
(French) (عربي)

Born in 1974 in Beirut, Abdallah Chatila fled the civil war with his family at the age of 2 years old. After living in Italy and France, the family moved to Switzerland in 1988. A graduate in gemology, Abdallah Chatila joined the family business of fine jewelry in Geneva in 1995. In 2006, he published "The Diamond Niche", which has become a reference in this field. Two years later he created the first diamond investment fund.

In 2006, he began working as a property developer and quickly became a key player in the canton of Geneva. He is now president and sole shareholder of m3 Real Estate, a management company created in 1950, which he helped position as a "private real estate banker". It thus makes investments in the residential and commercial real estate, catering and more recently, the hotel industry. With the company Rachaya Holding which he founded in 2007, Abdallah Chatila diversified his activities: diamond industry, contemporary art, health, insurance or new technologies, and has even entered into the Chinese caviar trade.

Gemologist, entrepreneur, investor but also philanthropist, Abdallah Chatila created in 2011 the Sesam foundation. It thus supports educational and socio-cultural projects, mainly in Geneva but also in Lebanon. With a wealth estimated in 2018 by Bilan magazine at more than 200 million CHF, Abdallah Chatila is among the 300 richest in Switzerland.


On a rare sunny day during Geneva's winter, we met Abdallah Chatila at the headquarters of his real estate group, m3 Real Estate, whose premises reveal his passion for art. Successful entrepreneur and jack of all trades, he welcomes us as a simple man, dressed in jeans and a T-Shirt decorated with a smiley.


Swiss-Arab Entrepreneurs: How did you become a "serial entrepreneur"?

Abdallah Chatila: I learned the commercial spirit from my father, but he was very conservative and careful, while I am careful but not conservative. You have to know how to seize opportunities when they arise. I wanted to do a lot of things, and when I started making money with real estate, it got me started on all kinds of projects. I was lucky to be successful! These are sequences of circumstances. It all depends on the opportunity and the people around you. My strength is that I am not afraid of losing. I do a lot of things hoping to do them well. But I am realistic and I accept both loss and gain. When we have multiple projects we can more easily imagine failing and we take more risk.


SAE: Based on your experience, what advice would you give to other entrepreneurs? According to the literature, 80% of entrepreneurial success is based on psychology and the mindset and 20% on strategy. What do you think?

AC: Yes of course, everything is mental and a matter of perception. To hesitate is normal, I hesitate too. But at some point, you have to decide whether to go ahead or not. The problem with people who are too hesitant is that they end up doing nothing at all. You have to study your file, do a market study, make comparisons, but then you have to make a decision. I make my decision quickly. You have to believe in what you do and do what you believe in.

In business, it is essential to know how to lose in order to win. I experienced failure. But only once, with the bankruptcy of the company I made with my brother, a new watch brand. At 24-25, we were too young and inexperienced for such a complicated enterprise and such a heavy task.

Sharing your experience is important to motivate others. I coach people every day. In jewelry, I understood the importance of knowing how to manage information flows. My philosophy: to attach to people rather than things.


SAE: Entrepreneurship is gaining importance in the USA, Europe and elsewhere. How do you see the entrepreneurial world of tomorrow?

AC: If entrepreneurship has always existed, it is much easier today to have ideas. The Internet and social media play an important role and generate many new ideas. They allow you to be inspired by what others do and make people want to do business. But to be an entrepreneur, you also need to have money and therefore be able to borrow from banks or find investors. To find investors, you have to enter insider circles. As for the banks, they must be open and ready to support entrepreneurs.

This is the case in France where state aid is also available. Entrepreneurship therefore has a cultural effect but also a political effect. In Switzerland, it is very difficult to borrow from banks for entrepreneurial projects and there are not many state support programs. The Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne (EPFL) is a good example. Supported initially by the cantonal state, it has set up a business incubation structure, offers grants and meetings with investors.


SAE: How do you view the Arab world and its needs in the fields of economics and entrepreneurship?

AC: The problem in the Arab world is that people are caught between the traditional world and the modern world. Religion is taking up more and more importance, the economy is blocked and political instability is dominant. All this makes foreign investment difficult. Political instability is a major risk for investors. Even Arab countries with natural resources find it difficult to attract them.

The region is also experiencing a flight of people and capital. I myself am a child of a family who had to leave his country like many others in the Arab world. The people who live in Europe and Switzerland are used to a well-defined and structured economic and legal system. Despite their patriotism, people are selfish and will not invest their money in an unstable country just because it is where they come from. Transfers from Arab Diasporas are generally intended for the consumption needs of their families and not for investment. An investor with a choice will look to other countries.

Certainly, there are investments in the Arab world. But they are limited to certain sectors such as tourism or energy, whereas the investment needs are enormous. Entrepreneurship cannot thrive without an appropriate policy framework and a supportive ecosystem. Internal policies need to help attract investment. And the issue of political instability should absolutely be addressed to create a stable and attractive environment, which is essential for any investor.


SAE: The 4th industrial revolution and digital economy are underway. At the same time, some economists predict an economic crisis within one to two years. How do you prepare for it?

AC: We believe in digital and we invest a lot in it. This is the big change to expect for the next 5-10 years. In the digital hotel era, online platforms are obviously competitors, but that doesn't scare us. However, we have no concerns for our real estate sector: our clients are people who want to live in their apartment or work in their office.

Economic indices cannot go up constantly. Fluctuations are common. The current economic and political instability is causing uncertainty and causing markets to fall. But what happened in 2008 and what is happening now are two completely different things. A crisis is possible but in the form of a market correction of a past period of excessively good economic indices, and not the explosion of a bubble. Experience over the past ten years has shown that after the fall, everything started to go up. The stock markets have doubled, everything has doubled and it is therefore normal for a correction to occur at some point. Either way, today's cycles are short - one or two years - and the economies will recover quickly. Central banks also have the means to offset the crisis. We are also fortunate to live in Switzerland, a place that many consider a refuge country. As we saw in 2008, real estate business was difficult for a year but it quickly recovered.

 (French) (English)

من مواليد عام 1974 في بيروت، فرّ عبدالله شاتيلا من الحرب الأهلية مع أسرته وهو في الثانية من عمره. بعد العيش في إيطاليا وفرنسا، انتقلت العائلة إلى سويسرا عام 1988. بعد نيله إجازة في مجال الأحجار الكريمة، انضم عبد الله شاتيلا إلى شركة الأعمال التجارية العائلية للمجوهرات الراقية في جنيف عام 1995. نشر عام 2006 كتابا بعنوان سوق الماس المتخصص"The Diamond Niche" ، الذي أصبح مرجعاً في هذا المجال، وبعد مضي عامين، تمكن من أنشاء أول صندوق للاستثمار في الماس.

منذ العام 2006، بدأ العمل كمطور في القطاع العقاري وأصبح بشكل سريع لاعباً رئيسياً في كانتون جنيف. وهو الآن الرئيس والمساهم الوحيد في الشركة العقارية م3 (m3 Real Estate)، وهي شركة تم إنشاؤها عام 1950، وقد ساعد في تبوئها مكانة "مصرف عقارات خاص". وقد قام باستثمارات في العقارات السكنية والتجارية، والمطاعم، ومؤخرا في الفنادق. بفضل شركة راشيا القابضة (Rachaya Holding) التي أسسها في عام 2007، قام عبد الله شاتيلا بتنويع أنشطته: صناعة الماس، الفن المعاصر، الصحة، التأمين أو التقنيات الحديثة. وبالإضافة إلى هذا، بدأ في تجارة الكافيار الصيني.

