النمو الاقتصادي.

ان المقارنة في بيانات النمو الاقتصادي للمنطقة العربية خلال العام 2022 والعام 2023 تبين الفوارق الكبيرة لتوقعات النمو بين العامين في تباين جلي بين الدول. وفي الوقت الذي شهد فيه العام 2022 نموا كبيرا نسبيا لعدة دول عربية خاصة دول مجلس التعاون ومصر والعراق، يعود ذلك على الأرجح لفترة الانتعاش التي شهدها العالم ما بعد جائحة كورونا، في حين سيشهد العام 2023 تغيرات كبيرة نتيجة للتطورات الأخيرة كما تم الحديث عنها سابقا، وهناك بلدانا ستشهد ركودا، كدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي وخاصة الكويت والسعودية، في حين أن بلدانا أخرى ستشهد نموا بنسب مختلفة، وخاصة ليبيا التي ستكون في صدارة الدول العربية التي ستحقق خرقا غير متوقع في النمو، ويتوقع أن تصل نسبة النمو فيها الى حوالي 18٪ تليها كل من جيبوتي وموريتانيا بنسب تقارب الـ 5٪ وتأتي بعدها كل من مصر والامارات والعراق (الشكل 2).


المصدر: بيانات صندوق النقد الدولي.


تعتبر مشكلة البطالة من المشكلات الرئيسية التي تواجه الاقتصادات العربية. وتظهر بيانات البنك الدولي المتعلقة بالبطالة تفاوتا كبيرا في نسب البطالة في الدول العربية مقارنة مع الاقتصادات الرئيسية في العالم. وطبقا لتقرير "إسكوا" فإن معدلات البطالة بين سكان العالم العربي سجلت نسبا هي الأعلى عالمياً وقد سجلت فلسطين والأردن أعلى نسب بطالة في العام 2021 بواقع حوالي 26 و24 في المئة على التوالي تليها السودان بواقع 21٪. واستندت خلاصات التقارير الاقتصادية الدولية الى أن الواقع الاقتصادي السائد في الدول العربية غير النفطية سيء للغاية اليوم ولا يبدو أنه سيتحسن مستقبلا ما لم تتوفر سياسات وطنية ناجعة وظروف دولية مواتية، في المقابل من المتوقع أن تسجل كل من مصر والبحرين والكويت نسبا أقل بكثير بواقع 6٪ و4٪ و1٪ على التوالي (الشكل 3).

من المتوقع أن تصل نسبة البطالة في الاتحاد الأوربي الى حوالي 7٪، حيث ستسجل اليونان واسبانيا نسبا عالية نسبيا بواقع 14٪ لكل منهما، وستصل في إيطاليا الى حوالي 10٪ كما ستصل الى حوالي 7٪ في كل من فرنسا وبلجيكا والسويد. وفي المملكة المتحدة ستصل الى حوالي 5٪، في المقابل من المتوقع أن تسجل كل من أمريكا وكندا نسبا تصل الى 4٪ و7٪ على التوالي، فيما ستصل هذه النسبة في كل من المانيا وسويسرا الى حوالي 3٪ لكل منهما (الشكل 3).

بالرغم من التوقعات الاقتصادية المتشائمة، فقد نمت اقتصادات دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي خلال العقدين الماضيين بشكل مضطرد وحققت قفزات كبيرة، ليزداد الناتج المحلي الإجمالي بالأسعار الجارية لدول المجلس مجتمعة من اقل من 400 مليار دولار امريكي في العام 2000 ليصل الى أكثر من 2 تريليون دولار في العام 2022، محققة بذلك علامة فارقة ولأول مرة، مما جعل اقتصاد دول المجلس من بين اكبر عشر اقتصادات عالمية، حيث تعتبر خطط التعافي الاقتصادي الطموحة المحرك الرئيسي لهذا الانتعاش كالمشاريع الضخمة لرؤية المملكة العربية السعودية 2030، ومعرض إكسبو 2020 دبي، والاستثمارات المتعلقة بكأس العالم في قطر، وكذلك برامج التنوع الاقتصادي.


تبعات الركود على الحياة اليومية

في حالة حدوث الركود، يبقى السؤال المهم هو تبعات هذه الازمة على الحياة اليومية، حيث أن الصدمات المناخية والصراعات الإقليمية وانتشار الوباء أدت الى تعطيل انتاج الغذاء وتوزيعه بالإضافة الى ارتفاع تكلفة اطعام الناس. ومن المرجح أن تكون عمليات التسريح أعلى وأكثر انتشاراً. وقد يتراجع أصحاب العمل عن التوظيف، فيما يتوقع أن ترتفع معدلات البطالة بمقدار صغير إلى متوسط. لكن لن يكون الجميع في نفس الخطر. ويتفاوت الناس في تعرضهم لتبعات الركود بحسب تخصصاتهم والخبرات التي يمتلكونها. والذي هم يتمتعون بطلب مرتفع على تخصصاتهم - سواء كانوا موظفين في الخطوط الأمامية أو مهندسين في تكنولوجيا المعلومات أو مسؤولين تنفيذيين رفيعي المستوى - فمن المرجح أنهم سيحصلون على وظيفة على الأرجح، أو أن يحتفظوا بوظائفهم وحتى أن يحصلوا على الزيادات والمكافآت على طول الطريق.


المصدر: بيانات صندوق النقد الدولي. * البيانات للعام 2021.



تشير التقارير والمصادر المختلفة الى أن الاقتصادات الكبرى في العالم لكل من الصين والاتحاد الأوروبي والولايات المتحدة سوف تشهد تباطؤا في النمو، نتيجة للضربات التي تلقاها الاقتصاد العالمي خلال العامين الماضيين، بدءا بالإغلاقات التي تمت بسبب جائحة كورونا مرورا بالحرب الروسية الأوكرانية، وحاليا ازدادت احتمالية انجراف الاقتصاد العالمي نحو الركود بسبب التضخم وزيادة أسعار الفائدة.