متخصص في الأحجار الكريمة، رائد أعمال، مستثمر ولكن أيضًا فاعل خير، أنشأ عبد الله شاتيلا مؤسسة سيسام (Sesam) عام 2011. دعم من خلالها المشاريع التعليمية والاجتماعية والثقافية، خاصة في جنيف وكذلك في لبنان. مع ثروة تقدر بأكثر من 200 مليون فرنك سويسري في عام 2018 وفقا لمجلة بيلان (Bilan)، يعد عبد الله شاتيلا من بين أغنى 300 في سويسرا.


التقينا بالسيد عبدالله شاتيلا في مقر مجموعته العقارية في يوم مشمس نادر في فصل الشتاء في جنيف، الشركة العقارية م3، التي تكشف مبانيها عن شغفه بالفن. رجل أعمال ناجح ومتعدد المواهب، يستقبل ضيوفه كرجل متواضع، ببنطلون جينز وقميصاً مزيناً بعلامة ابتسامة.


رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين: كيف أصبحت "رائد أعمال متسلسل"؟

عبد الله شاتيلا: تعلمت من أبي الروح التجارية، لكنه كان محافظاً وحريصا للغاية، أما أنا، فانني حريص ولكن لست محافظًا. على الشخص أن يعرف كيفية اغتنام الفرص عند وجودها. كنت أرغب في تحقيق الكثير من الانجازات، وعندما بدأت في جني الأموال من العقارات، سمح لي ذلك بالانطلاق في شتى أنواع المشاريع. كنت محظوظاً بأن أحقق نجاح في كل ما قمت به! كان ذلك نتيجة لسلسلة من الظروف المواتية. كل هذا يتوقف على الفرص والاشخاص المحيطين بك. تكمن قوتي في أنني لا أخاف من الخسارة، أقوم بالكثير من الأشياء على أمل القيام بها بشكل جيد، لكنني شخص واقعي وأقبل الخسارة بنفس الدرجة التي اقبل فيها المكاسب. عندما يكون لدينا مشاريع متعددة، يمكننا أن نتخيل الفشل بسهولة ونتحمل المزيد من المخاطرة.


رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين: بناءً على تجربتك، ما هي النصيحة التي تقدمها إلى رواد الأعمال الآخرين؟ وفقًا للأدبيات، يعتمد 80٪ من النجاح في الأعمال الريادية يعتمد على الجوانب النفسية والذهنية مقابل 20٪ فقط على الاستراتيجية. ما رأيك بهذا القول؟

عبدالله شاتيلا: نعم بالطبع، كل شيء مرتبط بالذهن والإدراك. يعتبر التردد أمر طبيعي، وأنا بطبعي متردد أيضًا. ولكن في مرحلة ما، عليك أن تقرر ما إذا كنت تريد المضي قدمًا أم لا. تكمن المشكلة مع الناس الذين يترددون كثيراً، في أنهم في نهاية المطاف لا يقومون باتخاذ أي خطوة على الإطلاق. يجب عليك تقييم قدراتك وإجراء دراسة السوق وإجراء مقارنات، ولكن عليك اتخاذ قرار، أنا أتخذ قراري بسرعة. عليك أن تؤمن بما تفعله وتفعل ما تؤمن به.

في مجال الأعمال، من الضروري معرفة كيفية الخسارة من أجل الفوز في النهاية. لقد واجهت الفشل، لكن مرة واحدة حين أفلس مشروعنا أنا وأخي. عند إنشائنا علامة تجارية جديدة للساعات، في سن 24-25، كنا صغار السن وعديمي الخبرة لمثل هذه المهمة المعقدة والثقيلة.

تعد مشاركة تجربتك أمراً مهماً لتحفيز الآخرين. الى جانب ذلك، أدرب الناس كل يوم. في صناعة المجوهرات، فهمت أهمية معرفة كيفية إدارة تدفق المعلومات. فلسفتي: أن أتعلّق بالأشخاص بدلاً من الأشياء.


رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين: تكتسب روح المبادرة أهمية في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وأوروبا وأماكن أخرى. كيف ترى عالم الريادة في المستقبل؟

عبدالله شاتيلا: في حال كانت ريادة الأعمال موجودة دائمًا، فمن الأسهل اليوم أن تكون لديك أفكار. تضطلع الإنترنت ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي بدور مهم وتولد العديد من الأفكار الجديدة، تتيح لك أن تكون مصدر إلهام لما يفعله الآخرون مما يجعل الناس يريدون القيام بأعمال تجارية. لكن لكي تكون رائد أعمال، فأنت بحاجة أيضًا إلى امتلاك أموال، ومن ثم القدرة على الاقتراض من البنوك أو البحث عن مستثمرين. وللعثور على المستثمرين عليك الدخول في دوائر علاقات شخصية. أما بالنسبة للبنوك، فيجب أن تكون مفتوحة وجاهزة لدعم رواد الأعمال.

هذا هو الحال في فرنسا حيث تتوفر المساعدات الحكومية أيضًا، وبالتالي فإن لريادة الأعمال تأثيرًا ثقافيًا كما أن له أيضًا تأثيراً سياسياً. في سويسرا، من الصعب للغاية الاقتراض من البنوك للمشروعات الريادية، كما أن برامج الدعم الحكومية ضئيلة. تعد كلية العلوم التطبيقية في لوزان (EPFL) مثالاً جيدًا. حيث تمكنت من خلال الدعم الاساسي من ولاية الكانتون من انشاء هيكل لحضانة الأعمال، وتقدم المنح وتعقد اللقاءات مع المستثمرين.


رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين: كيف تنظر إلى العالم العربي واحتياجاته في مجالات الاقتصاد وريادة الأعمال؟

عبدالله شاتيلا: المشكلة في العالم العربي هي أن الناس عالقون بين العالم التقليدي والعالم الحديث. يشغل الدين مساحة أكثر فأكثر، والاقتصاد مكبل فيما يهيمن عدم الاستقرار السياسي. كل هذا يجعل الاستثمار الأجنبي صعبًا. يعدّ عدم الاستقرار السياسي مخاطرة كبيرة للمستثمرين، حتى الدول العربية ذات الموارد الطبيعية تجد صعوبة في اجتذابه.

تشهد المنطقة أيضًا هروب الناس ورأس المال. أنا طفل من عائلة اضطرت إلى مغادرة بلدها مثل كثيرين في العالم العربي. اعتاد الأشخاص الذين يعيشون في أوروبا وسويسرا على نظام اقتصادي وقانوني واضح المعالم ومنظم، وعلى الرغم من وطنيتهم​​، فإن الناس أنانيون ولن يستثمروا أموالهم في بلد غير مستقر لمجرد أنهم يأتون من هناك. التحويلات من الشتات العربي تهدف عمومًا إلى تلبية احتياجات أسرهم من الاستهلاك وليس للاستثمار. فإن كان للمستثمر الخيار، سوف يستثمر في بلدان أخرى.

بالتأكيد، هناك استثمارات في العالم العربي. لكنها تقتصر على قطاعات معينة مثل السياحة أو الطاقة، عندما تكون الاحتياجات الاستثمارية هائلة لا يمكن لريادة الأعمال أن تزدهر بدون إطار سياسي مناسب ونظام بيئي داعم. تحتاج السياسات الداخلية للمساعدة في جذب الاستثمار. وانه لمن الجوهري معالجة قضية عدم الاستقرار السياسي لخلق بيئة مستقرة وجذابة، وهو أمر ضروري لأي مستثمر.


رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين: الثورة الصناعية الرابعة، ثورة الاقتصاد الرقمي، تتقدم. في الوقت نفسه، يتوقع بعض الاقتصاديين حدوث أزمة اقتصادية خلال عام إلى عامين. كيف تستعد لذلك؟

عبدالله شاتيلا: نحن نؤمن بالرقمنة ونحن نستثمر الكثير في ذلك. هذا هو التغيير الكبير الذي يجب توقعه خلال السنوات الخمس إلى العشر القادمة. في عصر الفنادق الرقمية، من الواضح أن المنصات عبر الإنترنت تعد منافسة شديدة. لكن هذا لا يخيفنا وليس لدينا أية مخاوف بشأن القطاع العقاري الخاص بنا: عملائنا هم الأشخاص الذين يرغبون في العيش في شقتهم أو العمل في مكاتبهم.