وقد حذر البنك الدولي من هذا الركود وسط ارتفاع معدلات التضخم وأسعار الفائدة، وانخفاض الاستثمار، والحرب الروسية المستمرة في أوكرانيا. ويتوقع صندوق النقد الدولي تراجع النمو الاقتصادي الى 2.7٪ في العام 2023 مقارنة بـ 3.2٪ في العام 2022. وهو تباطؤ عالمي من شأنه أن يكلف العالم أكثر من 17 تريليون دولار في الإنتاجية المفقودة.

وتبعا لذلك فانه من المتوقع بأن تواجه الأسر والشركات في مختلف انحاء العالم صعوبات اقتصادية قوية. كما أن هناك توقعات بتفاقم الديون العالمية بعد أن تجاوزت 303 تريليون دولار لتكون المحصلة المزيد من حالات التخلف عن السداد في البلدان الفقيرة.

وفيما يخص بالنفط، فبعد أن شهدت أسعار النفط ارتفاعا ملحوظا بسبب الحرب الجارية في أوكرانيا، فانه من المتوقع أن تنخفض خلال العام 2023 الى ما دون المئة، وبشكل عام فان الدول المنتجة للنفط تبقى أفضل حالا من بقية الدول خلال فترة الركود نتيجة للعوائد النفطية المرتفعة.

من جهة أخرى، أظهرت اقتصادات الدول العربية تباينا في نسب النمو. ففي حين ان بعض الدول العربية سوف تشهد ركودا بعد الطفرة التي شهدتها في فترة ما بعد جائحة كورونا، كدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي وخاصة الكويت والسعودية، فان هناك دولا عربية سوف تحقق نموا ملحوظا مثل جيبوتي، مصر، العراق، موريتانيا، وسوف تحقق ليبيا خرقا في النمو الاقتصادي يصل الى 18٪. وفي كل الأحوال، على الرغم من التوقعات الاقتصادية المتشائمة، فقد نمت اقتصادات دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي خلال العقدين الماضيين بشكل مضطرد وحققت قفزات كبيرة، ليتجاوز الناتج المحلي الإجمالي عتبة الـتريليوني دولار في العام 2022، أخيرا، بالنظر الى التوقعات الاقتصادية المتعلقة بالنمو، فان الحاجة ملحة لبرامج اقتصادية للتصدي للآثار السلبية للركود والحد من تبعاته على الأسر الفقيرة والشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة.


توصيات لمواجهة الركود

يعتبر دور الحكومات وصانعي السياسات أمرا مهما لمواجهة الأوقات الاقتصادية الصعبة. وستعتمد التدابير التي تتخذها الحكومة على الأسباب والخصائص المحددة للركود، ولكن الهدف من هذه الإجراءات استقرار الاقتصاد ودعم الأفراد والشركات وتعزيز النمو الاقتصادي. حيث يمكن للحكومات أن تلعب دورًا في التخفيف من آثار الركود من خلال عدد من السياسات الاقتصادية التالية:

1- السياسة المالية: يمكن للحكومات استخدام السياسة المالية، كزيادة الإنفاق الحكومي أو التخفيضات الضريبية، لتحفيز الطلب وتعزيز النشاط الاقتصادي. ويجب أن تستهدف السياسة المالية حماية الفئات الأكثر عرضة للمخاطر من خلال صرف تحويلات موجهة ومؤقتة، والاستثمار في تعزيز الطاقة الإنتاجية والاستثمار في رأس المال البشري والتحول الرقمي والطاقة الخضراء وتنويع سلاسل الإمداد.

2- السياسة النقدية: يمكن للبنوك المركزية استخدام السياسة النقدية، مثل خفض أسعار الفائدة، لجعل الاقتراض أرخص وتحفيز النشاط الاقتصادي (في الوقت الذي يعاني فيه الاقتصاد من التضخم يصبح من غير الممكن استخدام هذه السياسة).

3- الاستثمار في البنية التحتية: يمكن للحكومات الاستثمار في مشاريع البنية التحتية، مثل الطرق والجسور وأنظمة النقل العام، لخلق فرص العمل وتحفيز النشاط الاقتصادي.

4- التعاون الدولي: يمكن للحكومات العمل معا من خلال المنظمات الدولية، لتنسيق الجهود وتقديم الدعم خلال فترة الركود، وتعزيز التجارة الدولية لزيادة الصادرات وتحفيز النشاط الاقتصادي.

وبالنسبة للأفراد والشركات، فيما يلي بعض الاستراتيجيات الممكنة لمواجهة الركود:

1- خفض التكاليف: يجب مراجعة النفقات وتحديد المجالات التي يمكن فيها تقليل الإنفاق، خاصة النفقات غير الضرورية وإعادة التفاوض على العقود.

2- زيادة المدخرات: إنشاء صندوق طوارئ للمساعدة في مواجهة الصعوبات المالية.

3- تنويع الاستثمارات: النظر في محفظة متنوعة تشمل كلا من الأسهم والسندات لتقليل المخاطر الإجمالية.

4- إدارة الديون: إعطاء الأولوية لسداد الديون عالية الفائدة والنظر في طرق السداد أو إعادة التفاوض بشأنها لتقليل المدفوعات الشهرية.

5- احتضان التكنولوجيا: احتضان التقنيات والابتكارات الجديدة لتحسين الكفاءة والإنتاجية وزيادة الإيرادات.

6- التركيز على بناء المهارات: الاستثمار في التطوير الشخصي والمهني لزيادة المهارات القابلة للتسويق والقدرة التنافسية.

7- تقوية العلاقات: تعزيز العلاقات مع العملاء والموردين وأصحاب المصلحة الآخرين لزيادة المرونة والدعم في الأوقات الصعبة.

8- طلب الدعم الحكومي: البحث في البرامج الحكومية، أو الإعفاءات الضريبية، أو الحوافز المالية الأخرى للمساعدة في إدارة فترة الركود.



[1] آفاق التنمية في عالم متصدع Trade and Development Report 2022. Development prospects in a fractured world: Global disorder and regional responses.

[2] صندوق النقد الدولي: https://www.imf.org/ar/Blogs/Articles/2022/09/30/global-food-crisis-demands-support-for-people-open-trade-bigger-local-harvests.