لا يمكن للمؤشرات الاقتصادية أن ترتفع باستمرار، فالتقلبات أمر شائع. يسبب عدم الاستقرار الاقتصادي والسياسي الحالي عدم اليقين ويسبب هبوط الأسواق. لكن ما حدث في عام 2008 وما يحدث الآن هما شيئان مختلفان تمامًا. حصول أزمة أمر ممكن، ولكن هي حركة تصحيح للسوق، مرتبطة بمؤشرات اقتصادية مسبقة كانت جيدة بشكل مفرط، وليس نتيجة فقاعة. وقد أظهرت التجربة على مدى السنوات العشر الماضية أنه بعد السقوط، بدأ كل شيء في الارتفاع، تضاعفت أسواق الأسهم، وتضاعف كل شيء، وبالتالي من الطبيعي حدوث تصحيح في مرحلة ما. في كلتا الحالتين، دورات اليوم قصيرة - سنة أو سنتين - وسوف تستعيد الاقتصادات عافيتها بسرعة. تملك البنوك المركزية أيضا وسائل لمعالجة الأزمة. نحن محظوظون للعيش في سويسرا، وهو مكان يعتبره الكثيرون بلدًا امنا. كما رأينا في عام 2008، كان سوق قطاع العقارات صعبًا لمدة عام ولكنه سرعان ما استعاد عافيته.

International Compliance Association (ICA), the leading professional body for the global regulatory and financial crime compliance community, announces it has partnered with the European Business Association (EBA) to offer its qualifications to compliance and business professionals from all backgrounds and sectors in Ukraine.

ICA will be offering its certificates in anti-bribery and corruption, regulatory and business compliance, customer due diligence and diploma in governance, risk and compliance in partnership with EBA. The partnership is in line with both associations’ ongoing missions to help organisations conduct business in the right way and grow through the adoption of internationally recognised best practice. This new initiative also aims to empower and enable the business community in Ukraine to upskill its employees and safeguard its business from criminal, financial and reputational risk.

The global economy loses $3.6 trillion to corruption each year, having a devastating impact on business and society. In Ukraine corruption is estimated at 2 percent of the country’s GDP, which equates to $2.6 billion, according to last year’s figures. This figure is even higher when lost investment, tax payments, and other revenue-raising opportunities are considered.

ICA has a long history of providing international certifications that combine global best practice with regional insight and delivering training and education in an engaging and accessible way. The focus is always on real-world application of knowledge so that individuals can perform better in their roles.

Helen Langton, CEO, ICA, commented: “I am excited about the opportunity to bring the breadth and depth of ICA’s international experience to Ukraine and work closely with EBA to provide best-in-class training and qualifications to their members. ICA qualifications are designed to equip today’s regulatory and financial crime compliance professionals with the skills they need to manage and mitigate risk in all its forms which in turn contributes to business growth and helps drive Ukraine’s economy forward.


Anna Derevyanko, Executive Director, EBA, added: “The Association unites more than 1,100 businesses. Every day we work together with international partners, Ukrainian state officials and institutions to create a stable and reliable business climate in the country and strive to reach new goals to make the voice of modern business in the country stronger. We have a wonderful and professional team – in Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa, Dnipro and Kharkiv – to give our members the highest level of advocacy, besides, developing educational programs and CSR projects, where big businesses share their experience with small ones. But there is always a room for change and qualitative transformations and this joint qualification is our next ambitious goal to help drive Ukrainian business forward.”

– Ends –


About the European Business Association

The European Business Association (EBA) was established in 1999 with the support of the European Commission, and acts as a platform in which members can discuss and find solutions to common problems affecting business in Ukraine. The EBA members come from 59 countries and 97 sectors of activity and together create about 2 million jobs. Today the Association is not about only large companies, but also represents medium-sized businesses. Every year, the business community brings around 400 problems or initiatives to the government and more than 60 percent of those problems are successfully resolved.

For more information visit: https://eba.com.ua/en/


For any media inquiries or interview requests, contact:

Oksana Myronko

Head of Communications

European Business Association

T.: +38 063 63 86 871

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


About the International Compliance Association

The International Compliance Association (ICA) is the leading professional body for the global regulatory and financial crime compliance community. It has enhanced the knowledge, skills and behaviour of over 142,000 professionals in 153 countries either through their internationally recognised portfolio of professional qualifications (awarded in association with Alliance Manchester Business School, the University of Manchester) or through accredited in-company training.

For more information visit: www.int-comp.org

For any media inquiries or interview requests, contact:

Slavka Atanasova

Content Marketing Manager

International Compliance Association

T: + 44 (0)121 362 7747 (2306)

M: +44 7561 525126

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Arab world region, rich in natural resources; with enormous oil and natural gas reserves (32 percent of the world's known natural gas reserves are in the region) and phosphate (Morocco alone has more than half of the world's reserves). It is still lagging in terms of international trade.

The Arab world has also huge human resources, with a very young population. Suffering from unemployment and socio-economic problems, they are the main factor of change of this region, once was the beacon of a flourishing civilization. (read also Emerging Arab world and business opportunities in spite of the political turmoil)

Despite the distorted image reflected by the media, this region is witnessing a new reality imposed by enthusiastic and thirsty young people for the entrepreneurship. These people, constitute the pillar of a new generation of entrepreneurs who have succeeded in carrying out remarkable projects as described by an American entrepreneur, Christopher Schroeder in his book «Startup rising, the entrepreneurial revolution remarking the Middle East ».


Digital economy

While the Arab world is the scene of a popular uprising, the world economy is undergoing major changes towards digitalization and the fourth industrial revolution. Companies that are mainly based on internet and software, such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, Airbnb, Uber, Amazon, Alibaba…etc, have enabled unprecedented connectivity and access to information, thus opening up new horizons for economic models that did not exist before.


The Swiss economic model

On the other side, north of the Mediterranean Sea, behind the Alps, a small country in the heart of Europe, sits on the throne of global economic competitiveness. Switzerland, an industrial country, with export based economy and occupies a privileged place for world trade, thus serving as a trade hub.

RoAW: Rest of Arab World, GCC: Gulf Cooperation Council.


Bilateral trade relations

Trade between Switzerland and the Arab world increased in volume (exports + imports) from nearly 10 billion in 2010 to more than 23 billion in 2017 (most of it are exports) (figure 2) and this despite of the political on-going turmoil.

In view of these developments, partners of all kinds from both sides are looking to cross the walls in order to build bridges and increase their sales. However, the geographic, linguistic, cultural, regulatory and information asymmetry constitute obstacles to achieving the maximum potential of exchanges between the two parties.


Swiss Arab Entrepreneurs Platform

The Swiss Arab Entrepreneurs platform (SAE) was born from the experience of its founder, Ayman Abualkhair, having spent several years in the service of Arab-Swiss economic relations. Its mission is to reflect the tremendous investment opportunities in the Arab world, diffuse reliable information, promote business opportunities on both sides, and facilitate commercial links at the lowest cost, thanks to digital and innovative entrepreneurship models. Swiss Arab Entrepreneurs is the driving force for connecting entrepreneurs and businesses, in order to enable efficient exchange via an online platform.

Join our network




The members of the Board of Directors of the Federation of the Gulf Cooperation Council Chambers (FGCCC), at its fifty-second meeting (52) which was held recently in the Omani capital, Muscat, decided to appoint Dr. Saud bin Abdulaziz Al-Mishari as the Secretary-General of the Federation.