2021 can be described as the year of startups par excellence, as it was an exceptional year for startups at all levels. Despite all the difficulties and challenges related to the spread of the Corona virus epidemic, what startups in the Middle East and North Africa achieved in 2021 did not achieve in all previous years!

In this article, we will take a comprehensive look at the state of startups in the region, and tell you everything you need to know about the state of startups in the Middle East and North Africa in 2021.


First: the development of investments in start-ups

During more than a decade, the business environment for emerging companies has developed in the Arab region, especially in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, specifically the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, which have worked to develop the business environment to incubate entrepreneurship through a wide range of incubators and accelerators of the business sector and the governmental sector. Egypt has also witnessed a remarkable development in the business environment. The development in the Arab entrepreneurship ecosystem is reflected in improving the legislative and legal environment and in launching a large number of startup incubators, including Flat6Labs, Falak and Injaz Egypt.

The development in the business environment for startups in the region has translated into a huge increase in the number and size of investment deals in startups, as the total volume of deals for start-ups increased by more than 1280% between 2013 and 2021, and with a growth rate of 312% compared to 2020, which witnessed a slowdown in the growth rate due to the direct repercussions of the spread of the Corona epidemic.

In terms of the number of investment deals in startups, it also increased significantly between 2013 and 2021, and while the number of deals for startups in 2013 did not exceed 148 deals, in 2021 it amounted to 561 deals. The following figure shows the development of investment in companies in the region between 2013 and 2021 in terms of the volume and number of investment deals.

As shown in the figure, the volume of investments in 2021 alone is equivalent to the volume of investments in emerging companies in the region during the period 2017 and 2020 combined. This indicates the significant development that occurred in 2021.


Second: Startups in the Middle East and North Africa for 2021

The following chart shows the volume of deals for startups during 2021 and their growth on a monthly basis. The figure shows the upward curve of investment in startups throughout the past year. The quarterly growth of the volume of deals for startups reached 48%, 32% and 104%, respectively, while the growth rate for the last quarter of the same year decreased by 74%. This decline can be explained by the exceptional rise in the third quarter of the year, specifically in July, when the total volume of deals reached more than 632 million dollars. As for the semi-annual growth level, it reached about 91%. In general, the data before us heralds new levels of investment in start-up companies. The number of startup deals in the second half of 2021 also increased by 28% compared to the first half. This rise is accompanied by a growth in the average size of one deal, which rose from about $3.7 million in the first half to more than $5.6 million in the second half.


Third: Distribution startups financing by country for 2021

The Emirati startups continued to dominate the scene in terms of startup financing, as Emirati companies accounted for about 52% of the total investments received by emerging companies during 2021, followed by the Saudi startups, which came in second place with 24% of the total investments, then Egypt with 15%, and in fourth place, came Jordan with 4% of the total investments. Despite the continued dominance of the UAE in the forefront, and then Saudi Arabia and Egypt, in terms of investments in startups in the Arab region, this year witnessed the entry of new countries to the list, which was limited to 7 to 9 countries at best in the past. The list expanded to include 15 Arab countries , the most recent of which was Sudan, which ranked last on the list. In terms of absolute figures, new regions showed remarkable growth, specifically the Maghreb region, the Levant countries, specifically Jordan and Palestine, in addition to Iraq, which is witnessing a growth in the volume and number of deals for startups.


Fourth: Distribution of the number of startup deals by country 2021

In contrast to the distribution of the volume of investments by countries, which shows a strong concentration on the UAE, the distribution of the number of startup deals shows less concentration on the UAE, which despite issuing the largest number of startup financing deals, about 72% of the deals are distributed to emerging companies from outside the UAE, most notably Egypt, which came in the second place with 25% followed by Saudi Arabia with 24%, then Jordan with 7%, Morocco with 4%, and Tunisia and Bahrain with 3% each.


Fifth: The annual average of the volume of deals for startups by countries for the year 2021

The size and number of startups deals is reflected in the average size of a single deal, and while it is a good indicator of the development of investments in startups, it must take into account the anomaly value that may mislead the reader, as we can see from the graph that the highest rate of average one deal size is for Algerian startups at $15 million per deal. However, this number hides the significant decrease in the number of deals for startups in Algeria, which was limited to only two deals! While the average size of one deal in the UAE can be considered more reflective of the development and growth of the volume of investment in emerging companies, in which the size of one deal amounted to more than 8.8 million dollars. The same applies to the case of Saudi startups, whose average transaction size is about $4.8 million.


Sixth: Distribution of startup investments by sector for 2021

2021 was a distinguished year in terms of distributing the investments of emerging companies by sector. The food technology sector appeared for the first time to top the list of investments distribution, with 26% of the total investments, followed by the financial technology sector with 21%, a sector that has witnessed steady growth since the year 2019, while the e-commerce sector ranked third with 16%, this sector is experiencing a relative decline, as we have indicated on more than one occasion. The decline of the e-commerce sector is due to the state of saturation that the main Arab markets have reached, although this does not mean that this sector has completely disappeared. E-commerce in the Arab region still needs more expansion and development, but competition in this sector has become more difficult with the rise of many companies that occupied large sectors of the market, and finally the entry of the e-commerce giant Amazon to the most important Arab markets (Saudi Arabia and the UAE) and last year it entered the Egyptian market.


Seventh: Distribution of the number of startup deals by sector for 2021

In contrast to the distribution of the volume of deals of emerging companies that focus on food technology, the distribution of the number of deals for emerging companies was less concentrated among the main sectors on the one hand, and on the other hand, the large number of sectors in which startups succeeded in obtaining financing rounds are, most notably the agricultural technology sector, artificial intelligence, environmentally friendly technology, and other sectors. This distribution indicates the existence of promising opportunities for emerging companies that are active in areas far from the main sectors that have always reaped the largest share of funding, and perhaps the most evidence of this is the decline of the e-commerce sector in favor of the financial technology sector in the past two years, and the displacement of the food technology sector by the technology sector, which took the lead in 2021. So it will not be surprising that companies operating in different sectors are competing for funding this year.



Eighth: Investment stages for start-up companies during 2021

Investment deals in start-up companies in 2021 focused on the initial funding stage (1), with more than 32%, and in the pre-incorporation stage by about 15%, an increase of 2% over the first half of the same year, while the stage of “accelerated growth companies” came in the third place with 15%, and fourthly, financing of category “A” with approximately 9%, while the pre-financing stage of category “A” (2) accounted for about 7%.


Ninth: Distribution of investments by startup companies for 2021 by gender

The share of funding received by startups founded by females is still small compared to the companies founded by males, as the share of funding received by companies founded by females to the total funded startups did not exceed 1.2%. The year 2021 made significant progress, as a number of distinguished financing deals for women-led companies emerged, perhaps the most important of which were the iMile and BitOasis deals, through which the two companies raised $40 million and $30 million, respectively. It is worth noting that the UAE ranked first in terms of the volume of funding and the number of deals of women-led startups, as Emirati startups received investments worth $187 million through 46 deals. Saudi Arabia ranked second, where startups founded by a team of men and women succeeded in raising about $14 million through 9 deals. Egypt came in third place, with total investments of nearly $12 million through 20 deals.

Explanatory notes:

  • Initial financing or financing coming from family and friends, is one of the ways of offering securities, where some parties related to the new startup invest an amount that enables the startup to start its business and continue in the market, until it reaches the stage of being able to finance itself or being able to creating value that makes the startup attractive for investors to invest in. It should be noted that seed funding may be a form of crowdfunding.
  • Series A Financing, also known as A Round Financing. It is the first round of financing offered to a startup company in which venture capitalists participate, and it comes after the seed round stage. This is usually done when outside investors are given ownership of the company for the first time. This financing is usually provided in the form of preferred shares, and may include anti-reduction provisions in case of more financing being provided, or in the form of common shares or preferred shares in the future.


- Press releases issued by start-up companies.

- Wamda Foundation.


Melita Delos Reyes began her career early, as she worked as a clerk for a big real estate company in Manila, Philippines, but Milet’s ambition pushed her to leave her job to pursue a Degree in Business Administration at Philippine Christian University in 1996.

After graduation Milet worked in the field of Marketing and Sales in several companies. In 2006, she decided to travel to Dubai to work for Alpha UK Training. She worked mainly in the Admin and Operations Department and proactively supported the Marketing and Sales Department. She was in charge of coordinating training logistics and documentation, database management, supplier management, admin tasks and safekeeping of office documents, accounts, and liaising with coaches and various speakers around the world.


The Swiss-Arab Entrepreneur Platform: The massive spread of social media platforms put entrepreneurs in front of an opportunity to choose the best way to market their products through it, but the multi-channel marketing process is very expensive. In your opinion, is working on all platforms the best option, or choosing one channel?

Melita: Entrepreneurs leverage on the impact of Social Media to their business. A robust social media marketing strategy is crucial to drive traffic to your website, build brand awareness and community. While it’s good to increase visibility on different social media platforms, you have to consider what kind of products or services you’re offering and where your target market usually hangs out. Example, if you are an Ecommerce Business, the best way is to be visible on Facebook and consider FB ads.

If you’re into coaching or consulting business, Linkedin is the best platform to boost your online presence and build your brand. Linkedin is the best social selling platform for B2B and B2C companies. Content Marketing Institute found that 63% of marketers rated LinkedIn as the most effective B2B social media platform.

According to Sprout Social “With the exponentially increasing popularity of digital media channels, traditional lead generation is becoming a thing of the past—creating more opportunity for B2B and B2C businesses to drive leads and increase sales now than ever before.”

Using Linkedin, it is easy target your ideal market and create a lead generation system. professional people, decision makers, entrepreneurs and high level executives.


Swiss- Arab Entrepreneur Platform: With your project, you focus on digital marketing on LinkedIn, why did you choose this platform over others? What defines the LinkedIn platform?


  • Linkedin has over 600 million + users across the globe.

It is a pool of professional people, decision makers, entrepreneurs, high level executives, influencer and affluent people.

  • Linkedin is well suited for personal branding and creates more opportunity for B2B and B2C business.
  • It is considered the number 1 platform for lead generation. It is built for business networking, a goldmine if utilized properly. :)
  • Linkedin has robust search and targeting features to help you find the right people and businesses.


Swiss-Arab Entrepreneur Platform: How Do You Plan On Growing Your Business?


Melita: Consistency is the key to grow your business. Need to maximize the use of Social Media especially Linkedin Marketing to grow my business and followers.

I’m planning to add more services to serve my clients such as Email Copywriting or Email Marketing to nurture leads and better serve my clients.

Swiss-Arab Entrepreneur Platform: Can you tell us more about the digital marketing services provided by your (project?) team?

Melita:We are a complete 1 stop Marketing Agency because we have huge network of Marketing Professionals. We can help you stand out from your competitor, get more leads and clients and scale your business fast.

We have Brand Strategists, Graphics designers, Virtual Assistants, Social Media Managers, Facebook Ads Experts, Website Designers, Copywriters etc. 

Our team is passionate in helping entrepreneurs grow their business by crafting a strategy plan that solves business challenges.


Swiss-Arab Entrepreneur Platform: What advice can you give to new entrepreneurs to make their personal pages appear better on the LinkedIn platform?


Melita: If you’re a startup company or a new entrepreneur, it is best to build your personal branding in Linkedin. In the first few months, you have to build your credibility so that your ideal clients can trust and like you. First step is to optimize your profile so that you will rank higher in search engines and to generate more profile views.

Remember that your profile is your online business card that could be your asset in generating appointments, quality leads and high-ticket clients.

Have clarity on what you offer and think how your service can solve your target market problems.

Second, growing your business in Linkedin must be a priority and not a hobby. Remember that Linkedin is a Social Selling platform so you have to build and nurture relationships.

Let me share my Linkedin growth hacks that could help new or existing entrepreneurs.

The AIM National Startups Pitch Competition is now on virtual platform!

Join the leading virtual pitch competition for the best startups from around the world!
The virtual stage is set to discover successful startups with huge potential to expand and to penetrate the market with full confidence.