Dr. Al-Mishari is expected to handle many internal and external issues and special topics related to the Gulf economic development, the most important of which is the realization of the Gulf common market and the customs union.


Dr. Saud bin Abdulziz Al Mishari

Dr. Saud Al Mashari was the Secretary General of the Council of Saudi Chambers of Commerce & Industry. His previous positions at the council were Assistant Secretary General for Legal and Administrative Affairs, and Assistant Secretary General for Executive Affairs.

Dr. Saud Al Mashari is a Member of various Committees in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and International Legal Associations i.e. Member, International Court of Arbitration, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Paris, France. Chairman, Standing Committee for Arbitration Centres, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Member of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Statistic (GaStat), Saudi Arabia. Member, Committee for Business Facilitation, Council of Economic and Development Affairs, Council of Ministers, Saudi Arabia. Member in the list of approved arbitrators at the Ministry of Justice-Saudi Arabia. Registered as a Member in the list of arbitrators and accredited experts at the GCC Arbitration Centre-Bahrain. Member of the Board of Directors of the National Centre for Palms & Dates (NCPD), Saudi Arabia. Member of the coordinating team with the United Nations Compensation Commission for Gulf War reparations (UNCC), Geneva-Switzerland. Member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce – (ICC), Saudi Arabia. Member of High Grievances Committee, Ministry of Labor, Saudi Arabia Member of the Task Force Committee for Trade and Investment at the B20 business group of the G20 nations. Member of the International Bar Association-London. Member of American Society of International Law, Washington, DC. Member of the Board of Trustees of the Energy Sector Training Board (ESTB), Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco), Saudi Arabia. Member of the National Commission for Environmental Protection, Saudi Arabia.

Prior to his current role, Dr. Al Mashari served as Assistant Professor of Law at The Institute of Public Administration in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Director General - Legal Affairs Department and General Supervisor over Secretariat of the Board of Directors- The Supreme Commission for Tourism, Saudi Arabia. Legal Counsel at the Law Firm of Salah Al-Hejailan; In term Legal Counsel - Legal Department, Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Saudi Arabia and Legal Counsel – office of the General Counsel at Exxon Mobil Petroleum Company (Exxon Mobil), Fairfax, Virginia-USA.

He finished his Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree at King Saud University, Riyadh-Saudi Arabia in 1990. Master’s of Law (LLM), the American University, Washington College of Law, Washington DC, USA in 1993. Doctor of Juridical Science (JSD), Washington University-St. Louis Missouri, USA in 1996. Government Contract Management Program at George Washington University, USA in 1998. Finished his High School Diploma at Riyadh Private Schools in 1985 and completed his primary school at West Hill Primary School, Dartford, Kent, United Kingdom.



أصدر أعضاء مجلس ادارة اتحاد غرف دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي في اجتماعه الثاني والخمسون (52) الذي عقد مؤخراً في العاصمة العمانية مسقط، قراراً بتعيين الدكتور سعود بن عبد العزيز المشاري بمنصب الأمين العام لاتحاد غرف دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي، حيث يعد الدكتور سعود المشاري من الكفاءات الإدارية الوطنية المميزة.

وسيضطلع الدكتور المشاري بمعالجة العديد من القضايا والمواضيع الخاصه الداخليه والخارجيه وذات العلاقة بالتنمية الاقتصادية الخليجية، والتي من أهمها تحقيق السوق الخليجيه المشتركه، والاتحاد الجمركي.

وقد عمل الدكتور المشاري قبل التحاقه بالاتحاد كأمين عام لمجلس الغرف السعودية، ومستشاراً قانونياً بالإدارة القانونية في شركة "اكسون موبيل البترولية" في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، وكان الدكتورالمشاري أستاذاً للقانون في "معهد الإدارة العامة" في الرياض، ومستشاراً غير متفرغ بالإدارة القانونية في "وزارة الطاقة"، كما عمل الدكتور المشاري محامياً ومستشاراً قانونياً في مكتب "صلاح الحجيلان للمحاماة والإستشارات القانونية، وكان الدكتور المشاري عضو / قاضي بمحكمة التحكيم الدولية بباريس، ورئيس اللجنة الدائمة لمراكز التحكيم بالسعودية.


يذكر أن الدكتور المشاري حاصل على درجة الدكتوراه في علم القانون من "جامعة واشنطن" في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكيه، وماجستير في الإختصاص ذاته من "الجامعة الأمريكية في واشنطن" وبكالوريوس في الإختصاص ذاته من "جامعة الملك سعود" في المملكة العربيه السعودية، وهو خريج برنامج القيادة الإستراتيجية من "جامعة هارفرد" وبرنامج إدارة العقود الحكومية من "جامعة جورج واشنطن" في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.

حظيت منصة رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين في يوم الغرف التجارية 2019 بمشاركة فعالة، حيث نورد فيما يلي تغطية لهذا الحدث الأول من نوعه في جنيف.

(Français) (English)

تم تنظيم اليوم العالمي للغرف التجارية في فندق كمبنسكي الشهير على ضفاف بحيرة جنيف مقابل النافورة التي تعد أهم معالم المدينة، في 26 نوفمبر 2019، بمبادرة من غرفة التجارة والصناعة في جنيف، وذلك بالاشتراك مع غرف التجارة بين فرنسا-سويسرا وإيطاليا-سويسرا وبريطانيا-وسويسرا والصين-سويسرا، حيث يعتبر هذا الحدث فريد من نوعه. ضم حوالي 450 من رواد الأعمال، وما يقرب من 30 غرفة تجارية و20 متحدثًا، وشخصيات معروفة من المنظمات الخاصة والعامة والدولية مثل مركز التجارة الدولية (ITC)، ومنظمة التجارة العالمية (WTO) وغرفة التجارة الدولية (ICC)، حيث تشكل جنيف مقرا لها.

في الواقع، ليس من قبيل الصدفة أن يتم اختيار جنيف لتنظيم هذا الحدث، فهي مقر للعديد من المؤسسات الاقتصادية على الساحة الدولية ولعدد كبير من الغرف التجارية، إنها المركز الحقيقي للتعددية الاقتصادية العالمية و "محور غرف التجارة"، على حد تعبير فانسا سوبيليا، مدير غرفة تجارة وصناعة وخدمات جنيف. لقد كان المكان المثالي للجمع بين الجهات الفاعلة الاقتصادية الخاصة والمؤسسات ذات العلاقة ضمن منصة واحدة للتبادل فيما بينها.


منصة للتبادل

التبادل هو العنوان الرئيسي لهذه التظاهرة. فقد تم تخصيص منطقة كاملة تشتمل على ركن لكل غرفة تجارية بحيث شكلت قرية صغيرة، مخصصة للبحث عن المعلومات والتواصل مع الغرف التجارية. تعتبر هذه الغرف ذات خبرة في الأسواق الخاصة بها، ولكل منها عدة مئات أو حتى الآلاف من الشركات الأعضاء، وهي تساعد في ايجاد أثر مضاعف لتسهيل التواصل بين رواد الأعمال الذين حضروا هذا النشاط أيضًا لتطوير أعمالهم.

لتسهيل البحث عن زبائن جدد، تم تجهيز تطبيق يسمح للمشاركين بجدولة مقابلات ثنائية لمدة 15 دقيقة مع الشركات الحاضرة. تمكنت منصة رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين من عقد لقاءات واجراء نقاشات مع العديد من الشركات المشاركة في هذ النشاط وخاصة الشركات العاملة في والشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، كشركة النقل والإمداد (ارامس) (Aramex SA) أو شركة طيران الإمارات (Emirates).

تم تخصيص جزء من هذا اليوم أيضًا لعرض أسواق محددة. تمكن ممثلو الغرف التجارية الثنائية أو الإقليمية أو الدولية من تسليط الضوء على نقاط القوة في أسواقهم وتزويد المشاركين برؤى ثاقبة لآفاق الاستثمار والتسويق في عشر مناطق.