Annual Investment Meetings (AIM) is the the Platfrom for Start-up companies looking to raise capital, expand into new markets and
forge meaningful business relationships with major investors,business leaders, representatives of international institutions and
government entities. This event is great place to meet like-minded startup founders who you can bounce ideas with,
may be even help each other by sharing insights into each other's business.


To be qualified for the AIM Startups Virtual
Pitch Competition, startups must:
• Have less than 50 employees
• Be at least 2-7 years in the business
• Have passed at least one round of funding
• Have an annual revenue of between $50,000 -
• Match the listed categories

• Growth
• Social Impact Category
• Best use of innovation category
• Climate and environmental impact category
• Privacy, data protection and compliance


For more info, please visit www.aimcongress.com





Startup Roadshows
The startups will be able to apply for the national pitch competitions through an online portal that will be accessed through www.aimcongress.com.
Startups will be able to access:
• Application: Startups would present and create a
profile about themselves, their businesses and their
• Questionnaire: Startups would identify whether they are eligible to participate in this competition.
• Elevator Pitch upload section: Startups will upload a short elevator pitch to be evaluated by the national judging committee.
• Networking portal: Startups will be able to network with each other, the committee and other parties.
• AIM Startup Pitch Competition Application: For startups which were not able to join the national competitions but would still like to join AIM Startup


AIM Digital 2020 Features

With a spotlight on AIM's six pillars - Foreign Direct Investment, Foreign Portfolio Investment, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Startups, Future Cities, and One Belt, One Road, AIM Digital 2020 will showcase different features in a secured virtual environment for all its participants from more than 140 countries.


Be part of AIM Digital 2020!: For more information please contact us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





During its last session, the Kuwaiti Council of Ministers approved two new laws for the residency of expatriates, according to which a continuous residency period of ten years was granted to investors and property owners of expatriates and 5 years to ordinary expatriates.

The articles of the new law stipulated that it is permissible for a foreigner to reside for a period not exceeding 10 years for both investors and real estate owners, provided that the Council of Ministers issues a decision specifying the areas in which expatriates can invest and the amounts that they must invest, as for expatriates who wish to own real estate in Kuwait, they must obtain approval from the Kuwaiti Council of Ministers, after submitting the required documents to the Ministry of Justice, to review the legal situation of the expatriate and his family members, as they must have their records free of any criminal case or misconduct, and the expatriate should hold a valid residency and should not have any violation of the residency regulations. The purchase of the property should be for own residency and not for renting purposes.

The distinguished residence is considered a temporary residence, that is, it is not automatically renewed. The conditions of the residence may be modified in the future; also the Ministry of Interior reserves the right not to renew the residence for an expatriate based on valid reasons.

This law also allows expatriates subject to a deportation order, to have a grace period in order to be able to liquidate their business, determined by the Ministry of Interior, while not allowing them to return to the country without permission from the Ministry.

In addition to that, the new residency law gives Kuwaiti citizens the ability to obtain a residence permit for their husbands and members of their family, provided that none of them work for a governmental or non-governmental entity, also its citizenship should not be obtained through naturalized by a marriage with a Kuwaiti citizen.

The law stipulates that the maximum period for a domestic worker, wishing to reside abroad, should not exceeding 4 months compared to 6 months before.

It is expected that the new law will revive the real estate sector in Kuwait, and it will also make it easier for expatriates to deposit their money in banks and invest it, instead of transferring it abroad, which will benefit investors, expatriate workers and the Kuwaiti economy.


Mohamed Shaker is a Syrian entrepreneur, born in Damascus in 1990. Mohamed has shown an interest in painting and engineering since his early childhood. This interest, which soon became a passion, crystallized into a major academic pursuit starting first at the university of Damascus. Here, he excelled for several years and received a bachelor's degree in computer engineering and artificial intelligence in 2013, before attending the University of Joseph-Fourier in Grenoble, France, where he received a Master's degree in human-machine interaction in 2015.

He has published a number of scientific papers in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning, which were published between 2013 and 2015. He has also spent time as a visiting researcher at the design laboratory of the technical university of Copenhagen. During the same period, he designed and deployed three games that were generated automatically without a designer, based on artificial intelligence.

Mohammed moved to Amsterdam in 2016 to work for the educational company Squla, which is concerned with transforming scientific content into an interactive activity.

Mohammed Shaker's scientific and professional work received attention from the TechCity UK Foundation in Britain, classifying him as an extraordinary first-level talent in 2018, after which he moved to London.

During his career, Mohammed has also been credited with running the technical side of NFX company in Britain, a medical professional company that helps stroke patients.

From London, where he has been living since 2018, Mohammed launched his first Arab startup company Al-Meta, which specializes in understanding and analyzing Arabic using artificial intelligence. At the beginning of 2020, he launched the “Mind Phrenology” educational platform for junior high school students. Both he and his team are additionally currently working on launching a new educational platform, called Alphazed, an artificially-intelligent educational platform for unconventional education of Arab children.

Arab-Swiss entrepreneurs: In a postmodernism age, with the results of the communication and information revolution, today's world is flooded with contradictory information and news, often coming to intercept facts approved by scientific complexes, such as the hazards of smoking, the necessity of traffic signals, and the denial of proven and documented incidents and facts at a high level. The process of obtaining knowledge and information-building has become a selective process that is subject to the person's desires and ideological orientations, how do you think “The Meta” can help to solve this dilemma in the Arab region?

Mohamed Shaker: This is a very important question. There are two important points I would like to talk about here.

1. The problem of opinion from one point of view is that we are all born in a certain environment with a certain background and beliefs. All of this shapes who we are, and why we hold on to a particular belief. Our instinct is to agree more with opinions consistent with our ideological background and to attack and rebut opinions that are different from our ideological background. This is very common among us.