الدول الناشئة: أسواق تنتظر استكشافها

بالإضافة إلى اسواق كل من فرنسا وإيطاليا وبريطانيا، أعار البرنامج اهمية متميزة للأسواق الناشئة، مع استعراض لاسواق كل من الصين والبرازيل وأوراسيا. كانت افريقيا تحت الأضواء، حيث تم استعراض الوضع الاقتصادي فيها تحت عنوان "منطقة النمو التالية، إفريقيا"، حيث تشهد اقتصادات عدة دول فيها من بين أسرع نسب النمو في العالم. وقد أبرز مدير دائرة الأعمال السويسرية الأفريقية (SABC)، مايكل راينجر، اتجاهات القارة: من ذلك ارتفاع مستوى الصادرات إلى البلدان الناشئة؛ وتحسينات ملحوظة في الشروط المتلعلقة بالتجارة؛ الى التكامل الإقليمي الناجم عن إنشاء منطقة جديدة للتجارة الحرة في أفريقيا القارية (AfCFTA). وكما يقول الخبراء، فإن التجارة البينية بين الشركات في البلدان الناشئة ستلقي بظلالها على تدفقات التجارة الدولية في العقود القادمة.

إلى جانب دائرة الأعمال السويسرية الأفريقية لوحظ مشاركة ممثلين عن نادي الأعمال الإفريقي السويسري وكذلك ممثلين لعدة غرف تجارية ثنائية كاتحاد غرف التجارة بين سويسرا وروسيا وغرفة التجارة السويسرية الهنغارية.


أدوات للوصول إلى التجارة الدولية

حظيت كذلك كلمة ارانشا كونداليز (Arancha Gonzalez)، مديرة مركز التجارة الدولية (ITC)، بانتباه الحضور، حيث تحدثت عن آفاق الاستثمار في عالم الأعمال المعولم، وتعرضت بشكل خاص للدعم الذي يقدمه مركز التجارة الدولية للقدرة التنافسية الدولية للمؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم، لا سيما في البلدان الناشئة، مثل فلسطين، التي استشهدت بها على سبيل المثال.

ولانجاز هذا الهدف، طور مركز التجارة الدولية العديد من أدوات تحليل السوق التي تشكل واحدة من أكثر قواعد البيانات شمولاً في العالم، حيث تشتمل على أكثر من 220 دولة و 5300 من منتجات الاستيراد والتصدير. توفر أدوات السوق هذه معلومات أساسية لاصحاب الأعمال لتحديد فرص العمل ومراقبة اتجاهات العرض والطلب ومقارنة شروط الوصول إلى الأسواق. يقوم مركز التجارة الدولية حاليًا بتطوير بوابة عالمية على الإنترنت (Global Trade Helpdesk) لتوفير جميع بيانات التعريفات والتدابير غير التعريفية لكل سوق على حدة.


غرف التجارة في خدمة رواد الأعمال

يعتبر دعم رواد الأعمال من المهام الاساسية لغرف التجارة، على شاكلة المهام التي يقوم بها مركز التجارة الدولية. فهي تعتبر من الشركاء الحقيقيين وميسري الأعمال، حيث تقدم مجموعة كاملة من الخدمات للشركات لربطهم بفرص جديدة، على الصعيدين المحلي والدولي. كما أنها تساعد على اسماع اصوات اللاعبين الاقتصاديين الأصغر وصولا للتأثير على السياسات العامة، حيث انه لا يتوفر لهم مثل هذه الفرصة على الرغم من أنهم يمثلون أكثر من 95٪ من نسيج ريادة الأعمال وأكثر من 60٪ من فرص العمل في أي اقتصاد. وهي بذلك تعزز مصالح مجتمع الأعمال في المجال السياسي وتدافع عن شروط الإطار المواتية للأعمال التجارية.

بفضل قوة شبكاتها، وتنوع أنشطتها وخدماتها وخبرتها المتطورة في أسواقها، لا يمكن إغفال القيمة المضافة لغرف التجارة. كان توحيد جهود الغرف هذه أحد الأهداف التي حددها منظمو يوم الغرف. وهو تحدي جدير بالاهتمام.

Présente à la Chambers' Day 2019, la plateforme Swiss Arab Entrepreneurs s'en fait le relais

(English) (عربي) 

C'est face au fameux jet d'eau de Genève, dans le prestigieux hôtel Kempinski, que s'est tenue la première journée mondiale des chambres de commerces, le 26 novembre 2019. Initié par la Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Genève (CCIG), à laquelle se sont associées les chambres de commerce France-Suisse, Italie-Suisse, Grande-Bretagne-Suisse et Suisse-Chine, l'événement est unique en son genre. Il a réuni quelques 450 entrepreneurs, près de 30 chambres de commerce et 20 orateurs, des dirigeants renommés des secteurs privé, public et des organisations internationales, telles que le Centre du commerce international (ITC), l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) ou la centenaire Chambre de commerce internationale (ICC), toutes installées à Genève.

Ce n'est en effet pas un hasard, si la Chambers' Day a choisi Genève : siège de nombreuses institutions de la scène économique internationale et d'un nombre inégalé de chambres de commerce, elle est le véritable centre du multilatéralisme économique mondial et le «hub des chambres de commerce», selon le mot de Vincent Subilia, directeur de la CCIG. Elle était bien le lieu idéal pour rassembler acteurs économiques privés et institutionnels au sein d’une même plateforme d’échanges.


Plateforme d'échanges

L'échange, voilà le maître-mot de cette journée. Tout un espace y était consacré : le Village des chambres, dédié à la recherche d'informations et de contacts avec des chambres de commerce. Expertes de leurs marchés respectifs, et comptant chacune plusieurs centaines voire milliers d'entreprises membres, elles offrent un effet multiplicateur au réseautage pour des entrepreneurs venus aussi faire des affaires à la Chambers' Day.

En quête de nouveaux leads, une application dédiée leur permettait du reste de programmer des entretiens de 15 minutes avec les sociétés présentes. Egalement approchée par plusieurs entrepreneurs, la plateforme Swiss Arab Entrepreneurs a pu initier des discussions avec plusieurs opérateurs implantés notamment en Afrique du Nord et au Moyen-Orient, comme l'entreprise de logistique Aramex SA ou la compagnie aériennne Emirates.

Une partie de la journée était également consacrée à la présentation de marchés particuliers. Des représentants des chambres de commerce binationales, régionales ou internationales ont ainsi pu mettre en avant les atouts de leurs marchés et fournir aux participants un éclairage sur les perspectives d'investissement et de commercialisation dans une dizaine de régions.


Les pays émergents : des marchés à explorer

Outre la France, l'Italie et la Grande-Bretagne, le programme a fait la part belle aux marchés émergents, avec des market pitches sur la Chine, le Brésil ou l'Eurasie. Sous le titre parlant The next growth frontier, l'Afrique, dont plusieurs pays connaissent parmi les plus fortes croissances économiques au monde, était également à l'honneur. Directeur du Swiss-African Business Circle (SABC), Michael Rheinegger a mis en lumière les tendances du continent : niveau important d'exportation en direction de pays émergents; améliorations notables des conditions cadres pour le commerce; intégration régionale favorisée par la création de la nouvelle zone de libre échange d'Afrique continentale (AfCFTA). Ainsi que les experts l'affirment, les échanges intrarégionaux entre entreprises des pays émergents façonneront les flux commerciaux internationaux dans les décennies à venir. 

Notons au côté du SABC, la participation du Club d'affaires Afrique-Suisse ainsi que des représentants de plusieurs chambres binationales de commerce et de lindustrie tel que l’union des chambres de commerce Suisse-Russie et la chambre de commerce Suisse-Hongrie.