Therefore, our first goal in Meta was to be an unaffiliated platform, and to be a platform for showing all views to all Arabs. This is why, in Meta we have worked for four months to develop a system that automatically works to identify and consolidate articles on the same topic in one place (what we call in AI "one cluster" or "cluster"). Within each cluster, we automatically identify the views of each article and compare them with the views of other articles. We also automatically summarize these articles under "the most important thing to know about this news." All of this is then shown to the user to be aware of different points of view and to be aware of the importance of understanding them. See appendix:



We recently added the "News related to this topic" feature to any article. For example, you might see that in this article:

You'll see articles from other news sources on the same subject directly below them, along with the quality rating of their content. All of this is to give the user the right tools to dive into content better, more consciously and more deeply, whenever he or she wants.


We humans don't like absolute things, we like comparisons. A way of evaluating the quality of content and comparing several articles with similar content is the best method to achieve that outcome.

2. We use a non-human unguided agent to examine the content. I think the human factor is always skewed toward one viewpoint even if he or she doesn’t want it to. The existence of "correctly-controlled" industrial intelligence makes this process more reliable. You will find that we have dedicated our services to artificial intelligence. Anyone can enter any link to any Arab article and immedaitely understand the quality of its content. This service is also programmed using an API interface for any Arab or foreign company that wants to measure the quality of any given content. You can look at the appendices.

Arab-Swiss entrepreneurs: Google's search engine has been criticized for its work in selecting top stories on the basis that the highest payer will appear on top of the search results. Although Google's top news application was launched in 2018, which gave priority to reliable news at the expense of the "client experience" model and the most push sites, the problem remains. What are the criteria of selecting news on the Meta application? Do you have contracts of some kind with news sites, newspapers or news agencies?.

Mohamed Shaker: think that statement is quite right. It’s the "ethical AI" or "ethical intelligence" problem, which is a problem in any system that uses artificial intelligence. I will give you an example. In the area of autonomous vehicles, if for some reason the probability of an accident is 100%, will the "smart system" decide to crash into a child, an old man, or a wall (and cause the driver's inevitable death)? Will the intelligent system choose to save the driver and cause the old man to die because he is old or it will choose the child? All of these are questions we must ask, know their answer, and set controls. I think that in “Al-Meta” we are very much highlighting this concept. That is why we are among the very few Arab companies worldwide that publish how they build their artificial intelligence systems for advertising. For the simple reason that we want our audience to know how our systems work, to be available to all, and to add or request a modification. Despite our very small team size and the very high cost of these documents, we’ve done it from the first day of the platform. We now have over 100 articles on our blog – http://almeta.io/blog

Arab-Swiss entrepreneurs: The launch of a new application or platform needs at least six months, as industry professionals say, but with your six-member team, you can launch the Meta app and two educational platforms within a standard period (3-4 months), can you tell us what this success is all about?

Mohamed Shaker: It's best if I break this down into two points.

  1. Team effort. Our team members are very carefully selected. My two main requirements for their recruitment were that they had designed or completed a perfect project from 0 to 100 themselves before. Second, they can take any idea from a mere concept to a final software product themselves. I think that when you set the hiring criteria bar so high, you will always be pleased later down the line. I met with 200 people to eventually choose four technical people. The hardest step in defining them as an engineering structure was switching them over from what they were used to in Arab countries. All of them surprised me with their willingness to learn and their ability to adapt very quickly. That's what I love about our team.
  2. I think my previous experience working with Western start-ups was beneficial. In addition, I experienced the transition from being specialist in artificial intelligence to becoming more of a generalist, which means I constantly want to know more about everything. After I moved to the UK, I joined an emerging company where I was the only tech person, which helped me to learn a lot. This is because the process led me to employ everything I had learned in the past to create, design and implement a product from the idea stage to creating a complete platform by myself. It gave me the understanding of how to build complete products and projects from scratch without fear. It’s something I’ve gone through four times so far. In each case I went from nothing to a full product. This process would give any entrepreneur great self-confidence, since very few programmers are now generalists who can build complete systems themselves. My reading of books in different fields (including non-technical literature) has actually helped me within technical fields. I try to read 70-90 books a year. I think it has changed my thinking completely within the last ten years. It made me think differently to the conventional wisdom about the world of work (and outside of work too).

The Swiss Arab entrepreneurs: the spread of the covid 19 epidemic has affected all economic and social life, and the education sector has suffered most of the damage caused by the epidemic. You have had an impact on facing the effects of the epidemic on the education sector in the Arab region by launching the Alphazid and Mind Phrenology educational platforms. What can you tell us about these platforms? Where do you find the medium-term future for digital education in the Arab region?

Mohamed Shaker: We started about four months before the COVID outbreak with the launch of the “Mind Phrenology" platform for secondary and tertiary students and their psychological support, which is a completely overlooked aspect of the secondary "signs." If schools and universities continue to be closed, we will focus more on the "Mind Phrenology" and within two weeks we will have launched an integrated learning application that also incorporates the educational aspect of the secondary grades. Its simple function is to provide all educational videos from the best teachers and schools in one platform and to make search and web services available to everyone. The application is free for everyone and is available to any secondary or tertiary student. Then we’ve also focused on an app for younger kids 6-12 years old with "alphazed." We could have launched it on May 5, 2020. But I eventually decided to delay and build up it to provide an educational environment for children that is completely different from any other educational application, Arab or foreign. The application delivers content in the same way we learn as we are young, which is in a conversational and the anecdotal style rather than the conventional learning style (you can see some prototypes here: https://thealphazed.com/). I wanted it Arabic with a new creative Arabic sense, so applying Al-Fazid takes a lot of my interest at the moment and will be available in July of 2020.

Arab-Swiss entrepreneurs: Twitter recently announced that it would allow its employees to work remotely permanently even after the (COVID 19) shutdown is over. Can twitter's actions be considered an indicator of a telecommuting model of the business landscape in the near future, Or will the expansion of the adoption of the tele-business model remain a casual issue that retreats with the end of the virus-related closure (COVVE19)?