Des outils pour accéder au commerce international

A n'en pas douter, elles auront prêté une oreille attentive à l'intervention d'Arancha Gonzalez, directrice du Centre du commerce international (ITC), au sujet des perspectives d'investissement dans le monde globalisé des affaires, et surtout, à propos du soutien fourni par ITC à la compétitivité internationale des petites et moyennes entreprises, en particulier dans les pays émergents, comme en Palestine dont elle a cité l'exemple.

A cette fin, l'ITC a développé plusieurs outils d'analyse de marché formant l'une des bases de données les plus étendues au monde, avec plus de 220 pays et 5'300 produits d'import-export renseignés. Ces market tools fournissent des informations indispensables aux entrepreneurs pour identifier les opportunités commerciales, suivre les tendances de l'offre et de la demande et comparer les conditions d’accès aux marchés. L'ITC développe en ce moment un portail en ligne global (Global Trade Helpdesk) afin de fournir toutes les données tarifaires et les mesures non tarifaires, marché par marché.


Les chambres de commerce au service des entrepreneurs

A l'image de l'ITC, le soutien aux entrepreneurs est également au cœur du mandat des chambres de commerce. Véritables partenaires et facilitateurs d'affaires, elles offrent toute une palette de services aux entreprises pour les connecter à de nouvelles opportunités, aussi bien au niveau local qu’à l'international. Elles contribuent également à faire entendre la voix des acteurs économiques trop petits pour influencer les politiques publiques, alors qu'ils représentent pourtant plus de 95% du tissu entrepreneurial et plus de 60% des emplois de n’importe quelle économie. Elles assurent ainsi la promotion des intérêts des milieux de l'économie dans la sphère politique et la défense des conditions-cadres propices aux entreprises.

Grâce à la puissance de leurs réseaux, la diversité de leurs activités et services et l'expertise pointue de leurs marchés respectifs, la valeur ajoutée des chambres de commerce est indéniable. Les fédérer était l'un des objectifs que s'étaient donnés les organisateurs de la Chambers' Day. Voilà ce défi relevé.

Present at Chambers' Day 2019, the Swiss Arab Entrepreneurs platform enjoyed an active participation, we present below a coverage of this first event of its kind in Geneva.

(Français) (عربي)

It is in front of the famous Geneva water jet, in the prestigious Kempinski hotel, that the first world day of the chambers of commerce was held, on November 26, 2019. Initiated by the Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIG), with which other joint chambers of commerce are associated such as the chamber of commerce France-Switzerland, Italy-Switzerland, UK-Switzerland and Switzerland-China. This day is a unique event. It brought together some 450 entrepreneurs, nearly 30 chambers of commerce and 20 speakers, renowned leaders from the private, public and international organizations such as the International Trade Center (ITC), the World Trade Organization (WTO) or the centenary International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), all based in Geneva.

It is indeed no coincidence that Chambers' Day chose Geneva: the headquarter of many institutions on the international economic scene and a numerous chambers of commerce, it is a real center of global economic multilateralism and the “Hub of chambers of commerce” according to the words of Vincent Subilia, director of the CCIG. It was the ideal place to bring together private and institutional economic actors within the same platform to facilitate exchange.


Exchange platform

Exchange is the key word for this day. A whole area was dedicated to it: the Village of Chambers, dedicated to provide information and to create contacts with chambers of commerce. Experts in their respective markets, and each having several hundred or even thousands of member companies, they offer a multiplier effect to networking for entrepreneurs who also came to do business at Chambers' Day.

In search of new leads, a dedicated application allowed them to schedule 15-minute interviews with the companies present. Also approached by several entrepreneurs, the Swiss Arab Entrepreneurs platform was able to initiate discussions with several operators located in particular in North Africa and the Middle East, such as the logistics company Aramex SA or the airline company Emirates.

Part of the day was also devoted to the presentation of specific markets. Representatives of binational, regional or international chambers of commerce were able to highlight the strengths of their markets and provide participants with insights into the investment and marketing prospects in around ten regions.


Emerging countries: markets to explore

In addition to France, Italy and UK, the program has given pride of place to emerging markets, with market pitches on China, Brazil and Eurasia. Under the title “The next growth frontier, Africa”, in which several countries are experiencing among the fastest growing economies in the world, was also in the spotlight. Director of the Swiss-African Business Circle (SABC), Michael Rheinegger highlighted trends on the continent: high level of exports to emerging countries, notable improvements in the framework conditions for trade and regional integration favored by the creation of the new free trade area of continental Africa (AfCFTA). As experts say, intra-regional trade between companies in emerging countries will shape international trade flows in the decades to come.

Alongside the SABC, we note the participation of the Africa-Switzerland Business Club as well as representatives of several joint chambers of commerce and indutrie such as the union of the Switzerland-Russia chambers of commerce and the Swiss-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce.


Tools to access international trade

Undoubtedly, they will have listened attentively to the intervention of Arancha Gonzalez, director of the International Trade Center (ITC), on the investment prospects in the globalized world of business, and above all, to regarding the support provided by ITC to the international competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in particular in emerging countries, such as in Palestine, of which it cited the example.


To this end, ITC has developed several market analysis tools forming one of the most extensive databases in the world, including information on more than 220 countries and 5,300 import-export products. These market tools provide essential information for entrepreneurs to identify business opportunities, monitor supply and demand trends and compare market access conditions. ITC is currently developing a global online portal (Global Trade Helpdesk) to provide all tariff data and non-tariff measures, market by market.


Chambers of commerce serving entrepreneurs

Supporting entrepreneurs, like ITC, is also at the heart of the mandate of chambers of commerce. Real partners and business facilitators, they offer a whole range of services to companies to connect them to new opportunities, both locally and internationally. They also help to make the voice of economic players, too small to influence public policies, even though they represent more than 95% of the entrepreneurial community and more than 60% of jobs in any economy. They thus promote the interests of the business community in the political sphere and defend the business-friendly framework conditions.

Grâce à la puissance de leurs réseaux, la diversité de leurs activités et services et l'expertise pointue de leurs marchés respectifs, la valeur ajoutée des chambres de commerce est indéniable. Les fédérer était l'un des objectifs que s'étaient donnés les organisateurs de la Chambers' Day. Voilà ce défi relevé.

Thanks to the power of their networks, the diversity of their activities and services and the cutting-edge expertise of their respective markets, the added value of chambers of commerce is undeniable. Federating them was one of the objectives that the organizers of the Chambers' Day had set for themselves. It is a worthy challenge.



Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global)

In an exclusive interview with the founder and Chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), H.E.Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh talks about the first Arab laptop and tablet


As part of the interviews conducted by the Swiss-Arab Entrepreneurs Platform with influential Arab and foreign economic figures, we interviewed Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and Chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global).

In this interview, Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh highlights the new computer that his group has produced completely. It reviews the origins of the dispute between America and China and the desire to find a new world order and reduce Chinese influence.

He then introduces a general principle of intellectual rights principles that allows any individual or country to inspire new ideas through existing products and develop them to register a new invention. Hence, he talked about China's economic renaissance and how China has used this principle to develop its own technology and excel the American Technology.

Regarding the Arab world, he considered there is no unified Arab economy or even a common Arab market because of the differences between the Arab countries and the weakness of the inter-exchanges among them, expressing regret of the lack of the economic integration among Arab countries and the lack of an effective role for Arabs at the international level.

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh also briefed us on the current important trends of economic growth, given the current industrial revolution based on cognitive technology. Knowledge is the real wealth. The human being is its pillar and its basic material.

Regarding the economic sectors that need investments, he said there is no need to waste time in the search for foreign investments, stressing the necessity of self-reliance, expressing his full support for entrepreneurship and creativity. He concluded by saying there is no limit to the creation of the human mind. A creative idea imagined by the mind can form the nucleus of a successful invention and tremendous wealth.


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Talal Abu-Ghazaleh is the founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), a global group of companies providing professional services in accounting, management consulting, technology transfer, training, education, intellectual property, legal services, information technology, recruitment, translation, publishing and distribution. Besides being awarded the title of Arab Accounting Leader, he was recognized for promoting the importance of intellectual property in the Arab region.

He is also the author of several books. He recently published The Brave Knowledge World. It talks about the world of knowledge under the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the role of knowledge in economic development.

Talal Abu-Ghazaleh was born in Jaffa, Palestine on April 22, 1938. After 1948, he moved to the Lebanese village of Ghaziyeh, a quarter of an hour from the coastal city of Sidon in Lebanon. He received his primary and secondary education in Sidon and continued his university education at the American University of Beirut, where he received a full scholarship. When Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh was still a university student, he worked as a teacher and translator. He got his first job after graduation in an audit firm. In 1969, upon hearing a speech on intellectual property at the Time-Warner Conference in San Francisco, Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh decided to work on intellectual property rights and accounting.

In 1972, he established two companies, Talal Abu-Ghazaleh (TAGCO) and Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property (AGIP). The first specialized in accounting. The second specialized in the field of intellectual property. Abu-Ghazaleh has 140 professional services companies specialized in diverse fields such as management, consulting, legal services, information technology and many others.

Over the years, Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh has established close partnerships with international organizations such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization and has been appointed to many international positions. 


We had this interview with HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh

Founder, Mr. Ayman Abualkhair with HE.Dr. Talal Abu Ghazaleh in his headquarter in Amman - Jordan


SAE: Talal Abu-Ghazaleh is one of the most prominent economic figures in the Arab world and a pioneer of intellectual property in the world, if you would kindly give us a summary of your most important achievements.

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: From about twenty years we have moved from the major institution in the Arab world to become global. For example, you have mentioned intellectual property, we are the largest intellectual property institution in the world, so our name is Tag Global, and we have over 110 offices around the world. We practice all activities; professional audit, consulting, training, capacity building, in all professional areas and this month we started a new activity, we started the production of technical tools, whether Tablets or laptops.


SAE: Actually, we read about this in the media if you can give us an explanation about the different products you produce?

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: We feel that our region needs to be involved in the computer industry because there is no reason why the Arab world should not enter this industry; the Arab world deserves to have a computer industry as other countries.

We have made studies and experiments during a period of several years, until we produced a Tablet and the goal of producing it, in addition to that it is a multitask device, is to be a smart school bag. For the state, the cost of schools is very high (facilities, professors, students, books and the necessary equipment) while using this technology can save a lot through intelligent cognitive study.

In addition to this device, we have completed two laptops of our design and our own manufacturing, and we are not producing through another manufacturing institution. We produce and market, and we have our own brand, and we do not have a partner, our brand is TAG Tech (Talal Abu-Ghazaleh For Technology (TAGTech)) and is produced entirely by us. At first, we wanted something that reduces the cost, as our mission is to spread knowledge in the Arab world, and in the world in general. We wanted to offer a computer with a lower cost than any other company in the world, but at the same time, we wanted to honor our name as Talal Abu Ghazaleh Global, so we could maintain low cost but we maintained high quality to be competitive at the international level.

We have two devices with specifications higher than what exists in the market. I am talking about the major producers in the world. We have technologies with higher specifications than what exist in the world or in terms of price. The fact that the objective of this project is to serve the society, Talal Abu Ghazaleh Foundation, which is the arm of Talal Abu Ghazaleh Global, funded this project with the aim that its price becomes competitive and at the same time high quality, so do not believe me but believe the truth and look at the device and compare it. Our slogan is (compare and then decide). Compare our device with the best devices in the market, if you do not find it as the best then do not buy: And compare its price, if it’s not the cheapest one do not buy it. We have achieved the device with the highest specifications and almost half the price. This device will be in use soon. We will start from a certain area. It is the Arab region, but our goal is not only this region. Abu Ghazaleh Intellectual Property and many other activities are leading the world, I see no complexity or shame to say we want to become an international producer of information technology.


SAE: Thank you for this initiative, because the question really why the Arab world does not enter technical manufacturing in the field of computers, phones or tablets?

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: All the Western and Eastern countries produce these technologies, is it forbidden for the Arabs alone to produce? Is there a decision to ban the production of equipment in the Arab world, and I say this, because this is the first Arab production from the private sector.


SAE: Regarding the competition, I heard your comparison between price and quality, we hope to see a presentation about the advantages of the device.

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: we have the best device with the best quality and the most competitive price. Because our international name and reputation are all integrated. We are keen to produce high-quality devices to reflect our reputation as one of the largest accounting companies in the world and auditing, consulting and translation, we are the largest translation company in the world. We are the largest company in the provision of training programs, qualification and capacity building in the world. We are the largest company in the field of intellectual property, so we cannot produce a product that is not the highest level, our reputation is a very important issue. All our activities are under the name TAG so we can only be producers of the best device. Supported by Tag Foundation, we have been able to minimize the cost of production.


SAE: Thank you very much for this introduction about this invention, this Arab production in the field of computers and tablets for the first time. Abu-Ghazaleh is said to be the largest company in the world. Is it the largest company in intellectual property or accounting?

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: It is the largest intellectual property company ever. In accounting, there is the Forum of Firms, under the umbrella of the International Federation of Certified Public Accountants (IFAC) in New York, it founded the Forum of Accounting Firms abbreviated to (FOF). It contains twenty companies, it is known under the G20, in which our company is a member, and we are the only one from the region. This Forum of Forms includes international companies that are committed to applying international accounting standards and principles, whether as standards or principles of transparency. The focus is on adherence to principles and transparency. Who applies these conditions joins this forum. We are a member since its establishment until now.


SAE: Regarding your personal career, what are the most difficult moments you have faced?

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: For me, the most difficult moments are the sweetest moments. I believe that problems make success and that suffering is a blessing. When my colleagues come to me saying: we have a problem, I thank God for that. They say, director, we have a problem, I say I hear you completely. The problem means there is a solution, which means that there is success when you have a problem and you can find solutions and solve them. This is an opportunity, the problem is an opportunity and not only a problem.

I also talk about the global economy now and I have released a full report about the next global crisis, it explains this crisis and how it will end. I expect it will happen next year, i.e., 2020, it will end with the so-called (stagflation) or recession and high prices at the same time. This is a deadly and very bad recipe to have a recession with high prices. So, I pretend I am not inventing this thing or dreaming. I study and analyze phenomena and centers of studies in the world, especially in America talk about that. I say this crisis will force America to enter a war. This war is not with Iran. The importance of Iran comes from it being a supplier of China with oil. The problem is in my personal discretion, in preventing Iran from exporting oil, it’s not because of nuclear weapons. There are many countries in the world that have nuclear weapons, the problem is not the problem of a nuclear bomb. The problem is that America wants to put an end to the rise of China technically and economically and this is its right. If I am America, I cannot allow a country to outdo me. This is not my opinion, but I summarize what the research centers say.

America wants to sit down with China, but China is not willing to sit down to create a new world order, the United States of America, and this is its diligence and it may do so. It says that the current system developed after World War II in 1948 and the resulting Bretton Woods and all the other consequences is no longer valid. It wants to sit down with China to forge a new world order. China says it has no ambitions to control the world, politically, militarily, or administratively. Chinese adhere to the existing standards because it suits them. America and I repeat it has the right to do whatever it deems appropriate, says that we need a new order. Therefore, we see that all American decisions and I do not say Trump, Trump represents this important institution “America”, the issue is not a personal battle with Trump. There are centers for decision-making. The way decisions are presented varies from president to president, but decision-making is not the choice of the president. So, there is an American approach that we want a new world by all standards, for example, we do not accept attempts to depart from the dollar's control over global transactions, this is a very important and sensitive issue and there is no room for maneuver. And when Macron calls for new international currency, I think the anger on Macron is based on his declarations when he said it is time for a new world currency, this talk is not a music which suits the USA, never.