Mohamed Shaker: I think we can reshape the question, will COVID affect only the business sector or life in general? Here in the West, there is a great concern, for example, about public transportation. I think those concerns are legitimate. You can ask the question, when will you feel safe riding on London's public transport? In most cases that won’t be until there is a vaccine and it is available to everyone. Because it is impossible to imagine being in London Underground without the rush-hour crowds of 8:30 a.m, I think that this will shape our overall lives for the next of the year, at least in the West. I think that will lead us to be more dynamic as human beings. Not only due to COVID, but how we are aligned with any other future habits. As Darwin says: The species that will remain is the most adaptable species, not necessarily the strongest. So I think that same concept applies perfectly to today’s Arab companies, including those of foreigners.

Arab-Swiss entrepreneurs: Through your experience in the remote working environment, what challenges and benefits do you have from adopting this model?

Mohamed Shaker: I think it is a process that can be measured from three points of view.

  1. From the company's point of view: The freedom to choose the most efficient methods without hindrance from geographical locations.
  2. From the employee's point of view (called the word "abday" in Meta): Having the freedom to plan their time and choose how their day is divided. They have more time for themselves to learn new things or to spend time with their family.
  3. From the point of view of the country where the employee lives: I think the economic recovery is very good in this case in the Arab countries, which have competent young people who want to learn and work on efficient projects. This is a very important point at this moment in time because of the current situation of the Arab countries.

Arab-Swiss entrepreneurs: Projects that you have launched are self-financing, and so far there have been no profit yeilding through these projects, what is your future plan to achieve financial gains through these projects?

Mohamed Shaker: Although I have reservations about the behavior of Elon Musk recently, I will always remember him saying what I have always thought of since the beginning of these projects: "When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor." Its meaning is that: "When you work on things of importance, you make an effort for their success even if the circumstances and opportunities are against you."

With reference to our learning application, I think the current situation in the Arab region (outside the Gulf region) for education and content projects is difficult and unprofitable in the short term and, therefore, will be difficult in the long term. Arab startups are moving away from the main problems in our country and are focusing on many unhelpful apps at the expense of useful apps. Unfortunately, useful applications are not profitable and have little audience because of the country's difficult situation, most app users are looking for something that distracts them, putting their mind at ease.

But, I like to do this because it is important for my people and nation and I think I can do a lot in this aspect because of my background in engineering, education, and design. I think it is a background that makes it incumbent on me to bring experience to my people. This is what many Arab expatriates in the West overlook when they forget things that tie them to their homeland.

At the same time, I do not think it is a good thing to see that the project is not profit-making and far-reaching. Because if we can't afford it, we won't be able to deliver our products as originally intended.

Thinking 100 years forward changes your view of things. I like to think at the start of a learning project like Alphazed about what the world will look like 100 years from now. Its impact will not be visible until the current generation expands and I won’t even be here by the year 2100. But if we start it now, we will have added and improved the education of generations to come. Not just one generation, but every generation from today to 2100 and beyond.

Thinking now about the financial return, if we can deliver the most useful and best learning experience 100 times but at one tenth of the cost of others, and make it available for 100 million users instead of 10,000, then we have achieved a financial return that is sufficient to achieve a long-term vision for the next 100 years. We can also reap a financial dividend that will drive us to change generations to come, not just a single generation. This is my idea for an educational project like Alphazed.

For the Meta, the subject is similar. What can the Meta do? In 100 years? I think the Meta is much bigger than that. There are no limits to the amount of creativity and growth that can occur, for Arab minds in particular and for the wider human population in general. If we can change from Arab reality based on a one-view theory and if we can provide services to other companies to use this tech in new applications, our influence will not be limited to 300 million Arabs, but available for any human being and person who believe in the cohesion of ideas.


On May 18, Wamda Foundation and the ArabNet website released a special report titled "The Impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in the Middle East and North Africa", which highlighted the situation of startups in the Middle East and North Africa in light of the Coronavirus pandemic in both the region and the rest of the world. The report aimed to identify the impact of COVID-19 on the region's entrepreneurship sector as well as measures that can be taken to relieve financial pressures on startups.

In the introduction, the report presented the macroeconomic conditions in the Arab region. It noted the negative repercussions of the low oil prices that led to major tremors in the economies of the oil-producing Arab countries, the worsening economic crisis in Lebanon, the high prices in Egypt, and the increase of the value-added tax in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
These conditions have driven to the push towards embracing the digital economy for the sake of continued economic growth. For startups in the region, the situation is either catastrophic or a stimulus for growth, in the words of the authors of the report. In the following summary, we will cover the most important points in the report.


Where are startups located?

The United Arab Emirates is still at the forefront of countries in the MENA region in embracing startups and new entrepreneurs. It’s home to 24% of startups in the region, followed by Lebanon, where startups have enjoyed remarkable growth. They account for approximately 18% of the total startup population in the region, followed by Saudi Arabia and Egypt with 14.7% and 13.1%, respectively. By contrast, Iraq and Yemen ranked last with 0.4% each.

What sectors are startups active in?

Perhaps the most prominent repercussions of COVID-19 on the business world are the effects on the fundamental structure of economic activity. Work prospects are temporarily blocked in the face of the lack of demand, whereas new horizons have been opened within other areas that were less active before the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic. The figures reflect these market shifts, with data showing that 6.5% of emerging companies active in the Middle East and North Africa are working in the field of digital medical care, and 6.9% of them are working in digital learning. Both sectors that have witnessed significant growth since the onset of the pandemic. The data also shows an increase in the software solutions sector. This segment accounted for 13.5% of emerging companies active within the region, representing the largest slice of the overall market. Software solutions were swiftly followed by electronic commerce (e-commerce) with 11%. This sector, in particular, has always been at the forefront of a number of emerging companies in the Arab region over the last few years. Lastly, the financial solutions technology sector took third place with 9.4%. It’s tipped to become the fastest-growing business sector over next few years.


The stages of development of startups

According to the life cycle of startup financing in the MENA region, the first phase, known as the Seed stage, accounts for 31.4% of companies, which is the highest percentage of those seeking funding in the region. The second highest proportion of companies were in the initial financing stage (29%), followed by the first financing round at 18%. Those in the second and third rounds of financing represented 4.5% and 2.4% of startups respectively. Those financed by angel investors was about 14.7%, and this percentage perhaps indicates the increasing number of emerging projects reaching the first round of financing. With faster access to financing, startups can scale quicker and compete with established players in the market.


The impact of the epidemic on startups

The COVID-19 pandemic forced people to stay in their homes, directly impacting the travel and transportation sector. A third of the companies active in the transport sector within this region suspended their activities. Consequently, their revenues suffered a loss of around 75 to 100%. Furthermore, 25% of startups in the travel sector stopped operating completely, and 50% of them have subsequently suspended their business activities.

The lockdowns, uncertainty, and negative outlook for the economy have had a negative impact on 71% of startups, with 22% suspending their activities altogether. A further 21% of startups have witnessed a decrease in demand, which has led to large losses. On the other hand, most of the emerging companies in the field of delivery services (e-commerce), digital education, and digital health have benefited from a significant increase in the demand for their services, which has reflected positively on their revenues, particularly in the e-commerce sector.


Financing startups in light of the epidemic situation

The spread of the global pandemic has put a great strain on demand in international markets, which has led to a decline in oil that, in turn, has reduced the available resources of financing for startups. Most of the regional financing operations come from the oil-producing countries, especially the UAE and Saudi Arabia, which were affected by the drop in oil prices. The pressure on financing opportunities exposed most emerging companies to the risks of poor cash flow management. On the subject of financing rounds affected by the impact of the pandemic, the answers of the respondents to the questionnaire can be summarized as follows:

  • 6% said that the epidemic affected their financing rounds.
  • Of those 49.6% above, 44% said that their financing rounds were either stopped or canceled.
  • 8% of the respondents said that their investment environment had improved.
  • 1% said that their financing rounds were not affected by the epidemic.
  • 5% of respondents said that they are not looking for funding, so they were not affected by funding from the epidemic.

In answering a question about whether investors were involved in the day-to-day operation of their business, the answers were as follows:

  • 4% were unsure of the answer
  • 1% answered no
  • 5% said yes

Emerging companies respond to the epidemic

This section of the report discussed how the emerging companies responded to the pandemic, as the founders of the startups rapidly reassessed their priorities. The discussions were focused on how to expand and grow their products in view of the current situation, as well as adapting the work environment to ensure the continuity of the company’s work.

On the question of how to respond to the pandemic, most of the responses indicated a multifaceted approach, the most important of which was changing the work environment to become remote. Almost two thirds of respondents said that they moved to work from home (WFH) setups in response to the coronavirus outbreak. Other popular responses included taking the option to postpone expansion plans, reduce prices and introduce special offers. By contrast, a number of startups chose the option of reducing the number of workers, reducing wages and reducing working hours. Many other companies had a more positive response by exploiting the situation to launch new marketing campaigns, establish new partnerships with suppliers, and recruit new employees as part of their pandemic response.

When the authors of the report asked about the type of support that could help startups in continuing their businesses, it was found that more than half wished to obtain new investments or grants. The founders (who were included in the questionnaire) expressed their desire to obtain investment, loans, or assignment invoices to support the ecosystem of the startups within the region. The report concludes its findings in two axes, namely the affected sectors and then focusing on the conditions of three countries, the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. But we will leave our analysis here, and let the reader download the full report from the source.

However, to conclude, we will summarize the three general points contained within this report.

The first point relates to the exaggerated pessimistic view of the macroeconomic expectations, which has been coordinated by many media outlets and local economists. It’s expected that badly-affected companies that have suffered great losses during the pandemic may decide to surrender and sell their shares to major companies at a very low price. The negative expectations for the future of economic growth in the world depends on incomplete data such as the drop in oil prices. Many felt the drop in oil prices would continue; leading to a situation that threatens the whole global economy. However, oil prices have risen since the beginning of May and reached 35 dollars per barrel after the oil producers agreed to reduce production. There’s also been major economic restoration to mitigate the widespread closures, as has happened in China and European countries recently.

The second point relates to the growth in various economic sectors such as the pharmaceutical sector, medical supplies, and the software sector. With the potential for further growth within other sectors, such as the educational sector and the electronics production sector, many investment theaters will continue to expand rather than decline. There are also a number of underdeveloped economic sectors that are expected to have a leading position in the future, stimulated by the achievements of the fourth industrial revolution.

Third and finally, the startups in the region are built on fertile ground, full of investment opportunities and in which competition is weak and startups are encouraged by local governments. All of this leads us to conclude that the negative repercussions of this situation, due to the continued spread of COVID-19, also constitute an opportunity that can be exploited. Companies can use the ongoing scenario to learn how to adapt to the unusual conditions that are associated with low funding and weak demand. For example, many will benefit from the experience of crisis management while observing and learning from other startups that have managed to keep their business running, and in some cases, continued their expansion operations.

The Arab Monetary Fund expected that economic growth in Qatar would grow broadly, driven by oil and non-oil activity, expecting continued improvement in economic performance in the medium term by supporting economic policies and policy space conducive to growth and employment, according to the report "Arab Economic Outlook" issued by the Arab Monetary Fund.

The Fund expected that increased spending on infrastructure projects within the framework of implementing the Qatar National Vision 2030 will support growth, as the vision includes a strategy to support economic diversification to achieve sustainable long-term growth based on a diversified economy.

According to the Arab Monetary Fund, the oil and gas sector is likely to grow in light of the planned expansion of energy production over the next few years, which will have a stimulating effect on the non-oil sector.

The report showed that the various reforms in the legislative environment, including the issuance of the new foreign direct investment law that allows foreigners full ownership of projects, as well as the creation of an "investment promotion agency" to coordinate investment promotion and marketing activities with major stakeholders will provide an overall environment conducive to attracting foreign capitals and pushing forward the economic development and growth in the short and medium-term.

On the other hand, Qatar's announcement of a set of reforms in the labor market to improve working conditions and the application of the minimum wage will contribute to creating more job opportunities.

In terms of employment conditions, the above-mentioned report showed that according to the workforce survey by the Planning and Statistics Authority, the economic participation rate of the population (15 years and over) was 87.9% in the second quarter of 2019, so that the unemployment rate would remain at 0.1% during the period from the second quarter of 2018 until the second quarter of 2019.

source: uac-org.org

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