SAE: For the dollar, you mentioned a very important issue, which is linked to the Bretton Woods system, many economists talk about the petrodollars?

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: There is no such thing as the petrodollar. This means that oil is sold in dollars. There is no dollar on which it is written “oil”. As the American proverb says, the US dollar is green and has no other colors.

Also, I laugh when it is said that oil prices are determined by supply and demand. For example, we note in a certain month that oil prices are falling by 50% and this happened really, and the price dropped to 20 dollars. Does the consumption of the world fall by 50% in one day or one month, and then rise once, these days oil prices rise on a daily basis. Is there a measure of supply and demand for oil?! Of course not. These are political decisions.


SAE: Is there a possibility for a particular entity to compete with the dollar?

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: I do not disclose secrets. Today some countries started to deal bilaterally with their own currencies; this is not acceptable for the USA. In Bretton Woods, the dollar became the only currency to deal with, as a measurement currency and as a reserve currency. This is now under discussion. China and all the BRICS said, "The time has come". The World Bank is looking at other currency formats. There are a lot of transactions going on between countries. We went back to Barter's theory. This is a departure from the dollar's control of the world, and we must consider certain circumstances.

In my view, the issue is not only the uniqueness of America in the decision-making, America feels that the world we live in now no longer fits what was formulated 70 or 80 years ago. We know that wars end with meetings, negotiations and agreements. There is no local, regional or international war unless it ends with meetings to negotiate and take new decisions. That is what is required: a war to force America, Britain, China and Russia to sit at the negotiating table to find new solutions for the world.


SAE: Regarding IP, economists say that IP is being used as a weapon to undermine small businesses and prevent new competitors from entering.

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: There are no big and small companies. I served on the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) system, which is responsible for intellectual property, and on the World Trade Organization (WTO) Council of Experts, to discuss intellectual property. Intellectual property systems and agreements are clear, there is no small or large.

There are laws that determine how to register your invention, how to protect your invention, how to file claims and procedures for those who infringe your invention. There is a new look at this subject led by America. America thinks this system is flawed, when I invented a mobile phone, for example, and you invent a better mobile,

As we are now making an IT device laptop or tablet better than the existing ones, this is an exploitation of the existing product, and is not a new invention. The WTO agreements in the TRIPS Council and the World Intellectual Property Organization, and intellectual property agreements in the whole world, say that any update on something that exists is a new invention, this is the current system.

Now there is an American point of view that says: when it put Apple products in China to delocalize the production, China took the technology of Apple and made a new invention. This invention is an infringement on the USA, though China has to pay compensation for that, this is a view I don't want to look into, because this is a conflict between big countries, and by the way, no one is talking about it. The dispute between China and the USA is, in my opinion, not about product taxes, customs or economic sanctions, but about this invention.

Because if you want to talk about the theft or aggression of American technologies by China you are talking, and I use these words from an American point of view, you are talking about not only billions, but trillions of dollars. We are talking about all fields and not just IT tools, for example, the Internet, is an American invention and in return there is a Chinese Internet. America considers this infringement of its rights from its point of view. From the Chinese point of view, intellectual property agreements say that any different invention or so-called innovation, with modernization, is a new invention and this is the biggest problem.


SAE: By the way, I read an economic book in which the Chinese economy is mentioned as a new paradigm, it has changed the Western economic model based on creativity, by relying on imitation and led to a new economic revolution.

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: I feel this is the main problem, the rest is only details. Because in this world, in my opinion, power, domination and control over the world are the product of technology, and it is no longer the same as before, i.e., as a result of the economic, political and military power, this was before. The most important criterion now is not military power, but two things: technical power and economic power, and technical power is the one that leads to economic power. It can be summed up that technical superiority is the leadership of the world.


SAE: Regarding the Arab economy, what is your assessment of the Arab economy? There are strong factors of natural resources and population. How do you evaluate the Arab economies in general and what are the obstacles to the renaissance and economic development?

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: The problem I say with pain, there is not a single Arab economy and there is no Arab economic integration. The Arab League, although having an important role, does not achieve economic integration, however it is a house for Arabs and represents a symbol of our Arab unity, but there is no such thing as the Arab economy. The Arab countries deal with foreign countries far more than they do with each other. Second, there is no similarity between the economy in any Gulf state, with Morocco, or with a country in the middle of the Arab world. The problem now is, according to a recent study, you will see in my report on the world economy that in 2030, the Chinese economy will become twice the size of the US economy, 2030 means tomorrow.


SAE: Actually the Chinese economy surpassed the US economy.

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: But it will be twice the US economy and what will become the second economy? then India, then Indonesia. We are facing a changing world because the criteria for growth is not traditional standards that were in the past, now it depends on: first, the size of the population, and I wish we can say that the size of our population is such, because there is no relationship between the size of the population in any country with any other Arab country, while when we talk about Indonesia the size of its population or India the size of its population. In the world productive knowledge is per capita and therefore the size of the population is very important. And secondly that you can act by turning your country into a state technical knowledge that can compete with technology and this is a very important subject, because we still think that’s the power to attract investment. We invoke our time in calling for investment and bringing in foreign investments, while one invention, for example, Google is a computer application that does not require raw materials, investment, foreign capital, government capital or anything like that. We do not even know where it is located, it is worth about one trillion dollars, the size of the Arab economy.


SAE: Actually we cannot talk about a unified Arab economy, but because of language factors, you can talk about one Arab market, for example, your invention could target the Arab world as a single market?

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: It is not possible to think of the Arab region as a single market, because every country has its own systems, borders, requirements, standard of living, own capabilities, there is no one country, we are not India. And even the Common Market Agreement, of course, a dream has not been achieved, let us start again, if we want to become one market and one force, we must start again and stop dreaming and say what we must do to become so.


SAE: Concerning the entrepreneurship, what is your point of view of the entrepreneurship in the Arab world? It is generally said that the future is not for jobs but for independent careers or entrepreneurship, what is do you think of this and what sectors can be worked on and developed?

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: Entrepreneurs are part of the country's economy. For example, when Bill Gates succeeds, the entire US economy benefits, so I strongly support entrepreneurs, I was yesterday in a ceremony to honor the first students of the Tawjihi (High school) in Jordan. And I honored the outstanding students and I gave them honorary shields and discussed with them because they are the ones who can make the future.


SAE: Are there specific sectors you recommend to invest in?

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh: Never, any invention in the world, who can imagine that an invention such as a telephone will change the world?! I was, of course, involved in the development of information technology strategies when I was elected at the United Nations in 2001 as the head of United Nations’ IT team that developed the IT strategy of mobile phones, laptops, etc. Any innovation is an invention. If you invent a system to protect cyber security, it's an invention. And if you invent something in genetics, it is an invention, an innovation in robots is an invention. There are no limits for innovations. Entrepreneurs have infinite initiatives. They have a sea of ​​inventions to do. I have referred to this during my meeting with the students yesterday. I said you cannot imagine how many areas you have to invent, if you are an engineer you have areas for inventions in engineering by applying artificial intelligence, there are countless possibilities to invent. In this field there are more than 1000 projects and ways to develop the engineering system. I said a sentence and I want to conclude by it. All what the human mind can imagine as a dream or imagination is a reality waiting for the realization. Almighty when he created man, he makes his mind as the leadership of creativity. I mean, if you think that there is something to happen and it will happen, when we were thinking about making a plane that could fly, it was a joke, how could an iron object fly in the air? Science fiction in the past was for entertainment, but today it has become a fact. So, all that the human mind can imagine is a fact waiting for the realization.


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